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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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uh I think I'm supposed to moderate here


Just keep the bitching down. IMO there is a difference between complaining and bitching. You can complain and have the complaint rebutted, but once it becomes the SAME thing over and over, battering back and forth, it just gets old.

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I would like to complain about the people complaining about the people complaining about the people complaining about people complaining.

I would also like to complain about myself, what a complainer!

Now what were we talking about again?

A $26 million dollar coaster that's going to be the highest and fastest in Canada?

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It is the same 3 or 4 people that just go back and forth. So stupid!


Build your own damn rollercoaster the way you would like it. Don't put any trims on it. Give it some 'ejector' and 'floater' air. Make the trains with however many people you want across. Oh and don't forget to get more comfortable restraints if it has inversions. Oh and if you make a simulation video make sure the theming is exactly the same. Finally, for gods sake, make sure its a color "you" like.


One last thing, quit your stupid complaining all you strange people. If that is your home park be happy you are not getting a lame dive coaster or Goliath clone.

If it is not your home park, then shut up and don't worry about it. you probably wont get to ride it.

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If the ride ops are slow and can't get the train out of the station fast enough, will the third train have to stop on the MCBR? Or are three train B&M's able to stack trains with one in the station and two in the final brake run?

The final brake run should be large enough to accomodate two trains for the inevitable stacking. Was it confirmed that there would be three trains on Behemoth? Seems very un-Wonderlandy.


Stupid jerk above me got post #307 in the thread! Damn you , stupid jerk!

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If the ride ops are slow and can't get the train out of the station fast enough, will the third train have to stop on the MCBR? Or are three train B&M's able to stack trains with one in the station and two in the final brake run?


LOL Has anyone seen a coaster where they purposely stopped train on the mcbr, except for very very rare occasions? Every coaster is equiped for enough braking to hold three trains. B&M or any other coaster.

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If the ride ops are slow and can't get the train out of the station fast enough, will the third train have to stop on the MCBR? Or are three train B&M's able to stack trains with one in the station and two in the final brake run?


I'm sure that 3 trains can stack in the station/final break runs easilly.


It wouldn't make sense to design a ride which would hold a train on a MCBR if a train isn't dispatched quick enough.

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LOL Has anyone seen a coaster where they purposely stopped train on the mcbr, except for very very rare occasions? Every coaster is equiped for enough braking to hold three trains. B&M or any other coaster.


*cough* Gemini *cough*


And, of course, things like Space Mountain (all except Paris).



Baron of Blocking

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I'm amazed at all the negative feedback this ride has gotten, I thought it would have been received a lot better. IMHO it looks like "If B&M had designed Millennium Force (with more airtime and less downtime? )" and I thought a lot more people would have been looking forward to it.


I have to say that I personally don't care for the name (although I think it's a pretty amusing jab at Six Flags), and I'm a shade skeptical of the new trains (and am guessing that was a Cedar Fair request rather than B&M's idea) but the ride looks awesome-I don't think the one row of four seats missing will kill capacity-32 people + three trains should be fine.


As far as the trims-yeah, that's too bad, but I think it's better to ride first and decide if they have a negative effect or not. The way I see it, they're in place for safety and to prevent wear and tear and not to be deliberately detrimental to the ride. I'd rather see a few brakes than a lot of breakdowns.....

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I don't know about everyone else but I think the new trains look like they will give quite a funky experience, but they do look a bit odd.


Even if you dont like them, you've got to give credit to B&M for trying something different. (something they hav'nt done since the Flying coaster or possible Sheikra)


BTW I doubt it will break into anyones 'top ten'

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No one knows what the ride will be like till it opens to the public, Most B&M's are amazing and ride well.


Too many trims (the park may not use them, depends on the situation at that time), 2 high, 2 fast, 2 slow, wrong colour on supports n trains, wrong type of trains, Trains 2 long, wrong type of supports, wrong area for coaster etc.


All the above is just silly, there is no need to be judgemental so soon, why deny yourself just over some silly things, coasters are created for enjoyment, not to say "this one is good, but this one Jackhammers".


Everyone has a choice: You ride or don't ride. Simple as that. If this ride was built nearer to where I live, I'll ride it if it was trimmed to death or not trimmed at all.


Makes no difference to me as long as I get some and the ride keeps its speed along the layout.

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