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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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One question... At the end when the train is braking i noticed the on the downward part of the final run the train slowed down with what looked like no brakes. So is the real ride going to magically slow down like that or was that a possible oversight of the computer animater


Are you serious....

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One question... At the end when the train is braking i noticed the on the downward part of the final run the train slowed down with what looked like no brakes. So is the real ride going to magically slow down like that or was that a possible oversight of the computer animater


It's going to magically slow down.


Canada has a large lepricauhn population, so I'm sure they'll hire a few to slow the trains down.

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I dont know what to think. B&M is always 4 across. or 8 or 10 but mainly 4. Not 1 and 2 and 1.


You yourself just admitted that B&M is not "always" 4 across.



Personally, these trains don't surprise me at all. I mean, how else can B&M come up with a train design that is easy and different? They've already done almost everything else.

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Do you think that this coaster will have the best drop on any B&M Mega Coaster? The only one I've been on is Raging Bull and that had one of the best first drops I ever went on, and with this one being steeper and higher it would probably be better huh? I haven't been on the other ones though.

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The drop looks amazing, and at 85*, it should be one of the best drops on any coaster. Now, if riders are stapled in, then it might not be so great, but even if riders are, it should still be one great drop. Now that more time has passed, I like the ride more. I still don't think it is B&M's best, but it looks like their second or third best hyper.

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I think this will definetely be B&M's best coaster ever, yes, better than Nitro or Sheikra. This coaster may even be better than the king of hypers, Superman:Ride of Steel at SFNE. I mean look at that layout. Can you think of any hyper with a better layout than that? I sure as hell can't!

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^ How about Superman at SFNE?


It is very, very premature to say that this ride is going to be one of the best rides in the world.


It'll be good, but I really don't think it's going to be THAT good.


The people around here will probably think it's the best ever, because quite frankly, they don't know any better.

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I think this will definetely be B&M's best coaster ever, yes, better than Nitro or Sheikra. This coaster may even be better than the king of hypers, Superman:Ride of Steel at SFNE. I mean look at that layout. Can you think of any hyper with a better layout than that? I sure as hell can't!


Funny, cause I think this ride has a crappier layout than every B&M hyper except Silver Star and Goliath at La Ronde.

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Why the Bacon trains suck on the outside and I don't think they would offer much to a traditional hyper layout. Not to mention 20 pages of talking about these trains is enough do we rerally need to open it for other speculation.


I missed you too man. You got a point. Nuff said on the trains.

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Do you think that this coaster will have the best drop on any B&M Mega Coaster? The only one I've been on is Raging Bull and that had one of the best first drops I ever went on, and with this one being steeper and higher it would probably be better huh? I haven't been on the other ones though.

I say no, I think the ones with the pre-drop are best

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Are trims bad? Yes, but I'll deal with them knowing that it's better for the ride. Like I already stated, I would rather have a trimmed ride, than no ride at all, because a weld broke on one of the trains and the ride has to be shut down for the rest of the season.


That is the absolute worst logic I have ever heard.


The thing was just freaking designed. You design a ride to operate without trims. If they are necessary later, then the design was a bit off or more intense than expected, and the trims will help the ride to be less intense/last longer.



However, you do not design a ride that has trims on three consecutive hills to begin with. It's completely nonsensical. Just lower the first drop and remove the trims. For example, you wouldn't build a coaster with the following elements:



200 foot first hill

Heavy trim brake

90 foot second hill

75 foot third hill

55 foot fourth hill

40 foot helix

45 foot MCBR

3 hops with height below 30 feet




Instead, you would just make the lift shorter, thereby saving money on:


A. Track/catwalks

B. Supports

C. Lift chain (and chain maintenance)

D. Installation of lift track/supports

E. Installation and maintenance of trim brakes

F. Accessories for trim brakes (computer controls, pressurized air tanks, etc.)



Reducing the number of trims reduces maintenance costs to a certain point. It is just dumb to overengineer a ride to the point that you have a trim before each hill to ensure that the force is exactly 0g. Just design the ride well in the first place and have confidence in your design. This will make the ride more enjoyable, and will also prevent the park from turning the trims up, killing the ride experience (Raging Bull, Silver Star).




Additionally, the ride should be designed to last. If there are welds breaking on the trains, you f***ed up as a designer, both on the train design and track design. No trims are going to fix poor design. In the end, it's about confidence in design.


I tell you what, if I was shelling out $26 million, I'd want a hell of a lot more confidence in design from B&M than they/Stengel GmbH are displaying right now. Ridiculous amounts of overengineering.




While there are less riders per train, I kinda like the seating arrangement.

EDIT: Unless you're on the outside or up front, there's not much of a view from the typical 4 across seating. It'd be neat if it was floorless too.


Actually, the view is fine from 4-across, it's the exact same from each seat. With this, the view will be obstructed a bit on the back/side seats.


Fewer riders per train

Longer load times

Partially obstructed views




So dumb.....

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