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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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^ The park isn't even open right now.


There might be more pics after the weekend.


This isn't Cedar Point, so you're not going to get 100s of daily pics.


very true, it's still operating like a Paramount Park >_<


but I would think that they would want to get on construction before Winter....


No, it's being run like a seasonal park. No parks in this area are open during the week in Sept/October.


There's probably alot of construction going on right now with the park closed.

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I think a lot of focus from the park is going towards Halloween Haunt. From what I've seen so far (and not even a lot), it looks promising.


But I'm sure after Halloween Haunt, they'll kick it into overdrive over at the Behemoth construction site.

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Behemoth construction pics at Wonderland site updated




In addition I also have a question for the community since I am sure several people can chime in on this. Over on the CWMania site there is this suggestion from a couple of it's users that we were lied to in terms of the degree of drop we will get. They are suggesting it will be a 74 degree drop instead of the 85 degree that was made official by Wonderland.


I work in management for a large(ish) corp and I cannot imagine the negative backlash we would get if we told a bald faced lie as such. This sounds like nothing more than BS to me; but how about you? Has this sort of deception taken place in the past with any parks/rides that you can remember?



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I know that sometimes things get adjusted about the ride during the project. I wouldn't think that they would claim to have a 85 degree drop, and then not do it. This is B&M we are talking about here. If they were to adjust the ride, Im sure they would post it, or something. Kinda like when Intamin had to take out the one element on Maverick...

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Has this sort of deception taken place in the past with any parks/rides that you can remember?


The first that comes to mind is Blackpool and Big One. They announced the ride as something like 235 feet tall. But it's actually only about 215, the park used the height above sea level or something.


As far as the "drop is only 74 degrees" is there any fact behind that rumor? or is it just a bunch of people speculating? Because I have yet to see anything which explains where it's coming from.


And besides, the difference between 74 degrees and 85 isn't that big.


Edit: This whole "74 degrees" thing is coming from people analyzing the renderings. These are marketing renderings, not blueprints.


Probably the same people saying "the drop is 74 degrees" are the one's saying Magnum is still sinking.

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Edit: This whole "74 degrees" thing is coming from people analyzing the renderings. These are marketing renderings, not blueprints.


I believe if this is a Keith McVeen job then he is working from blueprints. It's not exactly free-handed or anything.

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The Silver Bullet tutorial was done after the ride was announced, and the layout revealed, and wasn't done for the park itself.


Since then, he's been commissioned by the parks to make the renderings. How else would he create the animations and renderings if he weren't working from blueprints or some sort of drawing? The coaster hasn't even been built yet.


I don't see how you could create such accurate renderings without either working with the manufacturer's drawings, or guesstimating from other existing renderings of the coaster or the actual coaster itself after it's been built.

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Seems kind of odd to be building the station before starting on the ride itself.


I know for a fact that they started Patriot with the station, and I believe they did with Tatsu as well. Maybe it's a B&M thing.

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does anybody know why most Bolliger and Mabillard coasters open in late spring/ early summer?


Because spring/early summer is the start of the seasonal parks season. So obviously a ride is going to be opened then.


You don't have to be an engineer to figure that one out.

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Busch Gardens and King's Dominion open in March. Then they start opening daily around late May/ June.


So, they could open it in April, rather than May. They'd just have to do a little more per day, or work more days per week and more days per month. All Im just saying it's a bit silly that things don't open earlier in the year.


I just don't see why they don't do more construction faster, test it earlier, and open it earlier than May.


Maybe Im just thinking logically...

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