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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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^^^ There probably wouldn't be enough people to ride it at that time. Kids are still in school and it's too cold anyway at that time. They want to open a ride when the most people possible can ride it. That's probably why they opened Tatsu at SFMM in May, even though they are open year round (I believe). Why open a new ride in March when no one is going to be there to enjoy it? CP doesn't open until the first or second week in May anyway, so that's when their new rides open.

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^It likely costs a lot of money to hire a construction crew, have them do some of the work, then keep them on retainer during months when no construction can occur.


I can see these "late openings" being a problem if the rides didn't open until half way through the summer, but opening a new coaster in May seems perfectly reasonable to me. I honestly don't really care when a coaster opens, as it's pretty rare that I make it to a park the first year something is operating. But that's just me...



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All Im just saying it's a bit silly that things don't open earlier in the year.


I just don't see why they don't do more construction faster, test it earlier, and open it earlier than May.


Maybe Im just thinking logically...


Maybe you're just thinking like someone who thinks they know what they're talking about, but in fact are just blowing smoke out their ass.


Leave the building of roller coasters to the professionals. They know what they're doing.

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All Im just saying it's a bit silly that things don't open earlier in the year.


I just don't see why they don't do more construction faster, test it earlier, and open it earlier than May.


Maybe Im just thinking logically...


Maybe you're just thinking like someone who thinks they know what they're talking about, but in fact are just blowing smoke out their a$$.


Leave the building of roller coasters to the professionals. They know what they're doing.


thanks for being a jerk:


I never claimed to know anything, it was just my opinion. and yes, it might be wrong, but I have a right to say what I think, and I don't need you to say that Im blowing smoke out of my butt, because Im not. I didn't say that I "know" they can do this or that. I was wondering why they couldn't.


so, thanks for being a jerk Carnage

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Am I being a jerk, or am I just thinking logically?


Maybe I came off a bit too harsh.


But really, think about it. You don't just rush construction. It takes time to fabricate track, supports, and put it all together.


If they could have the ride open tomorow they would. But better to take the time it requires to build it correctly.

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who the f**k cares dudes, relax, your fighting like two four-year-olds fighting over thomas the tank engine toys..


I work at Wonderland at Topgun now, and the public opinion is that Behemoth looks odd because there's no loops... yeah, there dumb.. jokes, no really most have no idea what it is, but if i tell them it'll be awesome they believe me..


And me and my pal kinda debated on the Behemoth trains on like, weather they are dumb or not, I think it takes the fun outta riding with three other friends, but it'd be nice to sorta have your own 'personal' seat to ride... i'll like it..


I wanna like, ride in every freakin' seat and find out which is the best... sounds lame but whatever.

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^^You can see the rails. They're those round orange things attatched to the trak that curve slightly at both ends of the pice. The yellow bit that sticks out like a triangle will be where the support connects, and will probably be facing straight down. Using that, you can very fairly judge the angle of the drop.

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^^You can see the rails. They're those round orange things attatched to the trak that curve slightly at both ends of the pice. The yellow bit that sticks out like a triangle will be where the support connects, and will probably be facing straight down. Using that, you can very fairly judge the angle of the drop.


Wow, those are rails connected to that track? I had NO idea. Thanks for stating the obvious.


I see two sections of track in that picture. And the one which looks like a drop piece is behind the other. You can't see it's rails, and how curved it is. Not too mention that it's hard to figure out the angle of drop without seeing how the support will be lined up. You can't even be sure that, that section is for the first drop, let alone the steepest part of the drop.


There is no way you can look at a single section of track sitting in a parking lot and go "Yup, that drop is going to be exactly 74 degrees".

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^Did I say exact? No I did not. The piece in front certainly looks like it's for the first drop, looking at the way the support will connect with the track. I don't think any oterh hill is going to be as steep as that looks.


And the rail bit was sarcasm...

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The piece in front certainly looks like it's for the first drop, looking at the way the support will connect with the track. I don't think any oterh hill is going to be as steep as that looks.


It looks too steep. That first piece looks almost flat.


Looks more like the end of the final hill into the brake run.

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The piece in front certainly looks like it's for the first drop, looking at the way the support will connect with the track. I don't think any oterh hill is going to be as steep as that looks.


It looks too steep. That first piece looks almost flat.


Looks more like the end of the final hill into the brake run.



We took some pictures and footage of it, but uh we're not gonna post any! NA NA BOO BOO.


I work across the street from PCW, so I can probably take some construction pictures from my desk!

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