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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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If KBF was going to build it outside the park, like they did with GhostRider, or like they are doing with the installation at CW, they could have made it work.


And yes, it would have been more redundant at other CF parks, but would have made more SENSE at at park like Valleyfair, Dorney, or Worlds of Fun, who got their last "non-looping mega coaster" more than 10 years ago.


Touché.............VF would have been a good choice.

Dorney is getting a quality Vekoma....they shouldn't need for much more

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I don't know they look pretty dark similar. Rattling mayyyy be an issue haha. I was expecting something, anything different. What the hell will Kings Island get now??? I wouldn't have a problem getting a ride like this...but they are almost exactly alike haha.

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I see Leviathan coming after Behemoth a lot like when a park builds back to back wooden coasters. Holiday World being a good example, Raven, Legend, Voyage... same type of ride but with very different layouts. That's why I'm surprised some people aren't receiving Leviathan well, it's not going to FEEL like Behemoth.

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I see Leviathan coming after Behemoth a lot like when a park builds back to back wooden coasters. Holiday World being a good example, Raven, Legend, Voyage... same type of ride but with very different layouts. That's why I'm surprised some people aren't receiving Leviathan well, it's not going to FEEL like Behemoth.


Do you really think that? With B&M the last 5-10 years if there's one thing I've come to expect is that the rides will FEEL exactly the same! Goliath, Goliath, Intimidator, and even the older hypers and newer ones, I could close my eyes and have no clue which one is which!

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I don't understand why people are ripping on this ride. First, It's a B&M!!! Did you really expect them to push the envelope as far as Intamin does? Even if it's taller, this ride is still just a bigger Behemoth. I'm with what Robb said, this coaster was not meant for this park.


The whole point is, we (TPR) were thinking it would be a Intamin-esque Giga coaster when realistically it was just a taller B&M hyper coaster. I think this ride still looks great, but I'm still sure this was not the park it was meant for.

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If KBF was going to build it outside the park, like they did with GhostRider, or like they are doing with the installation at CW, they could have made it work.


And yes, it would have been more redundant at other CF parks, but would have made more SENSE at at park like Valleyfair, Dorney, or Worlds of Fun, who got their last "non-looping mega coaster" more than 10 years ago.


Touché.............VF would have been a good choice.

Dorney is getting a quality Vekoma....they shouldn't need for much more


If it weren't for the noise problems, Dorney would be far and away the best location for this ride, simply because of it's proximity to two major US cities (NY and Philly) and it's park competitors, Gadv and Hershey. With Gadv's world class coaster selection, Dorney cant compete when new yorkers look for the park with the "biggest baddest" coasters. Also with Hershey getting Skyrush, i can't image people will be flocking to try Dorney's relocated Vekoma boomerang next year.


Ive always pictured Dorney getting a world class giga coaster on the top of the hill at the end of the midway, so that it both dominated the skyline as you enter, and could pull a Hercules and have the drop extend over the hill and have a lake turnaround. If B&Ms weren't so loud, id say a B&M giga would be the perfect ride to pull that off.

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First of all congrats to CW for this new addition and congrats to B&M for finally breaking the 300' height barrier. With that being said the layout sure seems to have some inspiration from Carowinds' Intimidator.


Steve, I don't get it either. It's like nothing CF builds at this height will ever eclipse Millennium Force. It is odd.

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I'm not sure what to think about this coaster. It looks like a lot of fun, but it doesn't seem to do much for a coaster of its size. I understand it already costs $28 million, but it seems to me like so much more could have been done. It just looks like a larger version of the latest round of B&M hypers. Don't get me wrong, that wouldn't be a bad thing if it were sent to a park where it would be unique, but as has been said, it seems redundant with Behemoth. If Cedar Fair really wanted to send a giga coaster to the park (I'm with those saying it looks like it was designed for another park), I think a coaster like I305 would have been a better fit.


Although, even with Behemoth and a less than impressive layout, the GP will still love this coaster. Cedar Fair is great at marketing their rides as being the best on the planet, and the GP from near and far travel great distances(especially for regional parks) to ride them.


I'll still ride the coaster if I ever make it to the park, but I'm just unimpressed with what I see right now.

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Not going to lie I'm slightly disappointed, was hoping for more twistys. But I am more excited than disappointed as a B&M fan boy. I'm glad they finally broke into the giga game and I think the first 1/3 of the ride (drop turn and low hill) are going to be intense and fun as hell. The last 2/3 looks to play out just like any other of their hypers. Earlier in the thread somebody mentioned that the final brake run had some height to it and should have made a twisty ending. I agree this should have happened but money is the real factor and I understand why they didn't do this. Either way I really need to get to Canada next summer to ride this and the 15 other credits there.

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I see Leviathan coming after Behemoth a lot like when a park builds back to back wooden coasters. Holiday World being a good example, Raven, Legend, Voyage... same type of ride but with very different layouts. That's why I'm surprised some people aren't receiving Leviathan well, it's not going to FEEL like Behemoth.


Do you really think that? With B&M the last 5-10 years if there's one thing I've come to expect is that the rides will FEEL exactly the same! Goliath, Goliath, Intimidator, and even the older hypers and newer ones, I could close my eyes and have no clue which one is which!

I totally agree with this - I've been on quite a few B&M Hypers now, almost back to back in the past 14 months - Silver Star, Apollo, Nitro, Goliath, Goliath, Intimidator, Diamondback, Hollywood Dream, etc, and Elissa is right, they all feel exactly the same.

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Makes me wonder if this coaster was originally intended for Knott's and had to get moved.


My thoughts exactly.......


Everyone keeps commenting on Knotts as the original home, aside from the park needing a coaster like this, what are other hints that this was for Knotts?

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I'm really impressed with the layout despite the similarities to Millennium Force. And I think its great to see B&M getting creative and innovative again as of late, seeing all the wingriders and now a giga coaster, as well as the Starry Night Ripper flying coaster innovations, is really good to see from a company I thought was fading a bit.


The only thing I dont like about this is that there will now be TWO Beemer hypers in the same park. Well, I guess one is a Beemer giga, but you get the point. The decision is just a head-scratcher for me, and makes me wonder if this could've been intended for another CF park but instead needed to be moved here. I guess thats what prompted Robb's thread about this.


Looks sick though, I must say.

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I kept editing a post as I kept looking into this and by the time I posted it it was about 10 posts old. I hope it's okay if I just make a new post...


Anyway This ride may really have been meant for Dorney. We know they're having issues with height variances lately and they removed Laser a few years before putting anything in it's place... just throwing that out there.


Take a look at this view of Dorney.


And this picture of Leviathin.


I wouldn't be shocked if they just mirrored the design exactly as is to fit it into Canada's Wonderland (Kind of like they did with a few of the Batman clones). That design could have had it's station where Laser was and then stay by Lincoln Avenue and the Dorney overflow lot. Do they own all of that land? It looks like they do.

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