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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Cool Awesome ride and congrats to B&M for building a 300+ft roller coaster! I'm excited for Wonderland doing well and building a new ride-a huge one but honestly I am disappointed!


I love B&M coasters but they are predictable with their designs. Wish they could be more daring and push the limits-even though that's not their style. A giga coaster could of been better made by Intamin. Canada's Wonderland lacks a good inverting coaster and would love to see one in the near future.


I am not disappointed in the ride itself because I believe in B&M. The pov and off ride animation looks amazing and can't wait to ride it... it's just that Wonderland could of made a better decision with a multi million roller coaster.


My personal opinion? Giga for CW- should of gone with Intamin.

To complement other rides, a launched coaster or multi inversion roller coaster would of been a better crowd pleaser.

If I had the right to make a decision for this new 2012 project I would of counseled about Multi Inversion Dive Machine

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B&M Giga! This looks so cool! Really looking forward to next year. It's nice that it's on the opposite side of the park from Behemoth to help balance the crowds. And so what if they're "similar". This will help Behemoth's line from being too too long, and Behemoth will help Leviathan's line from being totally ridiculous. Maybe. Either way, it's another awesome ride.

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i'm sure everyone else has already posted this, but i find this REALLY, REALLY, REALLY odd that CW would add this ride. it's basically behemoth v2.0 - a B&M hyper but giga-sized with some I305 elements. in the GP's eyes, this is another behemoth essentially. should have added a B&M wing/flyer/invert instead. i'm honestly really confused by this move.

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Here we go with the bitchin! Is it just me or is anyone understandig that B&M has finally gone over 300 feet! This is a milestone in coaster history! I don't care how similar to Behemoth this ride may be, a backseat ride on Nitro sends my stomach to my throat...imagine what this will do! You guys definitely have a winner.

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If this was made for another park, such as Knott's, where would you put it? It seems to fit pretty well where it is.


Exactly, where the overbanked hamerhead is placed, on the "island" with the trees...makes it seem too me also that it was meant too go here and not another park.


I agree completely. There is a very thin strip of grassy area that this fits perfectly on top of until it veers into the parking lot and to the front gate (which, again, fits perfectly into that grassy "island" area). Not to mention even where the station would be... everything fits like a glove. I mean, of course it went into the parking lot... where else would they fit a giga in that park? And turning around at the front gate? You know that had to be carefully planned.


Perhaps it's time for people to just admit that their "sources" about the Knotts thing were just wrong.


I never had any sources with Knotts, just based that theory off of some rumors I had red on various sites and the fact that this addition at Wonderland seemed a little odd. Actually after I've looked at it a little bit World of Fun seems like it would have been a great fit, this would have been a very different ride experience that Mamba, they haven't built a new steel coaster in 6 years, they have quite a bit of open space, a "sliver of land type island" in their parking lot, and a similarly shaped piece of land leading towards the parking lot.


Who knows, maybe it was destined for Wonderland all along, maybe not.

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Here we go with the bitchin! Is it just me or is anyone understandig that B&M has finally gone over 300 feet! This is a milestone in coaster history! I don't care how similar to Behemoth this ride may be, a backseat ride on Nitro sends my stomach to my throat...imagine what this will do! You guys definitely have a winner.


true, i'm sure behemoth is a great ride, and leviathan will be even better (first B&M over 300' is truly marvelous), i'm just tryin to understand why the park built two B&M hypers within 4 years. i cant think of any other park that has built two LARGE coasters this similar so close. i dont think its ever happened.

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Here we go with the bitchin! Is it just me or is anyone understandig that B&M has finally gone over 300 feet! This is a milestone in coaster history! I don't care how similar to Behemoth this ride may be, a backseat ride on Nitro sends my stomach to my throat...imagine what this will do! You guys definitely have a winner.


Couldn't have put it any better myself.


1. A giga

2. A B&M

3. Lapbars only

4. Technically exits the park

5. Will look AMAZING at the front of the park

6. The first B&M giga


These are 6 valid and great points to be happy. Remember it was only 7 years ago when Paramount tried to feed us Tomb Raider as "Canada's first flying coaster" and expect us to fall heads over heels.


Thank you Cedar Fair for seeing what Wonderland has to offer your company and providing us with a stellar addition like this.


Ya its odd that it comes only 4 years after one of the best, if not THE best B&M hypers out there (even mentioned as one of Robb's favorites a few pages back), but who cares? A good coaster is a good coaster and this, at least to me, looks like a good coaster. Countdown to 2012 begins!

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While I don't want to jump on the bitching wagon that says "I am disappoint! MER!!!" i will say im pleased with all the speed maneuvers and the giant camel back, but i was kindof shocked with the height cop out. Come last night i was sure that since they were going with a giga again, they would have to be insane not to grab the height record since its only a mere 20 feet or so higher. I really hate to come to this conclusion, but is CF seriously so proud of Cedar Point that they wont build a coaster which surpasses Millennium's "Not-even-a-record-anymore" Height stat?

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i'm just tryin to understand why the park built two B&M hypers within 4 years.


One hyper and one giga, not two hypers.


yeah technically correct, but you know what i mean. the rides are the same genre. also, another thing i just thought of, how can this ride operate with 3 trains if there's no MCBR?

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It's nothing too out-there, but I like it! I'm glad to see B&M jump into the giga game. What an expensive game though. $28 million?!


^I imagine that the flat first section of the final brakes acts as a block, and that a train will clear that by the time the next train clears the top of the lift - at which point the third train is let out of the station (ideally) and the first rolls back in!

Edited by coasterfreak101
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Looks pretty marvelous. I would have rather seen this at Dorney Park, but I do enjoy how the turnaround over the entrance plaza will change the profile of the park and add for great guest interaction at the main gate. It's great to see B&M pushing 300 ft and this could be the dawn of a new breed of beemers. Aside from the extremely long brake run, this looks like a pretty spectacular ride and I believe 2012 will be the rebirth of B&M.

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I'm happy to see B&M build themselves a nice Giga. Now when do you think Six Flags will start copying Cedar Fair? Crossing my fingers that Great Adventure is next in line for one (Although I know they really don't need it -__-). Can we trade Green Lantern away if it means GADV will get a Giga, even 2 years from now??

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I was wondering when B&M was going to get into the giga game. The coaster looks cool. I've heard a few of my friends say that this should have been saved for a park that needs it, but when you think about it most of the CF parks have a mega/hyper coaster, except the two in cali. This will just give me annother reason to go to Canada's Wonderland. curious questions, and im not sure if they have been asked.... they used the "V" seating arrangement on behemoth right, so thats whith the older hyper seating arrangemnt? although that could change before the coaster opens, they could come up with something like "skyrush"s seats. (second question) Is B&M not going to try to come up with a cabel lift system? Are they going to stick with the really long chain?

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I'm glad to see B&M jump into the giga game. What an expensive game though. $28 million?!


I'm also amazed by this, not even Millennium cost that much! This ride is really going to have to haul ass to justify a price tag like that, I had a feeling a B&M giga would be pretty expensive because of how heavy it would be. Im starting to think that they should have just stuck with Intamin, saved the cash and avoid the whole Behemoth confusion.



Not that my opinion actually matters now, im just glad im not paying for it.

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Congratulations to CW for their newest pride and joy- and I'm thrilled that B&M has figured out the error in their ways and gone back to the way their trains should be- the wider/longer cars like on Behemoth don't feel quite right, so perhaps these will make a huge difference to the ride itself.


BTW: Those columns are rather astounding all over- It looks like one could hide a few dozen bodies in them... at minimum.


And now... It must be said:


CW is officially the first park where you will find your peeps going "B&M Hypercoaster 2 looks too intense for me."

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