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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

p. 433: AlpenFury launched coaster announced for 2025!

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Anyone else find it interesting the POV is only 1:12, but the ride statistics say it will be 3:28? I suppose the lift hill probably has a lot to do with that...


And it looks like a chain lift. If it's anything like the speed of their hypers I'm going to bet half the ride is you sitting on the lift hill..

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Um... so they're basically building a larger version of a coaster they all ready have? Kind of a surprising addition, don't get me wrong I'm sure this thing will be awesome, but it's a little strange that they would choose to build a new ride so similar to the a ride they just installed 4 year prior, but then again it is Canada.


Anyone notice that there are trims in the POV video at 55second?


On a random thought, Robb mentioned it several pages back, but it almost seems like there is no way this thing was originally designed for Canada's Wonderland, and instead was intended for somewhere else (Knotts) and that project fell through at the last minute for some reason.


So what's the next big rumor for 2012? I heard Dollywood might build a 200ft tall Arrow Looper, or the southeasts longest Euro fighter.........

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Anyone else find it interesting the POV is only 1:12, but the ride statistics say it will be 3:28? I suppose the lift hill probably has a lot to do with that...


Yeah if you look at the lift hill it only has like 10 things that connect the spine to the rails. Haha yeah it's really cut down.

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Should've made the final brake run a MCBR. That had good height to be one. And it still had a lot of speed.


Considering they are already paying 28 million dollars for this, I can understand why it is the final brake run.

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If this was made for another park, such as Knott's, where would you put it? It seems to fit pretty well where it is.


Exactly, where the overbanked hamerhead is placed, on the "island" with the trees...makes it seem too me also that it was meant too go here and not another park.

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While this may not be extreme, it is a damn impressive rude that will be fast smooth and floaty!


I'm also impressed by the fact that b&m have been going outside of their comfort zone. First the wingwallets, now this!

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Intamin's probably having a party right now like when NASA completes a mission. Records kept for now!


I wonder how much B&M pushed for 311 feet.


CW: "We want a 306 foot coaster."

B&M: "Ok you want a 311 foot coaster."

CW:: "No 306."

B&M: "You sure you don't want 311? I think you should make it 311."

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While it seems this is another version of another coaster at the park, it still looks great. The second hills climb looks crazy in the POV...I wonder how tall the second drop is?


They mentioned on BT it was 109 feet if I remember correctly.

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If this was made for another park, such as Knott's, where would you put it? It seems to fit pretty well where it is.


Exactly, where the overbanked hamerhead is placed, on the "island" with the trees...makes it seem too me also that it was meant too go here and not another park.


I agree completely. There is a very thin strip of grassy area that this fits perfectly on top of until it veers into the parking lot and to the front gate (which, again, fits perfectly into that grassy "island" area). Not to mention even where the station would be... everything fits like a glove. I mean, of course it went into the parking lot... where else would they fit a giga in that park? And turning around at the front gate? You know that had to be carefully planned.


Perhaps it's time for people to just admit that their "sources" about the Knotts thing were just wrong.

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Boy, I am thrilled with another coaster especially one over 300 feet, but how underwhelming.


It honestly reminds me of Morgan's first Giga with SD2K, with no innovations, taking Behemoth and giga sizing it! I honestly expected a new lift for B&M or seats, and then when I saw the MTBR, wow!


There goes the thought that this will be the predecessor for CP's next coaster.


Congrats CW, this WILL be a great ride and addition to the park no doubt.


OH, one final point, boy were Gary Slade and Paul Ruben WRONG! Engineering marvel? The one ride to experience in 2012 (over a wing rider at Dollywood or the new train on Skyrush) - NOT (imho).

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I am trying to decide if I like this or not... kinda similar to Behemoth... but maybe different enough... I just really don't see the point. Also, off topic the mods here RULE! I was about to give that dude a piece of my mind in this thread but his posts were deleted... not that it's hard to find stupid spammers/haters, but thanks for finding them so quickly!

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