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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Holy crap that looks good. I should open Earth now...


In other news, the city of Toledo, a bit more than an hour west of CP, has a water warning. If you pass through the Toledo area, do not drink tap water. Bathing and hand washing may be forbidden too. You cannot boil the water, the issue is a toxin which is concentrated by boiling. The toxin is microcystin, and causes nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and possible liver damage. Somehow, this toxin, produced by harmful algae blooms in Lake Erie, entered Toledo's water treatment plant. If you are passing through Toledo on your way to CP, take note-



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^I sort of doubt it - that would be four coasters for one year! I guess anything's possible, though.


Four? The only two *RUMORED* coasters I've heard discussed for 2015 are Centurion/Fury 325 for Carowinds and the Valleyfair B&M invert (even thought those wouldn't necessarily happen in the same year). Which ones am I missing?

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I hope it gets that green paint. Even if the name stays Mantis, the green would work better with a theme of a green insect, moreso than the use of all three primary colors.


Could our photoshop pros indulge my desire to see a green Mantis with grey supports?


Kind of reminds me of the new track for another B&M sitting at the steel plant. That one is teal with a neon green on the bottom (possibly for Carowinds). Like it.

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A little bit off-topic but does anyone now if Magnum's third train is back together and on the track? I'm going for a few hours tomorrow and want to now what I should expect on it.


Thigh murder.


I'm 6'-4" and for the past 10 years of going to CP, I have dreaded riding Magnum. The last bunny hops were absolute torture... until I went this past weekend. I discovered a way of riding magnum that significantly reduces the chance of pain on those last hops. What I found is that if I cross my ankles and scoot them back to the back of the floor (towards the seat). The hills still had the ejector airtime, but the impact on my thighs was next to nothing. I actually made a point to ride Magnum again. I was absolutely shocked at how well this "trick" worked.

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Im not one for lists, but Magnum is definitely one of my favorite coasters, maybe even number 1. Does it have the most insane ejector air ever?? For me, yes. Is it painful? Thats not how I would describe it at all. Part of good airtime is getting slammed into the lap bar! Maybe the new B&M's have neutered everyones expectations but Magnum is a good ole oldie with a kick!

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Im not one for lists, but Magnum is definitely one of my favorite coasters, maybe even number 1. Does it have the most insane ejector air ever?? For me, yes. Is it painful? Thats not how I would describe it at all. Part of good airtime is getting slammed into the lap bar! Maybe the new B&M's have neutered everyones expectations but Magnum is a good ole oldie with a kick!

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I want to like Magnum, but as another tall person, it hurts the legs bad. I would prefer restraints that have a bit more room for my legs to space out. Perhaps lap bars that have one side open: _| instead of |_|.

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^ I don't know, but apparently the general public didn't like it because of the negative background of the name. I'm assuming they announced it as Banshee, and when there was backlash about the name, they changed it to Mantis.


I don't understand why Cedar Fair would risk using Banshee for another major coaster (Kings Island) after all the negative feedback Mantis got. Not only the fact that they tried it again, but in the same state? Does anyone know if Kings Island made people mad about their name choice, or were people actually satisfied with something?

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