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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

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the cable snap on Skyhawk actually looks fairly scary to me in terms of the people on the ground. When I went to cedar point in june my 10 year-old daughter and friend stood just about at the spot where it looks like the cable hit the fence. I do wonder what kind of damage that cable would have done striking someone standing right there, particularly a kid?


Yeah. I'm no doctor, but I imagine that if it fell on somebody right after the snap, that would be permananent debilitating injury or even death. If it dragged at somebody after the cable used up the "snap energy", depending on how they were hit and how high and fast the swing was, I would expect anywhere from severe bruising, large lacerations, and broken bones to severe injury or death.

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the cable snap on Skyhawk actually looks fairly scary to me in terms of the people on the ground. When I went to cedar point in june my 10 year-old daughter and friend stood just about at the spot where it looks like the cable hit the fence. I do wonder what kind of damage that cable would have done striking someone standing right there, particularly a kid?


Yeah. I'm no doctor, but I imagine that if it fell on somebody right after the snap, that would be permananent debilitating injury or even death. If it dragged at somebody after the cable used up the "snap energy", depending on how they were hit and how high and fast the swing was, I would expect anywhere from severe bruising, large lacerations, and broken bones to severe injury or death.


yeah, i kinda shudder to contemplate it -- I can see them standing right there. I mean, life is full of risks, and certainly crossing the street, driving on the freeway, etc., statistically is much more worrisome, but it is eerie nonetheless.

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Speaking of Skyhawk, here is a video of the aftermath, showing the ride swinging to a stop. It appears that the broken fence was not caused by a vehicle, so it was probably the cable. Warning - NSFW language-


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Looks like I'll be heading to CP for the first time on 8/4 next week. I have a couple questions for you guys that have been there numerous times, and I'd greatly appreciate any help.


1) Can anyone park in the Soak City lot if you are only going to Cedar Point for the day? Do you just bypass the main lot and drive around the park on the access road? Also, we will be getting to the park at around 9AM and are staying off-site, is parking at the Soak City lot a good idea to try and get a jump on the crowd entering from the front. Obviously, looking to try and knock TTD/Mav/MF out of the way ASAP in the AM.


2) Should we be expecting a large crowd on a Monday in August? We are debating purchasing Fast Lane+, on an average day what do the waits look like with FL+ vs stand-by line?


3) Is anyone welcome to use the entrance near Windseeker for access to the beach? We have 2 non-riders going with us and they're more interested in spending the afternoon on the beach. Will they be able to use this entrance to get to the beach and then to re-enter the park after?


Thanks so much for your help!

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Looks like I'll be heading to CP for the first time on 8/4 next week. I have a couple questions for you guys that have been there numerous times, and I'd greatly appreciate any help.


1) Can anyone park in the Soak City lot if you are only going to Cedar Point for the day? Do you just bypass the main lot and drive around the park on the access road? Also, we will be getting to the park at around 9AM and are staying off-site, is parking at the Soak City lot a good idea to try and get a jump on the crowd entering from the front. Obviously, looking to try and knock TTD/Mav/MF out of the way ASAP in the AM.


2) Should we be expecting a large crowd on a Monday in August? We are debating purchasing Fast Lane+, on an average day what do the waits look like with FL+ vs stand-by line?


3) Is anyone welcome to use the entrance near Windseeker for access to the beach? We have 2 non-riders going with us and they're more interested in spending the afternoon on the beach. Will they be able to use this entrance to get to the beach and then to re-enter the park after?


Thanks so much for your help!


1) Yes. There is no problem doing this.


2) Waits without a fast lane plus can reach up to 75 minutes. But those are for the big three. Also, you can play some plinko to skip the lines since that works a bit better on Maverick instead of fast lane plus.


3) Yes. Just make sure they get there hands stamped (I think so, but I haven't done that in a while).


Enjoy you trip to Cedar Point! Make sure you watch Lumonsity by Iron Dragon at night. Great show.

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Looks like I'll be heading to CP for the first time on 8/4 next week. I have a couple questions for you guys that have been there numerous times, and I'd greatly appreciate any help.


1) Can anyone park in the Soak City lot if you are only going to Cedar Point for the day? Do you just bypass the main lot and drive around the park on the access road? Also, we will be getting to the park at around 9AM and are staying off-site, is parking at the Soak City lot a good idea to try and get a jump on the crowd entering from the front. Obviously, looking to try and knock TTD/Mav/MF out of the way ASAP in the AM.


2) Should we be expecting a large crowd on a Monday in August? We are debating purchasing Fast Lane+, on an average day what do the waits look like with FL+ vs stand-by line?


3) Is anyone welcome to use the entrance near Windseeker for access to the beach? We have 2 non-riders going with us and they're more interested in spending the afternoon on the beach. Will they be able to use this entrance to get to the beach and then to re-enter the park after?


Thanks so much for your help!


1) Everyone can park in that lot. Stay to the left when entering the tollbooths and tell them you're going to the Soak City lot. There will be an OMFG massive line at that gate but don't worry, Cedar Point moves the line so fast that once the gate opens the line moves at a walking pace and you'll be in in 5 minutes tops. I know you won't believe me when you see the line but trust me on this. Dragster is not usually open for Early Entry so don't go there first, I'd suggest Maverick or Millennium Force. Normally I'd say avoid the front of the park until later in the day but you'll have Fastlane Plus so you can really do whatever you want.


The only advantage to going to Dragster first is that if you go there as soon as the park opens for early entry you won't have a long wait for the front row. You seriously need to ride Dragster in the front row but it will add an hour to your wait if you don't go there first thing. This could totally backfire if the ride doesn't open until 10 anyway though as you'd have already spent an hour in line. Random tip: Raptor is best in the front row too and it only adds an extra 1-2 train wait. There's no reason to go to any other row.


2) Cedar Point has large crowds every day so Fastlane Plus is always a good idea, especially if you're only going for one day. Generally Millennium Force, Maverick and TTD will have waits between 1 and 2 hours. Gatekeeper and Raptor will have 2 hour waits in the morning but only an idiot would ride them in the morning without Fastlane Plus anyway.


3) Yes, anyone is welcome to use any entrance at Cedar Point.

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Looks like I'll be heading to CP for the first time on 8/4 next week. I have a couple questions for you guys that have been there numerous times, and I'd greatly appreciate any help.


1) Can anyone park in the Soak City lot if you are only going to Cedar Point for the day? Do you just bypass the main lot and drive around the park on the access road? Also, we will be getting to the park at around 9AM and are staying off-site, is parking at the Soak City lot a good idea to try and get a jump on the crowd entering from the front. Obviously, looking to try and knock TTD/Mav/MF out of the way ASAP in the AM.


2) Should we be expecting a large crowd on a Monday in August? We are debating purchasing Fast Lane+, on an average day what do the waits look like with FL+ vs stand-by line?


3) Is anyone welcome to use the entrance near Windseeker for access to the beach? We have 2 non-riders going with us and they're more interested in spending the afternoon on the beach. Will they be able to use this entrance to get to the beach and then to re-enter the park after?


Thanks so much for your help!


1) Everyone can park in that lot. Stay to the left when entering the tollbooths and tell them you're going to the Soak City lot. There will be an OMFG massive line at that gate but don't worry, Cedar Point moves the line so fast that once the gate opens the line moves at a walking pace and you'll be in in 5 minutes tops. I know you won't believe me when you see the line but trust me on this. Dragster is not usually open for Early Entry so don't go there first, I'd suggest Maverick or Millennium Force. Normally I'd say avoid the front of the park until later in the day but you'll have Fastlane Plus so you can really do whatever you want.


The only advantage to going to Dragster first is that if you go there as soon as the park opens for early entry you won't have a long wait for the front row. You seriously need to ride Dragster in the front row but it will add an hour to your wait if you don't go there first thing. This could totally backfire if the ride doesn't open until 10 anyway though as you'd have already spent an hour in line. Random tip: Raptor is best in the front row too and it only adds an extra 1-2 train wait. There's no reason to go to any other row.


2) Cedar Point has large crowds every day so Fastlane Plus is always a good idea, especially if you're only going for one day. Generally Millennium Force, Maverick and TTD will have waits between 1 and 2 hours. Gatekeeper and Raptor will have 2 hour waits in the morning but only an idiot would ride them in the morning without Fastlane Plus anyway.


3) Yes, anyone is welcome to use any entrance at Cedar Point.


Also, do you know if you buy FL+ online can you redeem it at the Soak City ticket office or do you have to goto a specific kiosk in the park itself?


Thank you both for the tips!!!

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I searched through this thread back to 2013 to see if there were any discount tickets available anywhere and didn't see anything that applied. Anyone know where the best place to get tickets is? I was all excited about the Christmas in July sale, but the validity date ended the day before we're going to the park so I couldn't get them.


The cheapest I've found is the 3-day advance purchase on CP's website.


Any others?


Thanks in advance!

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^ I used Google first, thanks. Giving blood at Red Cross supposedly gives free tickets. But, I live in South Florida and my friend in Ohio can't give blood because she's training for a marathon.


The 3-day advance tickets from CP (adding in the convenience fee) come to $47.50 each, so that's the cheapest I've come up with so far.

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Anyone see Tony Clark's tweet today?


"There be a tweetup coming this afterrrnoon. Not sherrr why I'm typing like a pirrate."




"Afraid of the dark. #CP2015 RT @spp138: @TonyClarkCP Hey Tony how would you feel about giving away small, vague 2015 clues at #tweetups?

7:02pm - 31 Jul 14"



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