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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^ I don't know, but apparently the general public didn't like it because of the negative background of the name. I'm assuming they announced it as Banshee, and when there was backlash about the name, they changed it to Mantis.


I don't understand why Cedar Fair would risk using Banshee for another major coaster (Kings Island) after all the negative feedback Mantis got. Not only the fact that they tried it again, but in the same state? Does anyone know if Kings Island made people mad about their name choice, or were people actually satisfied with something?


Eh, I think its just one of those things where things change over time. In the 1960's, you couldnt show a toilet flushing in a movie without causing a commotion and nowadays the most kid-friendly movies are heavy on fart jokes. Sure, theres only 10+ years between Mantis and now, but I think the point still stands. With the overexposure of audiences to demon-type movies, and exorcism-related films even getting PG-13 ratings, I think things like "Banshee" just dont phase people anymore. Back when Mantis was made, the big demon movies were Rosemarys Baby and The Exorcist and they freaked people out. Now, stuff like that is a dime a dozen, and we're surrounded by it. Err go, people are ok with the name Banshee now. Thats my take on it, anyway.

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Im not one for lists, but Magnum is definitely one of my favorite coasters, maybe even number 1. Does it have the most insane ejector air ever?? For me, yes. Is it painful? Thats not how I would describe it at all. Part of good airtime is getting slammed into the lap bar! Maybe the new B&M's have neutered everyones expectations but Magnum is a good ole oldie with a kick!


I love those bunny hops and the airtime on that return leg on Magnum. But I do think they could pad the bars a lot better, which would make it even more enjoyable.

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Im not one for lists, but Magnum is definitely one of my favorite coasters, maybe even number 1. Does it have the most insane ejector air ever?? For me, yes. Is it painful? Thats not how I would describe it at all. Part of good airtime is getting slammed into the lap bar! Maybe the new B&M's have neutered everyones expectations but Magnum is a good ole oldie with a kick!


I love those bunny hops and the airtime on that return leg on Magnum. But I do think they could pad the bars a lot better, which would make it even more enjoyable.


Magnum looks like a great ride, but if it kills your legs I don't understand why they don't put more padding on the lap bar. If it is known for ejector air, why don't they pad the bar and seats (are the seats padded?)?

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The ride itself and the trains were a huge gamble when built. It was the first hyper coaster! Arrow had to test separate trains. Obviously there are flaws, and we don't know what it would take to put padding on the lapbars. Probably not much, but these trains could be more complex then you think! After all they were a prototype!

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The ride itself and the trains were a huge gamble when built. It was the first hyper coaster! Arrow had to test separate trains. Obviously there are flaws, and we don't know what it would take to put padding on the lapbars. Probably not much, but these trains could be more complex then you think! After all they were a prototype!


I'm sure the trains are very complex, but it shouldn't be that difficult to add padding. Maybe they could just duct tape a pillow on every bar . That should take the pain away!

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The ride itself and the trains were a huge gamble when built. It was the first hyper coaster! Arrow had to test separate trains. Obviously there are flaws, and we don't know what it would take to put padding on the lapbars. Probably not much, but these trains could be more complex then you think! After all they were a prototype!


I don't think so since they are basically Geminis trains with upstop wheels (a feature added after it opened since the pads it opened with kept having issues).

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The ride itself and the trains were a huge gamble when built. It was the first hyper coaster! Arrow had to test separate trains. Obviously there are flaws, and we don't know what it would take to put padding on the lapbars. Probably not much, but these trains could be more complex then you think! After all they were a prototype!


I don't think so since they are basically Geminis trains with upstop wheels (a feature added after it opened since the pads it opened with kept having issues).


Aren't Magnum's trains similar to all of Arrow's mine trains (Mine Ride, Excalibur at Valleyfair)? If they are I couldn't imagine Ejector in those.

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Sadly Magnum is painful enough for me that I won't ride it now. It is a great ride with fantastic placement in the park. It is an iconic coaster for sure but it just hurts to ride it which is a shame.



I will say I am intrigued by the rumors of flipping Mantis into a sit down traditional coaster or floorless coaster.

Edited by GCS
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I rode Magnum for the first time yesterday. Being 6'4", it was an absolutely horrible experience on those last bunny hills. No fun at all.


Though my worst experience was on Mantis. The restraint wasn't locked on me properly so it pinched my crotch all the way through the ride and I felt like I had gotten the worst of a fight afterwards with my entire right side in pain for a half an hour.


Corkscrew and Mean Streak I heard were bad for beating you up but I had no issues on them. Cedar Creek's lap bar design killed my thighs too because of the short girls in front of me slamming the bar down as hard as they could. Maverick was a little jarring on my shoulders but nothing compared to Magnum or Mantis.

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According to Screamscape sources, the new paint test on Mantis is indeed linked to a plan to renovate the coaster from a stand-up design into a more popular B&M Floorless design that will also be renamed if they go ahead with the plan.


Considering that Screamscape sources are anonymous, this should be taken with a certain amount of sodium chloride.


What IS stopping anybody "in the loop" from anonymously leaking info to Screamscape? It's fairly easy to make a throwaway email. I've emailed Screamscape before (I informed them of the repainting of waterslides in Soak City.) It doesn't have to be much.

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Okay, I felt the need to post a small trip report. I went to Cedar Point July 8-11 and had a ton of fun, so here is what I came away with.


Mantis- I was expecting hell but it didn't turn out as bad as I originally thought. I am a supporter of the floorless idea though. Despite a few headbanging moments (especially after the MCBR) it was still an okay ride, and definitely one of the better stand ups. Not nearly as good as Georgia Scorcher though. 6/10


Iron Dragon- I expected more. After riding The Bat just days prior I guess I was expecting a more intense ride. Just meh. 5/10


Mean Streak- Boring, rough and airtimeless, this ride just sucked. Bleh. 3/10


Top Thrill Dragster- Awesome fun, especially without the OTSR of KIngda Ka. The launch is exhilarating, and it was also smoother than many other launchers such as Ka. Althought the ride broke down numerous times while I was in line I still thoroughly enjoyed it. 9/10


Raptor- Having been on many B&M inverts I knew what to expect. While its not one of the best inverts it was still a very fun ride. A bit rougher than other inverts as well. 8/10


Gatekeeper- Wild Eagle puts this to shame. Such a bleh boring ride. Its smooth of course, and I like the entrance flyover, but this didn't do much for me. 7/10


Blue Streak- Okay, I didn't see this coming. I LOVED this ride. The airtime was great, and the color scheme is gorgeous. I rode this ride 9 times without getting off and enjoyed every second. Well, except the spiders on the rails of the brake run. *shivers*. 8.5/10


Gemini- Sort of dull. A fun first drop and a few decent air time hills. Had no line so I rode it more times than I planned. 6.75/10


Wicked Twister- Rougher than I expected. Still liked the ride, and was good fun. Had no line as well. 7.5/10


Magnum XL 200- The main disappointment of my 2014 trip. Just wow. The lap bar was murdering me throughout the ride. I mean pain, not just roughness. My thighs were bruised. I tried to enjoy it and even went through the pain seven times as there was no line trying to find what people like about this ride. Needless to say I found little to no appeal. So much bleh. 4.5/10


Maverick- The perfect roller coaster. But there's only one problem: the not so perfect restraints. The headbanging really degraded the ride for me. This ride would have been #1 on my list if it had lap bars. Sigh. Still awesome and loved the ejector hill. 8/10


Millennium Force- Of course this is a popular ride, but many call it overrated. While its not the best that I've been on, it was still great smooth fun. The first drop was one of the best on Earth. I also loved the view of Eerie and the tunnels. 9.25/10


Cedar Creek Mine Ride- I like the drop over the water, but nothing else. 4/10


Corkscrew- Not a horrible headbanger, but still kind of painful and short. Still a classic. 5.5/10


Skyhawk- I was one of the lucky people to ride it before the cable snapped, lol. Awesome ride. 8.5/10


MaXair- Just your average awesome giant frisbee. No bleh here. 8.25/10


Power Tower- Turbo Drop- Felt slower than an Intamin Giant Drop or Gyro Drop. Kind of meh. 7/10

SpaceShot- Am I one of the only people who like these things? 8/10


Slingshot- Didn't ride because I rode the one at Kings Island.


Woodstock Express- Just an average kiddie coaster


Overall I had a fun trip and look forward to visiting again in 2015. The roller coaster selection is good at Cedar Point but some of the rides just aren't amazing as I had hoped. Maybe I had my expectations high, and rightfully so. So I guess that is all.

Edited by TheDark8
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^ How did you walk on to WT on a July weekend? I don't understand why the Space Shot always has less of a line than the other. I think I like both of them equally. Great Report.


I went on a Wednesday Thursday and Friday, not a weekend.

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^ How did you walk on to WT on a July weekend? I don't understand why the Space Shot always has less of a line than the other. I think I like both of them equally. Great Report.


I went on a Wednesday Thursday and Friday, not a weekend.


Sorry, I looked at an August calender, I feel really stupid right now.

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Just wanted to point out something I find interesting- tell me what you think. One of Cedar Point's claims to fame is being voted the "Best Theme Park in the World" by Amusement Today every year since '98. It seems that in USA Today's poll. Cedar Point is about to finish in 4th, behind none other than Six Flags Magic Mountain (as well as SFGadv and Dollywood). My question is, one, I assume these are different, unrelated polls, no? And two, does Cedar Point care/will SFMM care enough to a point that CP may try to get their record back in order with a hard push over the next few years in terms of capital investments? Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I find it interesting, nonetheless.

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Just wanted to point out something I find interesting- tell me what you think. One of Cedar Point's claims to fame is being voted the "Best Theme Park in the World" by Amusement Today every year since '98. It seems that in USA Today's poll. Cedar Point is about to finish in 4th, behind none other than Six Flags Magic Mountain (as well as SFGadv and Dollywood). My question is, one, I assume these are different, unrelated polls, no? And two, does Cedar Point care/will SFMM care enough to a point that CP may try to get their record back in order with a hard push over the next few years in terms of capital investments? Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but I find it interesting, nonetheless.


Cedar point is voted best amusement park in the world by Amusement today's Golden ticket awards. Also if you look at the USA Today poll, it's for the best theme park. Cedar point is an amusement park NOT a theme park. Cedar Fair doesn't theme a lot, and when they do it turns into Disaster Transport. Cedar Point is still in the position of best amusement park however they have lost the most coasters in one park to SFMM.

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