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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I'm going to the park on Tuesday and I was wondering what the crowds will be like. Also I won't be getting Fast Lane so what general order should I ride in?


I suggest sorting through the last few pages of posts from jarmor - he had the same question about going on a Wednesday. Lots of good info there.


It's peak season - so even a Tuesday this time of year will see a good size crowd. Though it's not been as crazy as last summer when GateKeeper opened.


It would also helpful to know some more info - like if you're staying on-site, how many in your party, what your goals are ride-wise - like certain flat rides you want to do - coasters (if any) you are ok with skipping etc. Have you been to the park before, etc.


Weather and mechanical issues can also have a big affect on how productive your day is.


Regardless - you'll be at the best amusement park in the world - so just make sure to have fun - and based off your location - you'll have plenty of chances to get to know the park in the future.


I'm going with 2 other people and not staying on site( I'll probably get there before noon but not at opening). Flat's wise I'm hoping to get on Power Tower, MaxAir, and if its somehow open, Sky Hawk ( Compared to other Screamin swings it's definitely been slowed down. Less swings to the top and It isn't even thrusted downward any more) I'm Okay with skipping Mean Streak, Mantis, Mineride, Iron Dragon, and possibly Wicked Twisted and corkscrew.


You really should try to get to the Magnum gate (follow signs for Soak City parking) by 10 AM - that way you could start back at Maverick then work against the crowd to the front of the park - where typically later in the day Raptor, Gatekeeper and Blue Streak wait times aren't too bad. Getting there at close to noon you will be walking into a packed house if weather is good. A lot of the rides you listed as skip-able are a lot of times less than 15 min. waits - except Wicked Twister. Magnum also is usually around 15-30 minutes. Gemini is usually 15 mins. Power Tower is usually slower waits early on - shot side always seems to have less wait. Max air - can lessen out later in the day as the crowds move back - but can still be 45 min wait.


Again, I'd take $20 each and try your luck at the plinko game - it will make your day a lot easier assuming you can win 4 each - I've typically won 2 of 5 chances (which is $10) - so there is a good chance to walk away with 4 each between the 3 of you.


If you are able to stay until past closing hit up MF (or whatever your fav is right after 10 PM as they will clear out the queue)


If you will be making return trips to CP don't sweat it and have fun - the park isn't going anywhere. It's more important to have fun and make memories with your friends / family. Putting too much pressure to get X amount rides in can spell doom on a busy day especially with a late start - it can happen but everything has to go just right. You will get the big 4 in and a bunch of other rides in I'm sure.


Be sure to report back how it went.

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I know we're in the middle of discussing the cable issue and all, but I'm planning to be at the park over Labor Day weekend. I've been on weekends in late July the last few years and they haven't been too insane, but I'm guessing the crowds Labor Day weekend will be ridiculous, right? I'd probably be getting to the park around 5pm on Saturday and be there from opening (ERT) till dinnertime on Sunday. I'm planning to get FLP for Sunday, but what are the chances I could live without it Saturday night? (Maybe just try playing plinko?) Any tips to maximize my riding efficiency for Saturday night? I'm also likely going to have a CP newbie with me, so I want to make sure he gets the full Cedar Point experience. Thanks!


I've been to the park during Labor Day weekends and they aren't as bad as you'd think. I'm a plinko believer - I'd drop -$10 to $20 each and walk on a few of your favorites that evening - in between hit up some of the lesser coasters, ride the Sky Ride or train - take in the park. I'd definitely do a MF ride at night - in fact I like to go in line around 10 PM and wait out the line - lets the traffic clear if you're staying off site - if on-site take the long way back through FrontierTown - it's eerily quiet and relaxing.


Sunday you should get over to the Marina gate as coaster club members get to do the MF Walkback at 8:50 AM - each person has to be a card carrying coaster club member - and they sometimes check ID's - so you can be turned away. You will get the first ride of the day on MF - then with FL+ you will have no problem riding whatever you want with little wait. It will be nice that you can get some of the lesser rides out of the way Sat night and you can concentrate on the good stuff!

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Quick question, How's Dragster Been running recently? Should I go ride it at the start of the day to make sure I get on it or can I wait?


It was having some issues early this season. In early June I believe they installed a new launch cable among other things as it was down for many days. Since then it seems to have been running pretty well. It is still prone to go down at the drop of a hat - so if you are near it and it's running - don't come back to it - just do it. It will also go down for wind and any, I mean ANY rain. So, if weather is iffy I'd definitely make sure to get to it when you see it running - which is conveniently easy to monitor from most areas of the park.

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I'm guessing the crowds Labor Day weekend will be ridiculous, right?


No. We went last year with beautiful weather Friday, Saturday and Sunday and had very reasonable waits all day every day (60-90 minutes for Maverick, MF and Dragster). The only lines longer than that are for Raptor and Gatekeeper if you're dumb enough to ride them first thing in the morning.


We'll be back this labor day weekend, we're making it a tradition.

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This accident caused Xtreme Swings at Valleyfair to not operate today. They are probably checking all of the swings at all the parks.

I know something with Xtreme Swing happened in the past few years (I think it was last year) that caused it to only run one side? Bummer that Skyhawk incident happened.

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This accident caused Xtreme Swings at Valleyfair to not operate today. They are probably checking all of the swings at all the parks.


I have also seen pictures on Facebook showing SwingShot at Kennywood closed today as well so that makes sense.

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Can anyone give some info about typical crowds/wait times during the last week of August weekdays (Mon 8/25-Fri 8/29)? Thinking of heading to the point for a one day trip one of these days. I was hoping the schools in and around Sandusky go back this week to potentially lighten crowds. I saw that park hours Mon-Thus are only until 8pm which I know to be a sign the park expects lighter crowds these days.


No plat pass, not planning on going fast lane, and definitely planning on arriving at opening and staying until close. I've been to the point before so I'm fine missing some of the smaller coasters/flats. Any and all info appreciated!

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To be honest, I find at CP the later you go in the year the busier it gets. For the past few years, come August/Sept/Oct it is mobbed (unless you go on say a Friday or something during Halloweekends). But that weekend you plan to go should be lighter in crowds because school did go back, so I would say your chances are fairly good for lighter crowds.

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Can anyone give some info about typical crowds/wait times during the last week of August weekdays (Mon 8/25-Fri 8/29)? Thinking of heading to the point for a one day trip one of these days. I was hoping the schools in and around Sandusky go back this week to potentially lighten crowds. I saw that park hours Mon-Thus are only until 8pm which I know to be a sign the park expects lighter crowds these days.


No plat pass, not planning on going fast lane, and definitely planning on arriving at opening and staying until close. I've been to the point before so I'm fine missing some of the smaller coasters/flats. Any and all info appreciated!


The crowds won't be too heavy. It's going to Michigan Days those days so there might be some a little extra, but wait times are normally less than 1 hour.

Start with Maveirck, then TTD, then MF.

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Can anyone give some info about typical crowds/wait times during the last week of August weekdays (Mon 8/25-Fri 8/29)? Thinking of heading to the point for a one day trip one of these days. I was hoping the schools in and around Sandusky go back this week to potentially lighten crowds. I saw that park hours Mon-Thus are only until 8pm which I know to be a sign the park expects lighter crowds these days.


No plat pass, not planning on going fast lane, and definitely planning on arriving at opening and staying until close. I've been to the point before so I'm fine missing some of the smaller coasters/flats. Any and all info appreciated!


The crowds won't be too heavy. It's going to Michigan Days those days so there might be some a little extra, but wait times are normally less than 1 hour.

Start with Maveirck, then TTD, then MF.


So, just out of curiosity... What about the week before? We're going on the 21st which I believe is a Wednesday... We usually go in early august but this year we couldn't fit it in until the end of the month.

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Another update to the Skyhawk incident from here


"The photos show Roxanne Dreer, a rider injured in the accident. According to her fiancé, she received a concussion, while other riders suffered sprains, cuts and bruises.


Dreer's fiancé also says Cedar Point took over twenty minutes to call for an ambulance."





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Am I the only one that's always skeptical of things like this thanks to the culture we live in? If she really did suffer a concussion and if anyone was seriously injured then the park or manufacturer is clearly at fault. What happened on Skyhawk should never happen. That being said from looking at that injury I don't think waiting 20 minutes to call an ambulance (even if that's true) is all that bad, especially since they're probably counting the time it took them to stop the ride and get everyone out of it. It looks like all she got was a very small cut on the head. Sure she could have sustained a concussion but it probably wasn't the kind of thing that would make you call for an ambulance immediately. They probably sat her down, cleaned up her cut, gave her some water and then after she was still feeling dizzy (or showing any other concussion symptoms) realized there might be a problem.


Again, I wasn't there... I don't know what happened and I don't know anything about her. It's just a shame that this sue happy culture we live in makes you so skeptical of this type of thing.

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That would have been painful if it hit her eye but I'm guessing the injuries are over exaggerated. On the news their was a story and they were claiming that someone died in the accident and that clearly didn't happen so....... I wouldn't trust stories from by standers. I'm also confused as to why the fixed the fence and removed the cable so quickly. It seems like they think they could reopen the ride as soon as they find a new cable.

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Am I the only one that's always skeptical of things like this thanks to the culture we live in? If she really did suffer a concussion and if anyone was seriously injured then the park or manufacturer is clearly at fault. What happened on Skyhawk should never happen. That being said from looking at that injury I don't think waiting 20 minutes to call an ambulance (even if that's true) is all that bad, especially since they're probably counting the time it took them to stop the ride and get everyone out of it. It looks like all she got was a very small cut on the head. Sure she could have sustained a concussion but it probably wasn't the kind of thing that would make you call for an ambulance immediately. They probably sat her down, cleaned up her cut, gave her some water and then after she was still feeling dizzy (or showing any other concussion symptoms) realized there might be a problem.


Again, I wasn't there... I don't know what happened and I don't know anything about her. It's just a shame that this sue happy culture we live in makes you so skeptical of this type of thing.


She has a pretty good bruise on her forehead too. Concussions are always serious injuries, if she did sustain one. I agree you always worry about people trying to cash in, but maybe it won't be so bad. The park and/or manufacturer is definitely at fault, because as you say, this should not happen. I am glad it was not much worse, because it could have been.

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Plinko Question

If you win passes, can a single rider go twice or do they give you 1 ticket for 2 riders.


1 ride for 2 riders good on MF, TTD, Gatekeeper and Maverick if you win Plinko.


If you win a tweetup they are good for any ride for single rider - but can ride front row.

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Skyhawk update




Sandusky, Ohio – It had just started to rain, the ride was only about half full, and there were few spectators standing nearby to watch – all of which probably contributed to the lack of serious injuries Saturday night at Cedar Point, when a cable on Skyhawk came loose and started whipping around the ride.


"It could have turned out a lot worse," said Jim Jirousek of Brecksville, who was on the ride when the accident occurred.


The ride features two giant arms, up to 20 passengers on each, which swing back and forth 125 feet in the air and at speeds of up to 60 mph.


Jirousek said early in the ride – perhaps on the second or third swing – a thick metal cable broke loose from one of the arms.


The cable, estimated by witnesses to be about 100 feet long and 1½ inches thick, broke free from the top of one of the arms, fell to the ground, then flailed wildly as the swing continued to move back and forth.


"There were shooting sparks when it hit the ground," said Jirousek, 22. "It took out fences on both sides. That was a pretty gnarly accident."


The ride remains closed while Cedar Point investigates the cause of the incident.


An inspector from the Ohio Department of Agriculture's Division of Amusement Park Safety is expected to visit the park this week to look into the incident as well, said chief ride inspector Mike Vartorella. The ride was last inspected by the state on May 9, 2014, as part of the park's annual pre-opening inspection.


A father from Orrville, who was on Skyhawk when the accident occurred, said the experience on Saturday was terrifying.


"We all thought the cable was going to hit us," said the man, who was on the ride with his 8-year-old daughter and asked that his name not be used. "We watched it come right at us, thinking it was going to cut us in half."


Yet only two people were injured in the incident, neither seriously.


One of the injured, a spectator, is believed to have been hit by wood from the broken fence, and was treated at the scene. The second injury occurred to a rider – a teenage girl, according to witnesses – who was transported to a local hospital, where she was treated and released.


After the cable came loose – it did not break, according to witnesses -- park employees immediately cut power to the ride, which kept swinging on its own, the cable trailing behind.


Brittany Rich of Olmsted Township was watching in horror from a nearby bench. Her husband was on the ride, but she was equally worried about the safety of her family on the ground.


"My 13-month-old and my father were standing at the fence when it broke. They were standing right in front of where there is no more fence," she said. "My dad scooped up my 1 year old and ran to safety, thank God!"


Though she was standing farther away, she scrambled to move, too, not knowing how far the cable could reach.


"I saw the wire snap and saw it flailing through the sky," she said. "The whole thing was terrifying and people were running for their lives."


She said it will be a while, if ever, before she returns to Cedar Point, or any amusement park. "I just keep playing what-if scenarios in my head. It's a miracle that no one got hurt."


Jirousek, meanwhile, said he'll probably be back at Cedar Point later this summer. But he's likely done with Skyhawk.


"That's the last time I'll be riding that ride probably ever," he said, though it used to be one of his favorites.


The ride, installed in 2006, was made by Utah-based S&S Worldwide, which also made the park's Power Tower ride.

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