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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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This year was the first year that I've had Mean Streak ride with no trim on the lift hill and pretty much throughout and it was actually really good speed wise. That combined with a ride weaving through and around its majestic structure almost makes up for a lack of anything substantial in its elements. It didn't seem that rough, but them we rode near the front


Mean Streak actually runs sometimes without its trims? I knew that Mantis and Magnum sometimes ran like that, but never Mean Streak. The only chance I've had was when it was raining hard and Mean Streak was open. The train just slid through the drop trims, what a great ride...even in the back seat!


Oops, I meant no trim in the first drop. It was definitely fast. I'm not sure if that happens regularly or if something was wrong that ride? It was fun and much welcomed regardless.


Gatekeeper, however it ends up riding, will look fantastic and be such a great replacement for Disaster Transport. Having that space along the beach open again has totally changed that area's look and feel for the better. Plus, if it means any shorter of a wait for Maverick and Millennium Force, I'll be the happiest person on earth.

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One thing Mean Streak has going for it is that it is IMO very beautiful looking. It would be more beautiful with bright red RMC Iron Horse track on it. Hopefully Cedar Point reconsiders and lets RMC get their hands on it!


I'm really hoping for that to! That's my favorite part of the park to sit down and just enjoy the view. The Mean Streak is an awesome looking coaster with that massive wooden structure and the train gate running by.

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^Yeah, I've always thought that mean Streak is one of the best looking wooden coasters in the world even if the ride on it leaves a lot to be desired. I'm a fan of it getting re-profiled by RMC in some form or another, but that may or may not be financially feasible.

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^Yeah, I've always thought that mean Streak is one of the best looking wooden coasters in the world even if the ride on it leaves a lot to be desired. I'm a fan of it getting re-profiled by RMC in some form or another, but that may or may not be financially feasible.


I would think financially, if it was reprofiled, it would be a huge draw, even more so than the Gatekeeper. But that first year, before they put the trim brakes, and the track was still smooth, it delived a great ride. Loved it. It still wouldn't compare to any GCI, or the Voyage, but it was fun. Now, I only admire its beauty, because the ride is so rough.

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^Yeah, I've always thought that mean Streak is one of the best looking wooden coasters in the world even if the ride on it leaves a lot to be desired. I'm a fan of it getting re-profiled by RMC in some form or another, but that may or may not be financially feasible.


I agree...I would LOVE to see this coaster get the RMC treatment. I would hate to see them tear it down as it is a very beautiful coaster.


I rode it the year it opened and still remember it being a great ride. Even though most people probably chuckle when they hear the woman in the video say that it was smooth, it actually was...and it was faster than sh%t before they added the trims on the drop.


And then there was the structure sway which freaked you out while you watched & waited in the queue when it was in the middle of the coaster!

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I am really interested in working at Cedar Point this summer and I'm wondering if there are steps I can take to secure the position I truly want. I would love to work on the ride crew at either Maverick, GateKeeper, or Millennium Force.


I'm a passionate worker and I'm not hesitant to ask for what I want, as long as it's something reasonable. I know many of you are current/former employees of the park. Can someone offer me advice?

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In your application you can put in a request for a location towards the end of the form. However there is no guarantee, and returning employees tend have a higher chance at getting the ride location they prefer. You can also mention it during your phone interview, and they can give you a better idea of what your odds are.


Good luck!

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I am really interested in working at Cedar Point this summer and I'm wondering if there are steps I can take to secure the position I truly want. I would love to work on the ride crew at either Maverick, GateKeeper, or Millennium Force.


I'm a passionate worker and I'm not hesitant to ask for what I want, as long as it's something reasonable. I know many of you are current/former employees of the park. Can someone offer me advice?


I worked at Cedar Point this season (2012) for the first time. In my opinion, in order to work on a ride you want to (especially the coasters you mentioned) you would have to have previous year experience. If I were to apply for next season, which I may, I probably have a say as to what ride I want to work. However, as a first year employee I'm guessing they put you wherever they need you.


You can always suggest a specific ride to work on but they can't always get you that ride. I'm guessing most employees who are applying for next season will want to work on GateKeeper since it will be the newest coaster.

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I actually thought about going to work for Cedar Point for a summer one year but then I talked to a girl who's job was to work the line for disaster transport. I was worried that I be stuck doing a the same job for a whole summer. This was a few years ago though and I am sure its a lot of fun to work there.

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Working at CP can be the best time of your life and rarely does your ride location have anything to do with it. Its all about the people you meet and the friends you make.


Now some rides are more fun to operate than others yes. But a summer at CP is really what you make of it and what attitude you bring with you.

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Now some rides are more fun to operate than others yes.


Like G$?! Gemini is one of the most fun rides to work in the park!


Also, keep in mind that it's really the people you work with, not the ride, usually. If you apply and don't get one the coasters, don't be bummed! Chances are, you'll probably end up working it at some point during the summer.

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Working at Cedar Point can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Very little depends on the ride location you work, and more on the crew you're on. It does get repetitive at times, but there is opportunity for you to get trained on several rides. The best thing I have gained from working here are the friendships I have made at the park.

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According to NPN, the CP dormitories will be "relocated and modernized to open up space for future development on site."


Having never been to Cedar Point, I really don't know where some things are in relation to others. Are the dorms situated next to corkscrew? I ask this because there was a rumor on Screamscape last week suggesting that Cedar Fair could be in the process of retiring old corkscrew roller coasters. The rumor was specifically about Anaconda at Kings Dominion and Vortex at Kings Island due to age and maintenance costs, but suggested the same could happen with Cedar Fair's other corkscrews. If Corkscrew was removed, as well as the buildings adjacent to it, that would open up decent space, however, you would loose the "coolness" of the corkscrew placement above the walking path.


Here's the link to the rumor from 11/6/12.



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Gemini is a great ride to work! Probably one of the best. If there is something that makes ride locations better is the guests attitude at each ride. Different rides inexplicably and consistently get the same type of guest interaction. Like the difference between guests attitude at Monster and Witches Wheel is drastic. It really is fascinating to see how predictable people really can be.

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Also, to add to the 'working at cp' discussion, most of working at cp is what happens outside of work. Work is just the same thing over and over, but the fun you have with your crew and friends outside the park makes up a lot more of the experience than being at work. As far as being at work, you'll find that the oddest rides become the most fun to work. At major coasters, you're under pressure to keep the lines moving and such, but working fun family rides always seem to be better. From the experience of the workers, one of the funnest rides to work in the park is Cadillac Cars! You'd be surprised what you fall in love with working at CP!

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As far as being at work, you'll find that the oddest rides become the most fun to work. At major coasters, you're under pressure to keep the lines moving and such, but working fun family rides always seem to be better. From the experience of the workers, one of the funnest rides to work in the park is Cadillac Cars! You'd be surprised what you fall in love with working at CP!


This is 100% true. I worked at KBF for 5 1/2 years. I operated every coaster in the park (except GR) which was fun however the most fun I had was when I was operating Wipeout in Boardwalk or Hat Dance in Fiesta Village. The smaller attractions allow for more guest interaction because there's not as much of a push from management for efficiency. Obviously flat ride operators still need to have some sense of urgency (especially the single operator attractions) but not as much as a coaster.

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