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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I'm not that familiar with the ground of Cedar Point but where is the staging area where the track is delivered in relation to the construction site? I can imagine it being a bit of a challenge with the park being on a peninsula



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Really looking forward to GateKeeper I was thinking they needed a floorless or flying of some sort. Now they do .

I have to ask one question though... what's next for Cedar Point? They now have a complete ride lineup. How can they possibly get better? Focus on kids rides? A 4D (Zacspin)? Any ideas?

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Even bigger/better innovating rides and attractions. The Wing coaster concept just recently appeared, so I'd say whats in store next for CP is something we've never even seen yet. Although it is a bit early for talk like that, construction has only just begun.

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^ This.


Maverick was a great step forward in that department. They need to get some more unique rides and layouts that are just plain fun.


Also, their lineup isn't quite finished yet. They could still use a nice wooden coaster (though I do love Blue Streak). Lets just enjoy Gatekeeper and see what they do when the time comes

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I still say we're getting an Intamin woodie sometime soon. The point cannot ignore the success El Toro and T Express have had!


Unless they do something with MS, i doubt we'll see another woodie. What's the point of building a new woodie if you can't take care of the one you have now? Of course the wooden coasters of today are light years away from dinn coasters of the 90's. Seeing how MS Que was pretty much eliminated shows that they've practically given up on the ride (other than re-tracking it during the off-season). I honestly don't think CP would go with the Iron Horse treatment. They seem to really be pushing/preserving the fact that "its a wooden coaster".



The ride itself, meh. Although Timberliners/MFlyers and some topper track would turn this sucker around. The coaster isn't anything spectacular from an enthusiast's POV (>5% of attendance I presume) , but this parks main crowd is the GP. Think about it, a wooden coaster the size MS running silky smooth.......I smell long lines there. This thing has the potential to eat up the GP.


Everyone says that topper track won't save the ride, but I beg to differ. Smooth it out and you got a decent ride on your hand. Honestly topper track would help bring this ride back to its former glory, which has a high possibility to bring back the lines. And if that happens, its a success. Just because it doesn't have Ohh-my-jebus-banked curves---loads of airtime---and a insane drop, doesn't mean the coaster is terrible. It's a classic wooden(in this case a silky smooth one), and one the calibur of MS is something that's sure to sell.


Look at it like this:

-A horrible cracked/bumpy/beat up road that's sometimes used a short-cut of a major road (There was one in my hometown)

-No one really used it because of the above reasons

-They recently repaved it and got ride of all the weeds/over-grown greenery (nothing great or exciting there)

-However, theirs at-least 2 or so cars are at the stop-sign following, so of-course more people are noticing and using the road.


-Mean streak is in the back of the park, yet still very busy

-No one rides mean streak because its rough/hard to find

-Add some topper/new trains (nothing new or exciting there), and some more signage/promotion material around the entrance

-If it rides good and is now promoted.....there should be an increase in ridership, right?



This is just my way of looking at this.

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Honestly, I think Iron Horse Mean Streak would be the best bet for a good woodie in the near future for Cedar Point. I'm in for Iron Streak.

But then it's no longer wood?


NTAG was marketed as a wooden coaster and the GP believe it, so as far as I'm concerned, it's known as a wooden coaster in the non-enthusiast community. Plus, I think Iron Horse Mean Streak would be a tremendous improvement over Mean Streak, regardless if it is steel or wood.

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^ It was $10 million to redo NTAG and Mean Streak pretty much has the same layout as OTAG, so I can't see costing too much more then that.

Well, it's nice to hear some numbers. If CP were to do the Iron horse, how would they make it significantly different from TNTAG? They'd probably throw some inversions in there somewhere, hopefully a heartline

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^ It was $10 million to redo NTAG and Mean Streak pretty much has the same layout as OTAG, so I can't see costing too much more then that.

Well, it's nice to hear some numbers. If CP were to do the Iron horse, how would they make it significantly different from TNTAG? They'd probably throw some inversions in there somewhere, hopefully a heartline


OTAG & Mean Streak have similar, but different layouts. I'm sure that Iron Horse Mean Streak's layout would be very different from NTAG.

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Having first rode Mean Streak this year (gasp! I know and I've been going to CP since 2005) I actually kind of liked the ride. Way smoother than I thought it was going to be, rode it multiple times, in all sorts of conditions, in different seats. If they were to do anything to it, I'd say reconfigure the last 1/2 of the layout after the MCBR. Kind of boring and not too many laterals. The PTCs on it though need some more TLC as in replace the headrests with a softer material and get rid of that rigid foam that they use for cushions. Much prefer what they used on Shivering Timbers PTCs, feels like I'm sitting on a comfy couch with those cushions.


I know a lot of retracking and adding supports to certain areas on Mean Streak, having being closed the past 2 years during Halloweekends to do so and it finally staying open for the whole year with all 3 trains. And with Cedar Fair putting a ton of money into it, I don't see a complete overhaul of anything happening to that anytime soon besides the general track replacement.

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