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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I have a feeling that it will, I know the ride isn't Ouimet's brainchild, but he has made the park look so much better then it has in recent years and I don't see him just allowing the brand new statement ride to the entrance of the park fly over pavement without any effort in landscaping to some degree.

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From Screamscape:


Wing Coaster - Semi-Confirmed - (7/18/12) I find it hard to believe this will be the name, but according to an e-mail sent my way, they claim the new Wing coaster could end up being called GateKeeper. Sounds more like a temporary name / project code-name to me... so I’m expecting to see this one changed. So far, I didn’t notice any hits on the Trademark database either.


Wave 2 of awful Hawk jokes, begin. Actually, don't.

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From Screamscape:


Wing Coaster - Semi-Confirmed - (7/18/12) I find it hard to believe this will be the name, but according to an e-mail sent my way, they claim the new Wing coaster could end up being called GateKeeper. Sounds more like a temporary name / project code-name to me... so I’m expecting to see this one changed. So far, I didn’t notice any hits on the Trademark database either.


Wave 2 of awful Hawk jokes, begin. Actually, don't.

Gatekeeper . Oh Cedar Fair how you amaze me with your naming skills. Although, it does make sense given the coasters location near the parks main entrance.

Edited by 3Mutts
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From Screamscape:


Wing Coaster - Semi-Confirmed - (7/18/12) I find it hard to believe this will be the name, but according to an e-mail sent my way, they claim the new Wing coaster could end up being called GateKeeper. Sounds more like a temporary name / project code-name to me... so I’m expecting to see this one changed. So far, I didn’t notice any hits on the Trademark database either.


Wave 2 of awful Hawk jokes, begin. Actually, don't.

Gatekeeper . Oh Cedar Fair how you amaze me with your naming skills. Although it dose make since given its location near the enterence.

GateKeeper? GATEKEEPER?!


GateKeeper =

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In reply to the entrance talk, nothing is confirmed at all yet. So, who knows we may get either a new area or just the coaster. Just because the Register said this, doesn't mean it is definitely true or true at all.


^^Not even a confirmed name, just a rumor that Cedarr Fair has nothing to do with yet or ever.

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It's a step up from "Dragster H20".

Agreed on that. Let's hope they don't EVER hold another "name the ride vote" on their Facebook page again .

Dragster H20......... How ORIGINAL, people seem to only fawn over the big wigs. That name is Terrible. If they hold a poll for the next coaster name. It will be "Top Maverick Force" calling it!

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I wonder who sent Lance the "GateKeeper" name. Must be just a code name for it. It would make sense being at the gate, but what an awful name if it were true!


I think Cedar Point should renovate the area over there, making it a bit more classic, beachy looking. It's already very colorful! Kind of like how they renovated Paradise Pier at DCA, but of course on a smaller scale. It would be cute if there was some sort of boardwalk area around the ride. I hope the green track we've seen isn't for Cedar Point. Too similar to Raptor, unless it was supposed to be some sort of sequel to the Raptor. Who knows.

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I wonder who sent Lance the "GateKeeper" name. Must be just a code name for it. It would make sense being at the gate, but what an awful name if it were true!


I think Cedar Point should renovate the area over there, making it a bit more classic, beachy looking. It's already very colorful! Kind of like how they renovated Paradise Pier at DCA, but of course on a smaller scale. It would be cute if there was some sort of boardwalk area around the ride. I hope the green track we've seen isn't for Cedar Point. Too similar to Raptor, unless it was supposed to be some sort of sequel to the Raptor. Who knows.

If it is that green track (which I doubt) the jeep will think its the same ride as Raptor or that it IS Raptor . Also it would be nice if they did renovate that area, it dose look a little bit dated and if they do, they should also do the same for the Gemini midway, that looks REALLY dated.

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That area would look so nice as a boardwalk with a GCI woodie fronting the beach...but alas.



Wholeheartedly agree. I think a woodie like that would look fantastic both on the beach and when it would travel over/under the entrance. Though a wingrider would definitely look intimidating, a GCI would without a doubt would make the entrance amazing looking.

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I honestly think Cedar Point will not install a wooden coaster there because I really do not think the GP wants one. A lot of people in the area constantly complain about how rough wooden coasters are in general and whenever I discuss wanting to build one in the park with my friends, I get told how horrible of an idea that would be. The people around here love their steel coasters and it shows for the past 21 years.

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For all of you still figuring out if the green track at the ohio plant is for Cedar Point or another park, its for another park (Ocean Kingdom?). I did some label comparing and found a trend in the label that clearly states the green track is for some other park while some other track (with a different colour) is for Cedar Point. If you guys want me to post my full "analysis" I can. I sent it to Lance, so if he believes me, you might see it on Screamscape tomorrow.

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I honestly think Cedar Point will not install a wooden coaster there because I really do not think the GP wants one.


They *had* a superior wood coaster from 1964... but that disgraced in 1995.


No matter how much CP fanboys say "Blue Streak is *still* a GREAT ride," it will never be this again




Even with new stuff like Magnum and Raptor, Blue Streak was the sweetheart of the park




I knew that ride very well; rode it every day for 2 years




It's a clunking (albeit fast - clunking) typical PTC "upgrade" job today. Those stupid restraints, etc. is like being tied down in a damn coffin. With all the fame and hype of CP, I couldn't believe they didn't keep their only classic coaster. I rode it last summer for the first time in 11 years, and walked away stoic and wanted to cry. For anyone that knew the classic Blue Streak, it's a very different ride now. Just look at all that extra wood and steel supports to make up for the weight added to the trains with those stupid lap bars. To boot, the capacity is about 65% of what it used to be - but it doesn't matter because it lost its "classic" crowd years ago.


Nope, still not over it.


Does anyone else get sick of "same-ness"?


As far as a future new woodie at CP, I would think they may eventually do something with Mean Streak after watching how the new hybrid types (Texas Giant, topper tracks, etc.) stand the test of time. The run from the 3rd drop to the midcourse brake was stellar when it first opened. But that didn't last long.

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From Screamscape:


Wing Coaster - Semi-Confirmed - (7/18/12) I find it hard to believe this will be the name, but according to an e-mail sent my way, they claim the new Wing coaster could end up being called GateKeeper. Sounds more like a temporary name / project code-name to me... so I’m expecting to see this one changed. So far, I didn’t notice any hits on the Trademark database either.


Wave 2 of awful Hawk jokes, begin. Actually, don't.


At least it doesn't have "Hawk" or "Dump" in it.

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