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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Just reading through the past pages here and wanted to let you guys know that the only reason why Intamin made B&M style track coasters was because Walter and Bolliger worked for them at the time! Well, they worked for Giovanola which Intamin sub-contracted to make their coasters at the time. On that note, don't expect another B&M style coasters ever again from Intamin.

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Just reading through the past pages here and wanted to let you guys know that the only reason why Intamin made B&M style track coasters was because Walter and Bolliger worked for them at the time! Well, they worked for Giovanola which Intamin sub-contracted to make their coasters at the time. On that note, don't expect another B&M style coasters ever again from Intamin.

Thanks for that...but I"m pretty sure we all knew this.... (or at least I did! lol)

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Is the "rumored/alleged/for sure" name going to be "Erie's Fury"





Or something altogether different.....



Opinions, please....and facts if ya have 'em


(I'm not so sad about DT going away, it was fun while it lasted and I rode it in both incarnations, but really, can't you just build "around" the space sprial? I have only ridden it a couple of times, but as a kid growing up, ....it's just a good family bonding kinda ride....) just saying....


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Is the "rumored/alleged/for sure" name going to be "Erie's Fury"





Or something altogether different.....



Opinions, please....and facts if ya have 'em


(I'm not so sad about DT going away, it was fun while it lasted and I rode it in both incarnations, but really, can't you just build "around" the space sprial? I have only ridden it a couple of times, but as a kid growing up, ....it's just a good family bonding kinda ride....) just saying....



My guess is something ending in "hawk".The whole "where'd you get the photo" game reminds me of the whole "it's a giga" no "it's a vertical lift" debate in the KD thread when I305's lift base showed up & even with the box o' bolts pic nobody believed it till the announcement was finally made LOL!!!

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I think it should be called "Seagull" with it's location over the beach and parking areas. Each seat would be equipped with its own push button that would release a small globule of whipped cream, so that riders could 'welcome guests as they were entering or leaving the park and give them a true CP experience. (Just remember not to push your button while doing the inversions!)

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^ But then it would have to fly all the way over to Raptor so we could leave our deposits on the supports.



PS - LMAO @ Erie's Fury! I would much rather it be called: 'Revenge of the Zebra Mollusk' or 'The Zoomin' Mayfly'...or my personal favorites: 'The Stink' or 'Flying Dead Fish'

Edited by Philrad71
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New to the boards, and planning our first trip to CP from South Florida.

Looking to go up for a HalloWeekend probably around Oct 5-8 (because I can't wait till next May when it reopens) , go to the park Sat & Sunday. Would like to stay at the Breakers Express for the early park entry and parking. Will definitely be getting the Fast Lane pass for Saturday, maybe even Sunday - however this is what it says is included on the reservation booking page for any of the hotels..

"A Friday Evening Ticket per registered guest (maybe upgraded on Sunday for $16 per ticket)"


Does this mean for $16 more we would get a Sunday all day ticket? Also, how insane is it going to be for Halloweekends, even with the Fast Pass?


If you can give us any tips or hints to get the maximum ride experience in our 2 days at the park we'd greatly appreciate it. It's just me and my girl going, and want to show her an awesome time, and to give myself the dream trip of a lifetime. We'll be flying into Cleveland and renting a car. Hoping to find some good beer spots as well around Sandusky & Cleveland to have a few Nice IPA's from the area.


Thanks all for the help.



I have read on numerous pages of the Fast Lane argument, those who like it or hate it - and having been to SFGAdv , their fast pass system was awesome. Make an 'appointment' for a ride, check in when it tells you (have to wait 15 min before you can book the next ride), once you check in you make your next appointment for a new ride which eliminates running around in circles on the same ride over and over. But being that I'll only be at Cedar Point for a short time, we gotta take advantage if it's offered.

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Can we stop guessing or making fun of Cedar Fair's Flight-Deck-Hawk name? It's getting a little annoying reading page after page of what people are guessing the ride name will be. Honestly I could careless what the ride name is...I'm just excited that a huge B&M WingRider is coming!!!

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Does this mean for $16 more we would get a Sunday all day ticket? Also, how insane is it going to be for Halloweekends, even with the Fast Pass?


It's been a few years since I've been on a Halloweekends Saturday, but if it's nice weather the park will be insane. It's not uncommon on nice days for the park to be filled to capacity.

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Can we stop guessing or making fun of Cedar Fair's Flight-Deck-Hawk name? It's getting a little annoying reading page after page of what people are guessing the ride name will be. Honestly I could careless what the ride name is...I'm just excited that a huge B&M WingRider is coming!!!


I thought those names were from the Paramount Parks, before the purchase? Then CF changed them to even more generic names.

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Can we stop guessing or making fun of Cedar Fair's Flight-Deck-Hawk name? It's getting a little annoying reading page after page of what people are guessing the ride name will be. Honestly I could careless what the ride name is...I'm just excited that a huge B&M WingRider is coming!!!


Just a few more....











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Did we ever find out what park this green track was for? Or do we still not know? Lance from Screamscape says the source who gave him the photos in April said the code on the track said the track was for a Wing Rider. Here are the photos again. Could this be our "Banshee"?







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Maybe it will be themed as a radioactive spill on the beach, educating young people pollution is bad. This ultimately leads to the unfortunate creation of a Lazer Snake Hawk that happens to be on fire.


Now that that's out of my system, I thought the green track was for a coaster somewhere outside of North America (China, was it?).


EDIT: This, http://www.rcdb.com/9114.htm, but I guess it could go to either there or CP, though I kind of doubt they would use green when they already have the very green Raptor.

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Can we stop guessing or making fun of Cedar Fair's Flight-Deck-Hawk name? It's getting a little annoying reading page after page of what people are guessing the ride name will be.


OMG, I couldn't agree more!!!


...My bet is on Poop Deck.

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Did we ever find out what park this green track was for? Or do we still not know? Lance from Screamscape says the source who gave him the photos in April said the code on the track said the track was for a Wing Rider. Here are the photos again. Could this be our "Banshee"?







The wing rider track in the pictures has already been spotted at a new park in China called Ocean Kingdom. There are pictures of the track here. http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=62098&hilit=Mysterious+green+B%26amp%3BM+track&start=220

Edited by 3Mutts
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