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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Again - I heard Bryan Edwards say DT will be scrapped.


The fate of the Disaster Transport track are unknown at this time, but the building would deferentially be scrapped and the actual coaster would be relocated to either Dorney Park, MI Adventure, or sold to a park outside the Cedar Fair chain.

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I think this is great news for the park.


DT was a fun little ride, but the building was absolutely hideous. It looked more like warehouse / factory than a roller coaster. If they remove that it will likely provide great views of the beach in addition to clearing room for the new coaster. It's a shame that they're getting rid of Space Spiral but they have Giant Wheel and Windseeker on the same midway which really serve the same purpose (especially the Ferris Wheel).


I can't wait to see what they have in store for 2013!

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I like observation tower rides, and it's too bad that one of the more unique of the Intamin towers is going.


Not to be "that guy", but Space Spiral was actually built by Von Roll (the same company who built Sky Ride) . I too like observation towers, but Space Spiral really has been looking shoddy for a while now, with its top level closed for years plus the aforementioned lack of air conditioning and dirty windows. I was never really happy with its location either. Hopefully within the next few years some new low-thrill low-height-restriction rides are added back. I'm still hoping for a dark ride at some point, especially now that DT's nearing the end!


With DT's removal, that leaves Iron Dragon as the sole 46" coaster. Its lines already often spill out onto the midway now that most of its queues have been removed. I can't imagine how bad it'll get when it's the only "medium" coaster in the park for the little ones.

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Sorry if I'm a bit late on this, but how are we sure it's a B&M? It could be a Skyrush type ride, for all we know...

Well after the disaster that Shoot the Rapids was I don't think Cedar Point wants another Intamin with tons of problems and since B&M is the only other company that provides wing riders, I think it's self expanitory. That and the Sandusky Register confrimed the plans a little while ago.

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^Nope, that was delivered to CP yesterday, and it has the WI code that all the other B&M wing riders have had. And Intamin hasn't built a coaster with "B&M style" track in...........two decades?


Intamin could build a coaster with "B&M style" agian, but Cedar Point has enough Intamin coasters already!

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According to CP, they would not give it away that easy. Is this simply another false clue? In short, is it a fake label?

Hasn't this really been like the worst kept secret ever? Seriously, I think we all know what it is... The Sandusky newspaper even published it!


Here, let me remind you all...


Edited by robbalvey
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According to CP, they would not give it away that easy. Is this simply another false clue? In short, is it a fake label?

Hasn't this really been like the worst kept secret ever? Seriously, I think we all know what it is... The Sandusky newspaper even published it!


Here, let me remind you all...



More lies by the liberal media! /sarcasm

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According to CP, they would not give it away that easy. Is this simply another false clue? In short, is it a fake label?

Hasn't this really been like the worst kept secret ever? Seriously, I think we all know what it is... The Sandusky newspaper even published it!


Here, let me remind you all...


I still believe the SDC 2013 not-coaster-project is the best kept secret ever

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According to CP, they would not give it away that easy. Is this simply another false clue? In short, is it a fake label?

Hasn't this really been like the worst kept secret ever? Seriously, I think we all know what it is... The Sandusky newspaper even published it!


Here, let me remind you all...



I suppose I am in CP wing-rider denial. Somebody slap me. I wanted to believe the newspaper article was spurned by a so-called leak. I will just have to accept an "inverted" BM...I mean wing-rider.

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