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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2036 - Snake River Falls closing September 2nd, 2024

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It's sad DT will be leaving, it definitely was a coaster worth a ride every time I went to the point. That being said, it's very exciting at the same time that they're opening up that area of the park. It's really going to make every ride in that area look better, and give it more of a beachside/boardwalk feel.


On the subject of the Wingrider, I'd love to see a wingrider more along the lines of Wild Eagle much more than I would something like X flight or The Swarm.


Also, could @!!$!(*%% be code for something?

Edited by sammmmmy
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One other thing. It's going to be WEIRD not seeing that giant tin 12 E box on the Oceana Midway since it's been there so long, but it will also be really refreshing as a new coaster will make the whole area look much better.

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I am so glad that they are making it go out with a bang! Sucks I won't be able to get to participate with the late notice. Also sucks I will never the credit!!!

Diddo. Wish I could go. Did Disaster Transport have theming inside? Or was it a bobsled coaster in complete darkness? Not that familiar with DT.

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I am so glad that they are making it go out with a bang! Sucks I won't be able to get to participate with the late notice. Also sucks I will never the credit!!!

Diddo. Wish I could go. Did Disaster Transport have theming inside? Or was it a bobsled coaster in complete darkness? Not that familiar with DT.


I'm not sure you would exactly call what Diasaster Transport had in it "theming" per se. It was more like a weak attempt to make it seem like you weren't just riding around in complete darkness. I recall a line during the ride, something along the lines of "We're losing control!" but realistically while riding you'd be like "uhhh...we're barely moving." Basically me and my brothers reaction at the end of the ride was like "Uhhhh...oh-kaaay?"


It is always sad to see older rides go. But considering it's pretty much already known the park is getting an awesome B&M Wingrider, I wouldn't be too down in the dumps about losing this one.

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I was confused when I was reading the press release. At first I thought it was an event where kids with illnesses got to ride it. Then I read the part about a registration fee and that they had to raise so much money I thought that was kinda mean. I get it now though.


I think it still is the only bobsled coaster I've ridden, so I guess I thought it was cool because of that, but I don't remember any aspect of the ride. I slightly remember the queue being sorta cool and with weird designs and black lighting n such.


I remember riding the sky tower and It was even miserable back in 2005 or whenever. It was hot as hell and all the windows were steamed up.

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I would honestly rather see CP get a flyer over a wing coaster next year. I know it probably won't happen, but I think it would be a better ride, and it would compliment the other coasters better. Whatever it is, it'll probably be the best of its type because that's how CP rolls. If it is a wing coaster, I hope that the seats will flip.


It's always sad to see old rides go, but I don't think anyone will cry themselves to sleep over DT or SS. Also, could @!!$!(*%% be code? Maybe the name of the new coaster is Allsiconn. No? Ok.

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As for CP becoming more of a thrill park...I'm OK with it!

I mean it's good to have family rides/sections and diverse appeal, buttt I'm A OK with more and more thrill rides and less family lol

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I never thought much of DT as a ride, but it sucks to see CP's only remaining indoor ride closing at the same time. Especially the fact that it's on the front of the park, which is nothing but concrete.


I'm all for big and thrilling coasters, but not at the expense of the park and its range of appeal. I haven't been back to CP since 2002, and frankly, I don't miss it that much. Great coasters, yes, but no shade, no places to sit, and frankly sub-par food. I'm in my 30's now, and I'm looking for more than rides now from a park. That's why I'm going back to Knoebels this year instead.


Corporate parks like this attract more and more adolescents from rides like TTD, MF, and Maverick, that's a fact I can't ignore. However, when they exclude families from the equation, they're hurting their chance for broader appeal at the same time. One of the great things about one of our first trips to CP, was that it had rides like DT to appeal to my little sister as well.


I'm fine with CP wanting to get rid of this old attraction to keep up with their competition, but I'm hoping they're not looking to appeal only to teenagers in the future.

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Cedar Point is most likely adding 2 or maybe even 3 rollercoasters over the next 2 years. I have to imagine that they want to update with the coaster world by adding newer creations. With there coaster count now down to 15 after DT is out they will be behind SFMM in the count by 2. Now we know for sure both are adding at least one next year so it woud be SFMM 18 and CP at 16. Now seeing that i wouldnt think CP wants that. I could very well see them building the planned WingRider along with a Mac Spin and some other type of coaster. Im not going to go on about saying what type i think they will be building in the next couple of years because only the Park and manufacturer know that but i can expect big things for CP next year or even in a couple of years. Since 07' they havent added anything "big". Im sure they collected a ton of $$$$ over that time and are not afraid to spend it

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I remember riding the sky tower and It was even miserable back in 2005 or whenever. It was hot as hell and all the windows were steamed up.

That's funny.


I remember being there that summer or the summer after...They had to close the ride because someone had gotten heat exhaustion/heat stroke at the top.

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Sad thing is there's still way more trees, green and etc than SF:GA.

That place is like an oven.


I really do think it's more replacing old with new and better...over sacrificing mass appeal for teens.

There was never a line for DT or the tower anyway. I'll miss DT but a huge wingrider sounds great!

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DT wasn't a great ride, but I'm upset I never got to ride it more. It was definitely near the end of its life, almost no effects worked and you could see everything inside the building, but it had a quirkiness to it that I loved. Ah well, if CP is indeed getting a wing-rider, I won't be running to ride it, but at least it will take away lines from everything else.


R.I.P. Disaster Transport, You will be missed.

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Corporate parks like this attract more and more adolescents from rides like TTD, MF, and Maverick, that's a fact I can't ignore. However, when they exclude families from the equation, they're hurting their chance for broader appeal at the same time. One of the great things about one of our first trips to CP, was that it had rides like DT to appeal to my little sister as well.


I'm fine with CP wanting to get rid of this old attraction to keep up with their competition, but I'm hoping they're not looking to appeal only to teenagers in the future.


The rest of your post made sense to me, but this is the part I don't understand. Yes, they've removed two 48" coasters in a year. But in the past five years they've added Planet Snoopy (Family/Child), Starlight Experience (Family), Shoot the Rapids (46" minimum with responsible adult), and Dinosaurs Alive! (Family with upcharge). The only ride they've added in the past five years that isn't equal or less than the height requirement of rides they've removed is Windseeker. These don't seem like the moves of a company who is trying to alienate their family based customers.


Yes its sad to see the lower height restriction attractions disappear, but be happy knowing that they have and will continue to invest in the family market. I'm sure we'll see a more family friendly coaster in the near future. It doesn't make sense not to add one, especially with losing Wildcat unexpectedly. Cedar Fair is a reasonably smart company, and Ouimett seems to have a good head on his shoulders.


I'm personally going to be happy with a shiny new wing rider, even if its not exactly what I was hoping for. If nothing else I still have Magnum and Maverick to fall back on

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DT wasn't a great ride, but I'm upset I never got to ride it more. It was definitely near the end of its life, almost no effects worked and you could see everything inside the building, but it had a quirkiness to it that I loved. Ah well, if CP is indeed getting a wing-rider, I won't be running to ride it, but at least it will take away lines from everything else.


R.I.P. Disaster Transport, You will be missed.


Well it was absolutely not great...just a "fun lil ride"

Never done a wing rider so I'm obligated, I guess.

...twist my arm...

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When I went to CP last month I took a ride on Space Spiral for one last ride and not only was it hot in the cabin but the windows were badly scratched up that you couldn't really see out that well. I didn't ride DT as I quit riding it a long time ago.


One last view before it disappears forever.

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I honestly don't care about the roller coaster count as the quality that matters. A huge wingrider next year will be great! A ZacSpin or whatever else comes in the future for roller coasters will be great quality! Cedar Point does like to break records so will they try to capture the roller coaster capital of the world again???

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It's a shame to see Cedar Point lose another coaster, but considering it's going to be replaced by a potentially awesome wing rider I'm not complaining!


Disaster Transport isn't really a big loss for Cedar Point, it was mostly dark and almost nothing but the coaster itself worked, well kudos to Cedar Point for getting rid of two run downed rides for a much need new coaster!

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