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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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A nice woodie along the beach would make a nice addition. And it could turn that whole side of the park with DT and WT into a ....OMG I can't believe to say this....."themed" boardwalk type area. They already have the games, food court, and rides, it would be an easy directional change for the park.

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If Cedar Point were to add a Dive Machine it would have to be a very impressive one with a much longer layout then Sheikra and Griffon because Cedar Point has already marketed 90degree plus drops with Maverick. A 90 degree drop from a Dive Machine wouldn't have the same affect as it would on other parks, which is why it would need something else unique and exclusive to only Cedar Point,


Aren't we forgetting something here?Busch still has an exclusive deal with B&M prohibiting any other US parks from installing a DM for a set period of time.


What's wrong with CP getting a floorless? Since Dominator left the state perhaps many peeps in the region may welcome such a ride?

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A floorless just isn't a unique ride that CP would really benefit from. A wing rider or a dive machine would be the best thing for the park.


Oh, and I wonder when the contract with Busch prohibiting Dive Machines runs out....maybe it already has?

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^ Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I read it was 5 years after SheiKra and one year added for each they built, meaning with Griffon it would be six years, and end this year, so one could be built for 2012. Could be insanely far from the truth, just what I read.

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^And nobody on this forum actually knows if that's true or not. Seriously, people have been talking about this secret contract for what, six years now? And they've yet to show anything. It's a rumor. And if it's true, that's fine. But nobody can just rule out a dive machine because of some special contract they read about on an Internet forum.

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^As far as I know, nothing has ever been actually confirmed. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that just a rumor that seems to have lasted a little too long? It's very possible that nobody wants a dive machine in the U.S. and that's why we haven't seen any other than at Busch Gardens. They aren't exactly a popular style of ride to build and only recently have they become more common thanks to a lot of Chinese parks adding them.

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Why would B&M sign a contract like that, limiting them from selling/building that type of ride and potentially losing out on MILLIONS of dollars of revenue? Does not sound like something that a company that wants to make money, a lot of it, would do. It is more likely that the reason there have been no more Dive Machines built here (yet) is simply that no one else wants one.

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^ I wouldn't say nobody wants one, I would say it's the price. At TPR Day @ SFGAM, the parks GM told us that if he could install any coaster he wanted, it would be a dive machine, but Six Flags might not want to spend that much on one coaster. So I'd say it's more the price, not that there's no interest.

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But even if it was that, how would that be unique at all? After waiting five or maybe even six years after their last coaster was built and their coaster is a Dominator clone? That just doesn't speak quality to me and I know Cedar Point wouldn't do that.

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This thread got really entertaining


Just my opinion, but I doubt they will take out Disaster Transport. It is one of only 2 coasters with a 46" height requirement, plus if Cedar Point did take out a roller coaster, it would be against the goal of having the most coasters.

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But even if it was that, how would that be unique at all? After waiting five or maybe even six years after their last coaster was built and their coaster is a Dominator clone? That just doesn't speak quality to me and I know Cedar Point wouldn't do that.


My home park replaced a forceful Arrow megalooper and a Vekoma GIB with a fairly unique (and despite that, awful) Superman: UF, two wild mice, and a Splash Battle.

I'm aware that it wouldn't be unique, and it would never happen. I'm also aware of the mediocre reviews Gardaland's Wingrider has garnered thus far, as unique as it is. Before I get responses explaining that it was a prototype, so was Batman: The Ride. Flyers have gotten bigger too, but remain mediocre (though admittedly less so than S:UF, and while I haven't ridden it, popular opinion says Air as well). B&M hasn't made them like they used to for a decade or so. For that reason, I wouldn't be bothered in the least by a ride that is relocated/a clone when it's the best in it's class. All hypothetical, anyway.

Edited by Ed Farmer
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This thread got really entertaining


Just my opinion, but I doubt they will take out Disaster Transport. It is one of only 2 coasters with a 46" height requirement, plus if Cedar Point did take out a roller coaster, it would be against the goal of having the most coasters.


QFT. Also that area behind where Demon Drop used to be is just parking lot and could easily be re purposed for a ride of some sort. However...this makes me nervous for a parking lot coaster, especially if its a floor-less. It could be exactly like Scream.

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Why would B&M sign a contract like that, limiting them from selling/building that type of ride and potentially losing out on MILLIONS of dollars of revenue? Does not sound like something that a company that wants to make money, a lot of it, would do. It is more likely that the reason there have been no more Dive Machines built here (yet) is simply that no one else wants one.


If said contract were true, they wouldn't sign it for nothing. I'm sure BG would offer them a comparable amount of money to "buy them out" and make up for the potential lost revenue.

Edited by FeelTheFORCE
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^^Cedar Fair would never do a parking lot coaster, especially at CP. At Kings Dominion they tore up some parking lot and turned it into one of the nicest areas in the park for Dominator.

Edited by braztaz
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I'd like to see an El Toro type woodie. Cedar Point has plenty of steel coasters.


I'd hate for Disaster Transport to be removed. It's my middle kid's favorite ride. He will only ride about 5 coasters at the park.



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