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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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My sister and I will be taking a Cedar Fair trip at the end of May starting at Cedar Point. I already have my gold pass with all park passport, but my sister has not purchased hers yet. Valleyfair is the park we live closest to. Are we able to buy the pass through Valleyfair then use it at Cedar Point without visiting Valleyfair first? We can get it through Cedar Point if needed, but it would be cheaper through Valleyfair.

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6 hours ago, MidwestThemeParks said:

My sister and I will be taking a Cedar Fair trip at the end of May starting at Cedar Point. I already have my gold pass with all park passport, but my sister has not purchased hers yet. Valleyfair is the park we live closest to. Are we able to buy the pass through Valleyfair then use it at Cedar Point without visiting Valleyfair first? We can get it through Cedar Point if needed, but it would be cheaper through Valleyfair.

Yes. They might be even cheaper at Canada's Wonderland.  The $100 all park addon will be.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Im glad I skipped going last year, (a break from a good thing is good sometimes) but I'll be going again this year. 

I pay no offseason attention so can anyone tell me what, if any, changes there are to platinum pass and all that? I was going to renew as I do every year but no idea if it's been changed, made worse, etc etc

Otherwise I may just try to go for Coastermania as that kinda nixes the need for early entrance and etc

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  • 4 weeks later...

Now there will be PAY LOCKERS ONLY at TT2. 🤬

Here is the latest post from the park.. Safety is their excuse. Right. This will make a mess. The long lines will start to get into the lockers now.



Working with the manufacturer’s recommendations, Top Thrill 2’s rider safety guidelines were revised after initial testing, resulting in our strict policy of loose articles not being permitted past the ride’s entrance.

Due to the later revision, the integration of lockers into the queue, similar to those at Steel Vengeance, was not possible. We encourage riders to leave any loose articles with a non-rider. If you wish to rent a locker, they will be near the entrance for a nominal fee.

These policies are in place for the safety of our Guests and Associates – and safety is our first priority. Thank you for adhering to these rider safety guidelines to ensure a safe and FUN ride.

We look forward to seeing you on Top Thrill 2 this summer!

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Taking it at face value with that statement, it makes sense that the recommendations were made too late to implement in-queue lockers.

However, having that policy in place for years on SV and knowing the reason TTD shut down in general (loose object causing great harm to a visitor), it should have been a plan from the beginning to implement a strict no loose objects policy.

Easiest and quickest solution is replace the "pay for play" lockers outside of the entrance with ones that operate for free, but Cedar Point won't do that outside of a queue as it gives access to anyone.

Just horrible foresight and planning on this one.

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I agree that it's upsetting not having the free lockers and I'm shocked they didn't plan on them in the first place (or so they say), but here's how I look at it in the meantime:  If you must ride Top Thrill 2, pay for the lockers once just to try out the ride, then you can realize for the next time that you can ride Steel Vengeance instead, numerous times in a row while everybody else is falling for the "new hotness".   Of course, this won't work if you plan on being there opening day since the whole park will be a mess, or if Steel Vengeance is being stubborn like usual!

I get it that typical park-goers and coaster-lovers alike need to ride this thing and don't always have the chance of going again, but I feel that I've been on enough similar coasters (Maverick for the first launch, Superman Magic Mountain Backwards for the second launch, Top Thrill 1 for the third launch) that I can resist the temptation and enjoy a less stressful time on the park's many other masterpieces!

With that being said, I definitely look forward to riding Top Thrill 2 eventually and I am thrilled that it exists.  Have fun and don't stress out too much!

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I feel so bad for those poor team members working entrance for TT2. Imagine the verbal bashings they are going to get. The flip flop/backless shoe/sandal thing is going to be an absolute NIGHTMARE. 

I feel bad for those team members. - I feel like CP royally f**ked this one up. - I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t see Steel Vengeance style lockers show up next season, or even mid season this year. Some how. Idk how with the current queue layout. However, they going to have to figure something out. Or move the entrance to under the giant TT2 sign, and make the lockers past that “free.” Again, idk how that would work. But they gotta figure something out because this is going to be a cluster. 

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I miss the old "just dump your crap in this bin" systems that were so ubiquitous before Six Flags decided that single-use pay-per-ride lockers were the way to go.  Like surge pricing, it has only led to frustrations and annoyance across the industry.

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9 hours ago, _s3_ said:

knowing the reason TTD shut down in general (loose object causing great harm to a visitor),

I usually carry a heavy steel bracket in my cargo shorts, so I get your point.

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I've seen some pretty over the top locker takes in the last few days, but I will say one thing...  if the only way for a guest to read a park map is on their phone, they shouldn't be charged for needing to store it.  If the park is already operating under the assumption that every guest will have a smart phone on them, the ride policies need to reflect this as well.

I don't understand what could have changed during ride testing that would affect having your phone and keys inside a zipper pocket.  Like... the explanation that it was a late change due to testing and Zamperla recommendation doesn't make any sense.  And they can't add zipper pouches to the trains like RMC has done?

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Time to upgrade the "locker experience" like Wildcat's Revenge, TRON, Velocicoaster ... completely possible and better for everybody to include the dual-sided free lockers into the queue without slowing everything down or forcing us to pay for yet another "add-on."

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Watching a few of the media day videos so far and the thing that stood out to me is that CP had the planning in place to convert the former Speed Freaks merchandise stand near Corkscrews station turn into a second on-ride camera stand because of it's proximity to the lockers at TT2, but didn't plan on them being a necessity for all loose items? 

One good thing is that they added a back pathway from the Magnum midway to the locker area to eliminate the need to go "around the corner" to the queue entrance to get to the TT2 area.

Oh, and one last thing is that during Media Day, the lockers were free, so it's definitely something they can adjust "on the fly."

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They Could always do what Universal does do free locker for a posted amount of time and if your stuff is still in the locker after said time then you get charged for it. 

People have also said why not just leave your stuff in the SV locker then walk to ride TTD.  This is a long way and people freak out about not having a phone for 5 min could only imagine people starting to freak out about the phone being gone for hours on the other side of the park. 

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Why is everyone all up in arms? Once Six Flags officially merges in, there will be no more free lockers anyway. Cedar Point will basically be Great Adventure without the Saturday night fistfights 😆

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On 4/24/2024 at 11:20 AM, _s3_ said:

Easiest and quickest solution is replace the "pay for play" lockers outside of the entrance with ones that operate for free, but Cedar Point won't do that outside of a queue as it gives access to anyone.

Just horrible foresight and planning on this one.

Unless the plan included making everyone pay for lockers.

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For those that have ridden TT2, do you think there will be enough lockers? The queue line will be huge and I worried people will be waiting for an open locker before they get in line to ride. I worried that there will be a huge line waiting for open lockers...

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8 hours ago, coasternut said:

For those that have ridden TT2, do you think there will be enough lockers? The queue line will be huge and I worried people will be waiting for an open locker before they get in line to ride. I worried that there will be a huge line waiting for open lockers...

Uhhh... it hasnt opened yet.


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On 4/27/2024 at 7:17 AM, coasternut said:

^ Media day was last Thursday. I thought possibly someone may have gone.

It's also open this upcoming weekend for passholder preview.


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On 8/5/2022 at 10:13 AM, boldikus said:

There are are only way too many mentions/rumors about it because enthusiasts are basically f*ckin' crackheads.

Well now that TT2 with the LSM swing launch is open and has had actual human riders I guess we can officially say that those f*ckin' crackhead enthusiasts were right for once. 

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4 hours ago, Hilltopper39 said:

Well now that TT2 with the LSM swing launch is open and has had actual human riders I guess we can officially say that those f*ckin' crackhead enthusiasts were right for once. 

Wow, I forgot there was ever even the debate about if TTD was going to become an LSM coaster or not.

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