Knoebel's Trip August 31st
Just a quick couple of notes from our third-ever Knoebel's trip this weekend:
1) Park was quite busy but the lines move so fast! It's amazing what can be accomplished with a properly staffed park. Flying Turns was our longest wait (only because we rope dropped it) and it was only 25 minutes. To keep thing moving they have you put your loose items on the yellow lines on most coasters instead of having to maneuver through the seats to the storage bins and back to your seat. V. efficient!
2) Twister in a very light misty rain is awesome! At least better than Phoenix in a pelting rain. Both are better than most other coasters on a good weather day.
3) First trip where we focused on food and omfg -- why did we not realize how good it is??? Pierogies, roast beef, frozen iced tea, breakfast sandwiches -- all "home-made" and not a damn healthy thing in sight. Winning!
4) Rock-o-plane looks tantalizingly close to being completed, but not Bayern Kurve.
A few pictures:
My daughter and friend demonstrating what the front car feels like on Phoenix
Going in the "campground corner" of the park by Phoenix and Gasoline Alley
Fancy hand drawn blue circle showing Bayern Kurve's developing home
Bayern Kurve as of Saturday the 31st. Handsome fellow, but not close to done. Looks like it is just sitting on the concrete as well, but I am no construction expert.