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BobloLives last won the day on January 6

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About BobloLives

  • Birthday 12/31/1972

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    Hartford, CT
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  1. Anyone in the vicinity of Munich should book the train to Innsbruck, Austria for an overnight. The trip is beautiful, and Innsbruck is an amazing town.
  2. Storm Runner is a better ride than Ka or Dragster anyway. At least more interesting, in my opinion.
  3. Those animatronics look pretty amazing! Didn't it look like Frankenstein's Monster was "walking" at one point? Also, and I may be completely wrong, it seems like the Monsters land is really focused around the castle as the "HQ" for the baddies. Dracula seems to have his own restaurant, the Stakehouse, run by vampires (familiars?) Maybe something similar with Curse of the Werewolf -- it's related to the Unchained storyline perhaps? Anyway, this is by far the portal I want to explore the most.
  4. Is this the first Vekoma at Cedar Point??? (checks rcdb...) First major Vekoma!!! Similarly excited for this and did not see it coming. They played the ol' switcheroo with closing Snake River Falls. Aquatrax for 2028
  5. Knoebel's Trip August 31st Just a quick couple of notes from our third-ever Knoebel's trip this weekend: 1) Park was quite busy but the lines move so fast! It's amazing what can be accomplished with a properly staffed park. Flying Turns was our longest wait (only because we rope dropped it) and it was only 25 minutes. To keep thing moving they have you put your loose items on the yellow lines on most coasters instead of having to maneuver through the seats to the storage bins and back to your seat. V. efficient! 2) Twister in a very light misty rain is awesome! At least better than Phoenix in a pelting rain. Both are better than most other coasters on a good weather day. 3) First trip where we focused on food and omfg -- why did we not realize how good it is??? Pierogies, roast beef, frozen iced tea, breakfast sandwiches -- all "home-made" and not a damn healthy thing in sight. Winning! 4) Rock-o-plane looks tantalizingly close to being completed, but not Bayern Kurve. A few pictures: My daughter and friend demonstrating what the front car feels like on Phoenix Going in the "campground corner" of the park by Phoenix and Gasoline Alley Fancy hand drawn blue circle showing Bayern Kurve's developing home Bayern Kurve as of Saturday the 31st. Handsome fellow, but not close to done. Looks like it is just sitting on the concrete as well, but I am no construction expert.
  6. I know there was a town planning meeting scheduled -- is this site confirmed for new stuff? Anyone know? I've been sincerely hoping for them to do something along the trees running from the former Kontiki through the former Fireball and using the former(?) Thomas the Tank Engine track and "land." That's a ton of linear space.
  7. Don't forget the Kissing Tower and the sea lion show is still going. Either is better than the "skyride to nowhere"
  8. Heading to the Morey's area for the first time in a couple weeks. Great report on the coasters above; any suggestions about great/awful/so-awful-they're-great tourist attractions in the area?
  9. We visited for the first time last year and decided it was the same experience at both Busch Gardens parks -- almost all good experiences with employees, with the exception of the Pantheon crew (and we also were there two days) and in Tampa the Cheetah Hunt crew (about 3 years ago). It was very ride-specific in our experience.
  10. Love the cameras (I think they are, anyway) mounted in the front of the vehicles for the car ride -- neat idea
  11. I'd love to see a long trip report from someone with a fresh perspective -- Cedar Point does have some hidden corners and gems to explore. The Frontier Trail was always nice and is still a bit of a respite from the madness; I've never been in their waterpark and have been going to CP since 1975; the beach is nice with rentals if you're into that ... take pix of anything that catches your eye! We're all enthusiasts here
  12. Well kudos to Daniel Radcliffe for his first nomination. And Leslie Kritzer was AMAZING in Spamalot!
  13. Time to upgrade the "locker experience" like Wildcat's Revenge, TRON, Velocicoaster ... completely possible and better for everybody to include the dual-sided free lockers into the queue without slowing everything down or forcing us to pay for yet another "add-on."
  14. ...but what about girth? Mountain coasters don't "count" to me because you as a rider are in partial control of your speed.
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