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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Quick review from the weekend:


Millennium Force (10 rides): It's still my #1. I think it's a perfect coaster, and that hasn't changed. Rode in the back every time, and had nothing but smooth, fast, exhilarating rides. I could ride this all day, forever. There was airtime galore on the big hills and bunny, and the first drop still can't be beaten. It has been and always will be better than Fury and i305, haters! 10/10


Magnum (2 rides): I'm a fan and forum defender of Magnum, but I don't have any excuses for it this time: It was just bad-bumpy. The first drop was smooth and the bunny hills were still hilarious, but there were jarring potholes all over the layout. Oh well, that's all part of Magnum's charm. I know I'll get good rides on it again. 5/10


Rougarou (2 rides): I thought the back might give an intense old-school B&M experience, but it was just rough, and did nothing that could be considered thrilling or fun. I was beaten up whether I tried to fight the coaster or just relax and let it toss me around. There's nothing redeemable about riding in the back. The front, however, was pretty good. Much smoother, the visual floorless effect held some value, and suddenly I thought the whole ride was decent. 2/10 (back), 7.5/10 (front)


Dragster (2 rides): For my second ride, I rode in the front seat at dusk, one of the biggest bug-related mistakes of my life. My lip was bleeding after the ride from one particularly nasty bug pelt. The coaster itself was great; I've always loved Dragster. It's still holding up well in the smoothness department, and if you get a fast launch, blasting over the top and down the drop feels like it should be illegal. The only downside was a pair of breakdowns while waiting, as usual. 9.5/10


Raptor (1 ride): Left me at the brakes feeling nauseous, but lord knows that I appreciate the heck out of this ride. It's true that the cobra roll and entrance into the brakes can be borderline-violent, but I admire how aggressive, long, and diverse the layout is. That first drop is still one of the best on a B&M invert, and I was grinning ear-to-ear in the helix. It's a really fun ride, even if it's not a coaster that lends itself to marathoning. Can't get this stuff no more. 8.5/10


Maverick (2 rides): I really like Maverick, but it was just *good* for me on this trip. There's nothing wrong with it, but it didn't feel neck-and-neck with MF in my books like it sometimes does. The airtime hills and wacky Stengel dive are still awesome. Like with TTD, there were a couple of breakdowns while in line.



Gemini (1 ride): Gemini has always been Gemini: mostly smooth, but with odd little back-thwacking jolts at the bottoms of the drops. That helix was definitely eyeballed when they built this ride; it's wonky like some of Excalibur's (Valleyfair) elements, but overall the coaster's held up pretty well. The first drop is steep and fun, and there's a surprise head chopper hill that still gets me every time. 7/10


Valravn (5 rides): The surprise ride of the trip! The first drop is just a ton of fun. If you don't giggle on the way down that drop, there's something wrong with you. I'd also read reports that the third row had become rough, but I had multiple rides in the back that were butter-smooth. It's true that I prefer Raptor's fast pacing over the slower rolls of newer B&Ms, but I didn't mind the inversions here. I didn't mind the trains, either. The vests don't tighten as they do (or did) on Gatekeeeper, and there's more elbow room over the old B&M trains. The only thing that could have been better is Valravn's multiple abrupt brakes and hard stops; they aren't too graceful. 9/10


Blue Streak (1 ride): Ibuprofen time. Someone on TPR wrote a scathing review of Blue Streak earlier this season that surprised me. Now I know. This is beyond smoother rides exposing Blue Streak for being a more traditional wooden coaster; it was down-right atrocious. In addition to the bruise on my left thigh, my back and elbow are sore today. It was worse than any ride I ever had on Mean Streak. The track actually seems okay, but the trains were just jack hammering throughout the entire layout. It bothers me that this is a coaster that families will choose as a nice starter ride, as well. What the heck happened? 1/10


Power Tower (2 rides; each side): I usually prefer the space shot, but it was running pretty lethargically. The initial launch slowed down considerably near the top, and I didn't get that enjoyable pop of airtime. On the other hand, the turbo drop felt forceful and took me by surprise. I prefer Intamin 2nd generations over the S&S towers, but I do love this ride's presence, location, and lighting package. 5/10 space shot, 7/10 turbo drop


Wicked Twister (1 ride): I think WT's intensity is completely underrated. The pullouts deliver serious positive Gs, and the back spike can be genuinely terrifying when you're riding in the back. Like Raptor, I don't think WT would be easy to marathon, but I like it. I think it's a bit unheralded among all the great coasters at CP, but it's still one of the more intense coasters in the park. 8/10


It's the first time I skipped Gatekeeper. I don't outright hate it, but it maintained a pretty good line, and I've ridden it enough to know that I'd rather get one more extra ride on MF.

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SAD NEWS GUYS! The ever so famous boat at CP is up in flames! Please take a moment of silence for this unfortunate tragedy.


In all seriousness, I hope everyone is okay! Sandusky FD is responding to a fire at the CP Marina, reported in the last hour. Link to Video


Rip boat. Gone but not forgotten.


Just saw this as well on Twitter, no injuries were reported.

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^^ Great review! Glad to see someone who shares my love for MF. (Although I may not quite agree about Fury...) I also had the same reaction to Maverick this year. This was my third year in a row visiting CP and my fourth time ever since Maverick was built. The last two years it blew me away with the new restraints. But this year, it just didn't get me like it has in years past and I'm not sure why. I think it's running as great as always, I just didn't like it quite as much for some reason.

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Nice review, but sorry to hear another bad review of Blue Streak. I had a great front row ride on it last year.


As far as the name Steel Vengeance, throw me in the camp that would prefer just Vengeance.


If they do decide to go with Steel Vengeance, they at least will need to give some props and play some Judas Priest in the queue because this is a mix between their albums: 'Screaming For Vengeance' & 'British Steel'.

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^^ Great review! Glad to see someone who shares my love for MF. (Although I may not quite agree about Fury...) I also had the same reaction to Maverick this year. This was my third year in a row visiting CP and my fourth time ever since Maverick was built. The last two years it blew me away with the new restraints. But this year, it just didn't get me like it has in years past and I'm not sure why. I think it's running as great as always, I just didn't like it quite as much for some reason.




I think Fury & i305 (also Leviathan) are awesome, as well. I know that ranking the giga coasters always seems to fire people up, so I'm certainly hamming it up a bit . I've read some reviews charging that Millennium Force doesn't quite do enough, but I think the relative simplicity of the layout helps to make it such a re-rideable hands-up coaster for me. I also like that it has no trims. The relative freedom and overall ride experience in a lapbar-only Intamin mega coaster is another thing that it has going for it over the other gigas. I wish more mega/giga coasters had been built around 2000 when Intamin was going with those T lapbars.


And yeah, I'm not sure what didn't wow me this time with Maverick; it still checks all the boxes and is a great ride. With coasters, some days there's just just a little bit of extra magic that surprises you or elevates a ride in your mind, but I didn't quite get one of those rides this time around.

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One more thing I want to add from viewing the new Mean Streak video is that the second inversion (the Stengel dive-looking element) stood out to me as seeming much weirder and intriguing in the animation than I thought it'd be. It's somewhere between Maverick's Stengel dive, an RMC stall, and Wicked Cyclone's first flip rolled into one. The quick directional change into it should be snappy, but the cutback part actually hangs there in this graceful upside-down moment before it dives out of the element. It's very cool.

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I don't actually "dislike" the name "Steel Vengeance", though it wouldn't be my first choice either. It's ok though, and fits the whole recurrent naming of RMC rides to some sort of "Steel" or "Iron" name. Personally, if they were going to go with "Vengeance", I would have preferred "Frontier Vengeance" to "Steel Vengeance" (Or how about "Cedar Creek Vengeance"? )! At the end of the day though, a name is a name, and this coaster is going to kick absolute butt, and I can't wait to ride it Opening Day, and all through the year next year!!!

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No mazes on Sundays anymore? I know they never did the scarezones but it was the best time to go for the haunts with little to no lines... -- hopefully the haunt schedule just needs to be updated, or because everything isn't open they aren't considering it a haunt day but the mazes will still be open? Can anyone who works at Cedar Point clarify?


Stop quoting yourself. Stop quoting yourself.


They took down the website shortly after putting it up and me taking that screenshot, but I'm 100% sure they are fixing this and they will have Sunday haunts after all. Mainly because if you go to buy a fright lane you can purchase it for super cheap on Sundays (like previous years) because there is nobody there

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So before it gets buried in all of this prediction stuff, does anyone know what's up with Raptor and Corkscrew?


Apparently they haven't operated since Sunday. If it were Dragster this wouldn't really be noteworthy but for Raptor and Corkscrew it's really weird.

Edited by coasterbill
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