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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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It was a pretty bad ride. I rode it 3 times and it was infuriating because it would just soak your bottom half. I enjoy tradition log flumes and hope to see one replace this. I will say I liked the way it looked in that area.

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Not speaking from a standpoint of what they should do but what I personally want (though I have no doubt it would be a hit)...


The only thing I honestly feel like the park is missing is a log flume. They need a water ride that gets you wet but not soaked. I'll never step foot on a Rapids Ride or a Splash Boat but I love Log Flumes. I don't want a water coaster, I don't want stupid gimmicks I want a real Log Flume again. Obviously Arrow is long gone but Mack and a few others would be perfect. If Cedar Point does this it'll make me happier than basically any coaster addition they could come up with at this point.

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Sorry for another post but it sounds like the prevailing thought is that Ripcord will be moved here to make way for a Soak City Expansion which I think everyone would agree must be coming eventually. It's consistent with what they've done lately since Slingshot was built in the main park and Carowinds recently relocated their Skycoaster to make way for a large expansion.


Hopefully this isn't the case as it's obviously sort of disappointing if it's true. Luckily though there's no indication of this being more than a rumor but it does seem like a realistic scenario.


This would probably be a great idea for them. They could save the high operating costs of Shoot the Rapids (an assumption since most water rides are very expensive to run) and Ripcord would probably see higher ridership with the increase in foot traffic.

Edited by coasterbill
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I guess I just never really wanted to ride it. I saw it there, I looked at it, walked some more, looked at it again, finally I just said nah. This happened every time I visited the park. I was hoping it would appeal to a certain crowd and become a success.

Sometimes parks make bad decisions. Kudos for trying something different. Now I wonder if they will sell it or if Intamin ever game them any money back for this troublesome ride?

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Definitely a shame as shoot the rapids was a decent attraction albeit it did have its fair share of maintenance issues.


Cue "Intamin Hater" bandwagon in 3.....2.....1.....


I like the Intamin coasters in the park plenty. STR though? Awful. How do you build a log flume that can't float in the 21st century when randoms were able to figure it out in the 1920s?




You know its true. Lake Winnie's log flume predates penicillin. It ain't rocket science.

LOL! This is so true. Honestly, Winnie's boat chute is a great ride. Cedar Point should just hand build one and put all the money they save towards finding a way to add airtime to Millennium Force.

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I think most people, deep in their hearts, know that Dinosaurs Alive was a horrible idea from the get go.


Glad to hear that.


People will tell you otherwise and that it was great to get in school kids. They are lying to themselves. They know it is crap. Horrible useless awful crap.


This is what Dorney says too, that its what helps bring in schools, but im 98% sure that not even school kids go to it when they are at the park for their visit.

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Sorry for another post but it sounds like the prevailing thought is that Ripcord will be moved here to make way for a Soak City Expansion which I think everyone would agree must be coming eventually. It's consistent with what they've done lately since Slingshot was built in the main park and Carowinds recently relocated their Skycoaster to make way for a large expansion.


Hopefully this isn't the case as it's obviously sort of disappointing if it's true. Luckily though there's no indication of this being more than a rumor but it does seem like a realistic scenario.


This would probably be a great idea for them. They could save the high operating costs of Shoot the Rapids (an assumption since most water rides are very expensive to run) and Ripcord would probably see higher ridership with the increase in foot traffic.


This seems 100% likely. Especially since the go-karts at challenge park were closed for almost the whole second half of the season. I wonder if they would also move sky scraper or just get rid of it.


It has been my opinion for a long time that Soak City is a very underwhelming waterpark to be connected to an amusement park like CP. This would definitely open up a ton of room for expansion.

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Not speaking from a standpoint of what they should do but what I personally want (though I have no doubt it would be a hit)...


The only thing I honestly feel like the park is missing is a log flume. They need a water ride that gets you wet but not soaked. I'll never step foot on a Rapids Ride or a Splash Boat but I love Log Flumes. I don't want a water coaster, I don't want stupid gimmicks I want a real Log Flume again. Obviously Arrow is long gone but Mack and a few others would be perfect. If Cedar Point does this it'll make me happier than basically any coaster addition they could come up with at this point.


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Sorry for another post but it sounds like the prevailing thought is that Ripcord will be moved here to make way for a Soak City Expansion which I think everyone would agree must be coming eventually. It's consistent with what they've done lately since Slingshot was built in the main park and Carowinds recently relocated their Skycoaster to make way for a large expansion.


Hopefully this isn't the case as it's obviously sort of disappointing if it's true. Luckily though there's no indication of this being more than a rumor but it does seem like a realistic scenario.


This would probably be a great idea for them. They could save the high operating costs of Shoot the Rapids (an assumption since most water rides are very expensive to run) and Ripcord would probably see higher ridership with the increase in foot traffic.


This to me is a bummer for a couple reasons - it is prime (PRIME!) space along the Frontier Trail, which, uhhh, how does a huge metal arch fit into that theme at all? I hope that's just a temporary stopgap solution while they look to do some other work first (waterpark expansion, dark ride, 1000 ft tall supersonic aquatrax in a vacuum tube).

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Interesting about them removing STR.


I never thought the ride was terrible, but I only rode it twice due to it either being broke down or too cold to ride. Weren't there rumors about them getting rid of Snake River Falls a few years ago too?


If they took both down, that could be some prime real estate for a future coaster...especially if they removed Dinosaurs Alive too. I am sure that they could still wedge in a more traditional log flume in that area or somewhere else in the park. Perhaps behind some of the buildings on the Frontier Trail near the MF first drop?

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Doesn't surprise me at all. Ridership seemed very low whenever I was at the park and that's if it was open. Plus the incident. I personally never rode the ride so I won't miss it. I do hope they take this opportunity to bring back a traditional flume ride.


It'll be a fun couple months of speculation now as one can assume this will be the location of the next major ride.

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STR was ok but nothing special to warrant all the strange design choices. I hope this doesn't mean that they won't consider a normal flume from Intamin.


Oh, it does. They paid a significant price for STR, and it was plagued with issues and the accident gave them a bad rap. With that money, they could've put in a coaster or a highly themed water ride.


Now, I don't want to say that they'll definitely shop elsewhere because anything is possible, but 10.5 million is a huge price for only 5 years of operation.

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