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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Found this on a tumblr page about people complaining about the announcement date being moved. Sometimes we're Squidward, sometimes we're SpongeBob!


Wow, those are pretty stupid.


Just as stupid as an entire ride layout being leaked from a countdown on a free VR app no one fully understood the purpose of just yet. Could you imagine?







...oh wait...

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^This is freaking awesome.


Glad to see that they are offering Goose Island and not just NASCAR beer!


Don't get too excited. Goose Island is owned by In-Bev, the parent company of Busch, and that pretty much eliminates any chance of them offering Great Lakes or any other craft beer that would be worth it. However, if this proves successful, perhaps Hofbrauhaus Cleveland can open a competing kiosk and offer some decent beer.



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Found this on a tumblr page about people complaining about the announcement date being moved. Sometimes we're Squidward, sometimes we're SpongeBob!


Wow, those are pretty stupid.


Just as stupid as an entire ride layout being leaked from a countdown on a free VR app no one fully understood the purpose of just yet. Could you imagine?







...oh wait...

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^ I saw that article. There are already bins at Raptor and other rides for you to put loose articles. Parks say not to bring loose articles on the rides. It's that people don't listen...

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I think I lost brain cells reading that. Honestly. First of all, you can still get over a 10-12 foot fence, it may be a bit harder, but it is simply impractical to put up 12 foot fences around all the rides. When I see a 6 foot fence, I know to stay out. Second, how do you not think, "This ride can't kill me, it doesn't get that close to the ground," when you ride it, and at least for me, I contently pick my feet up because I feel like I am going to hit the ground with them. Do we really need signs in front of a giant metal contraption, with trains that move upwards of 60 mph, saying it might kill you if you go in the restricted area? NO. It should be obvious. There shouldn't need to be signs there at all, but there is now anyways. "RESTRICTED AREA- KEEP OUT" should be more then enough to keep people out. People who stick up for the stupidity of humanity make me almost as angry as the stupidity of humanity.

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He basically wants 10 foot fences with signs that say "Moving Rides Can Kill, Keep Out."


The article said that the "expert" was a consultant in a lawsuit that involved a similar 1998 accident on Top Gun at Paramount's Great America ans was settled out of court for $800,000.


I believe the consultant was and easy pay day from Cedar Point.

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I heard from someone who went that someone almost got Raptor'ed at SFGAdv 3 days ago. Apparently he threw a basketball over the fence by accident (they're annoying as hell anyway) and he climbed the fence to retrieve it. The ride was reportedly E-Stopped or lift-stopped and he got lucky. Good thing too, because I can only imagine what would potentially happen if the same accident happened twice in the same week. Apparently, some people are stupid enough to (maybe) hear about the Raptor accident and still be dumb enough to enter a restricted ride area. (considering this was DAYS after what happened at CP and it was #1 trending on FB for 2 days)

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Well this is probably one of the dumber stories I have read in a while..



Expert says that cedar point is to blame for the man's death. Here is the story....


So she admitted to me on Twitter that the article was just written to grab attention. So pathetic. Help us out on Twitter and RT this...


Edited by robbalvey
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Well this is probably one of the dumber stories I have read in a while..


Expert says that cedar point is to blame for the man's death. Here is the story....


Ohhh boy, where to begin.


I work in a field (weather) that has very, very many issues with this type of journalism. All kinds of parallels to be drawn:

1) A propensity to publish stories that are hyped-up and stretching beyond the edges of being factual.

2) The presence of so-called "experts" who have few, if any, credentials, and no official position with accredited or recognized agencies in the applicable line of work.

3) A willingness by inexperienced or easily-misled journalists to believe the claims of said pseudo-experts, and to present them in print as legitimate sources.


In my opinion, the story here is not that some "expert" thinks Cedar Point could have done more. The story is that a journalist was either badly fooled by an ignorant, self-aggrandizing source, or intentionally published the story anyway for the purpose of basking in the controversy.


Or both.

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The article was suggesting theme parks need to hold guests hands because they can't come to very logical conclusions like:

-fast moving metal objects filled with many people can kill you if you get in its way


The only close to logical point that the article made was


signs surrounding the Raptor read: "Warning, Restricted Area, Do Not Enter," and "Authorized Personnel Only." Nemire suggested instead, "Moving Rides Can Kill, Keep Out."



I'm not saying signs like this need to be there though, if a guest is stupid enough to repeat such a stunt, it would probably offer the park more legal protection. No matter how hard parks try though, it's hard to fix stupid.

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I think that Cedar Point deserves an apology from her. To give the park a bad rap like that just for her own publicity is uncalled for.

I believe the family of the man as well. Really, using a mans death for your own gain makes me sick.

Don't know if I should be glad by the fact that it isn't real or not, cause this is just pathetic.

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Apparently, some people are stupid enough to (maybe) hear about the Raptor accident and still be dumb enough to enter a restricted ride area. (considering this was DAYS after what happened at CP and it was #1 trending on FB for 2 days)


I had to call security to get a guest THREE DAYS after the kid was decapitated at SFOG for jumping the fence on Rampage. Yes, a park a mere 2 hour drive away from SFOG had a guest jump a fence to get a cell phone. The worst part is it wasn't even his cell phone. He thought he saw a cell phone and claimed he was just going to grab it and take it to lost and found.

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What an irresponsible article. If she knew anything about tort liability she would understand the concept of reasonable care. I think given that the park has LARGR fences saying stay out they have met that standard. She also ignores the the tort concept of customary care. It is pretty customary that park take measures like build TALL gates with BIG signs saying to stay out of certain areas.

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I stubbed my toe this morning, but really, it's the door makers fault. Appalling as it is, there is NO warning sign on the door informing me that it is a door! There should have been a giant warning saying "WARNING: This is a door. Approaching a door in an open position while barefooted may result in injury if foot come in contact with door."


Another option would be for them to make the doors wider, decreasing the odds that I will pass on the "loose door" side of the opening. With the door only a few feet wide, I didn't realize the danger of being too close to the hanging portion, and was therefor overconfident as I walked through.

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