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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I think if Cedar Point first proposed Maverick with a high speed S bend, and then changed it to a heartline roll, many would whine and complain just as they are doing now.


Im looking forward to the Sbend, especially when your weaving and diving through the man made trenches.

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Ok the one thing I do not understand about this ride is the launch midsection. Like wtf is it launching for? It is there to pick up speed only to be braked and to go through a heart line that can knock your brains out? I mean wtf was up with that design? I mean I can understand if there was a big loop or a huge hill it needed to go over or maybe more track to go through, but to turn a quick corner only to be braked and then fly through an element people cant handle? I dunno this just seems strange to me. I guess now it's making more sense since they are taking out the heart line and adding an S curve and then hopefully it wont need to be braked as much.

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  waterviper said:
Ok the one thing I do not understand about this ride is the launch midsection. Like wtf is it launching for? It is there to pick up speed only to be braked and to go through a heart line that can knock your brains out? I mean wtf was up with that design? I mean I can understand if there was a big loop or a huge hill it needed to go over or maybe more track to go through, but to turn a quick corner only to be braked and then fly through an element people cant handle? I dunno this just seems strange to me. I guess now it's making more sense since they are taking out the heart line and adding an S curve and then hopefully it wont need to be braked as much.


LOL, CP loves fast speeds and TONS of trims!

Look at Mean Streak. that sucker has trims on its first hill. (yeah, we all know the reason why, but WTF? Why build so tall or accerlate so quickly if you're just going to trim in less than 200 feet of track?)

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  raptorcrew2002 said:

As for comparing this to Drachen, no way! Drachen Fire was a complete design mess that was supposed to be B&M. Arrow was never ready for such a project and using RCT to design it didn’t help it either.

Comparing this issue with TTD, Wicked Twister, MF, etc. is also way off base.


Those 3 rides did kind of break new grounds, granted Wicked Twister was the dumbest design mistake I have bluntly seen with the limited support on the spikes. (Some engineers believe it or not do have logic, just not most.)


All parks have problem with new rides, most we never will hear about unless you have a better source. Custom rides are work in progress designs to a small degree. Tweaks are always required.


Does everyone here just skew words? Drachen Fire had an element that was too rough - was removed pretty early. Maverick had an element thats too rough - removed before opened. I'm pretty sure that makes them similar. Will it be fully removed? Of course not. Don't be silly.


Also the comparisons to the other rides are on base. Dragster had an issue with one of the cars on each train and it had to run with 4 cars per train rather than 5 for a good couple weeks. Then it lost a wheel (thankfully on the right side of the car) and the theming, ALL, was taken off. Those were both design flaws - fairly major - that were taken care of.


MF has had reliability issues and we've seen 2 or 3 cables snap. I'm certain a cable will snap again because its just the nature of steel - it needs maintenance and any piece of that steel could have a fault that goes unnoticed and snaps.


WT used to kick up to almost full speed on its first backwards trip but now it doesn't even speed up evidence is the lack of noise from the LIMS. That was done to reduce the force exerted on the spikes that couldn't handle it and were stress fracturing.


Those are just the Intamin rides at CP. Quite frankly, its very similar to compare those to a ride that needs an entire element replaced because of a design flaw that had two adverse effects - train wear and rider discomfort.


  hemmy said:

You are right only Cedar Point has problems with new coasters, no other park does.


If I wrote every park that had major issues Id have probably went over a character limit.

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  raptorcrew2002 said:

As for comparing this to Drachen, no way! Drachen Fire was a complete design mess that was supposed to be B&M. Arrow was never ready for such a project and using RCT to design it didn’t help it either.

Comparing this issue with TTD, Wicked Twister, MF, etc. is also way off base.


Those 3 rides did kind of break new grounds, granted Wicked Twister was the dumbest design mistake I have bluntly seen with the limited support on the spikes. (Some engineers believe it or not do have logic, just not most.)


All parks have problem with new rides, most we never will hear about unless you have a better source. Custom rides are work in progress designs to a small degree. Tweaks are always required.


All parks have problems with new rides to an extent, but I'm pretty sure CP's problems with Intamin rides are larger than that. WT runs at lower than design speeds and had additional supports added to prevent further stress fracturing of the steel track. TTD didn't run reliably for its entire opening year and had frequent problems with its trains. This is just a continuation of those problems.



And also, B&M had nothing to do with Drachen Fire! It was an Arrow design from the start-the entire thing was manufactured based on Toomer's coathanger bending, and it showed.

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  jamesdillaman said:
^^ Lame. That's all to be said by that. Kids today wouldn't know rock if a boulder hit them upside the head. I mean seriously, last time I checked, the Red Hot Chili Peppers played mainly funk, not rock.


-James Dillaman


As a huge RHCP mark, I feel the need to point out that they've played a huge variety of music over the course of their careers. For instance, 1985's Freaky Styley was unquestionably a "funk" album (it was produced by friggin' George Clinton), whereas 1995's One Hot Minute was mainly psychedelia-laced metal and spoken-word poetry. Their last two albums have been mainly ballads and pop, which is the majority of what they play live, though keep in mind that many individual songs are influenced by other genres, such as ska ("On Mercury"), latin ("Cabron"), rap ("The Power of Equality"), grunge ("Transcending"), and punk ("Punk Rock Classic").


While they definitely aren't "rock" in the way, say, Elvis Presley was rock, the entire genre of "rock" was evolved so much that it really doesn't even resemble its earlier versions in any way; since the song they use on California Screamin' is a rap-rock song ("Around the World"), and one that, IMO, "rocks", I think they can get away with calling it that.


Don't know why I felt so compelled to post that, but for more information, please contact your local wikipedia page.


- Stuart "Frusciante > Hendrix" Chartock

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Just got back from my trip to CP on Thursday and Friday. I know T&T posted pretty much the same pics, but here are some I took on those 2 days. Maverick looks so amazing in person, and so much bigger than one would think. Those rock formations are HUGE!



Pics taken with phone, so bear with me.





Friday, they did little to no work, the track pieces were on a flatbed truck next to mean streak's lift hill.

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  asr said:
  ginzo said:
  jamesdillaman said:

On a serious note, Julia and I are heading up to America's Roller Coast on June 14th, so we'll see if Maverick's open by then.

-James Dillaman


Actually, they're calling it "America's Rockin' Roller Coast" these days. I guess they wanted to steal Disneyland's failures with Rockin' California Screamin' and Rockin' Space Mountain.


Actualy, Cedar Point started using the slogan "America's Rock N' Roller Coast" in around 2000 or 2001, and only recently switched to a new slogan "Ride On". I guess the employees just didn't get the news.


They actually say both now. After you get off, "Enjoy the rest of your day at America's rockin' roller coast, Cedar Point. Ride on!"

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  CoasterNut17 said:
  total13 said:


Pipe dream of the nite: CP could've given sites & organizations like TPR, ACE, etc. the opportunity to ride the initial design on a specific day before the element was removed (without any legal ramifications, of course)...


That would've been AWESOME! I really doubt they would do that due to a later opening, more tests before that, etc, etc. Would've been awesome, though.

P.S.-I wonder if you were to E-mail CP and arrange something like this, if they would let organizitions do this...Robb or Elissa would be your best bet at convincing them, though.


They wouldn't because even if there weren't any legal ramifications, if there were an accident or some sort of mishap, it would be all over the news, and Cedar Point's reputation and image would go way down. Too late anyway, because the track has already been removed and put on a truck to be hauled away.

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  Real said:
  hemmy said:

You are right only Cedar Point has problems with new coasters, no other park does.


If I wrote every park that had major issues Id have probably went over a character limit.


Perhaps my sarcasm wasn't as noticeable as I thought? It just seems Cedar Point is the focus of all possible bashing it can receive on this site.


With the missing track at the moment on Maverick this reminds me of strange dreams I always used to have where I would be riding a roller coaster that would jump track


Then after I got off the ride it would miss the jump and crash

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  FlyingScooter said:
  waterviper said:
Ok the one thing I do not understand about this ride is the launch midsection. Like wtf is it launching for? It is there to pick up speed only to be braked and to go through a heart line that can knock your brains out? I mean wtf was up with that design? I mean I can understand if there was a big loop or a huge hill it needed to go over or maybe more track to go through, but to turn a quick corner only to be braked and then fly through an element people cant handle? I dunno this just seems strange to me. I guess now it's making more sense since they are taking out the heart line and adding an S curve and then hopefully it wont need to be braked as much.


LOL, CP loves fast speeds and TONS of trims!

Look at Mean Streak. that sucker has trims on its first hill. (yeah, we all know the reason why, but WTF? Why build so tall or accelerate so quickly if you're just going to trim in less than 200 feet of track?)


You know if this was built on No Limits it would probably gotten bashed!

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Well, we were at CP today, and I must say -- man, Maverick looks sweet.


It's very, very impressive looking from the ground -- viewing all the curves and inversions from different angles and imagining the speed of being launched through them.


It will be fantastic when it opens.

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  HogarthOK said:
Well, we were at CP today, and I must say -- man, Maverick looks sweet.


It's very, very impressive looking from the ground -- viewing all the curves and inversions from different angles and imagining the speed of being launched through them.


It will be fantastic when it opens.


I completely agree. I was supremely impressed when I saw it in person last weekend. It's going to be a great ride.

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  ginzo said:
  HogarthOK said:
Well, we were at CP today, and I must say -- man, Maverick looks sweet.


It's very, very impressive looking from the ground -- viewing all the curves and inversions from different angles and imagining the speed of being launched through them.


It will be fantastic when it opens.


I completely agree. I was supremely impressed when I saw it in person last weekend. It's going to be a great ride.


I also agree. It's so much bigger than I had expected.

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