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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Pssst.. apparently there's still something called The First Amendment over on Twitter where if you look up #rmcmeanstreak a couple of pictures of the tophat element in progress can be seen. Probably a plot by the Russians to undermine the sanctity of our precious American roller coasters...


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Pssst.. apparently there's still something called The First Amendment over on Twitter where if you look up #rmcmeanstreak a couple of pictures of the tophat element in progress can be seen. Probably a plot by the Russians to undermine the sanctity of our precious American roller coasters...

If you want to look at illegally taken RMC Streak pictures, then go have a ball on Twitter. Robb doesn't want those photos on TPR, and we should respect that.


I love when people bring up the first amendment in regards to privately owned websites. I never get tired of laughing about that.

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Pssst.. apparently there's still something called The First Amendment over on Twitter...


That's not how the First Amendment works!


Well played.

I just don't see why everybody has to be so deadly secretive and serious around here is all. I mean, it's a friggin amusemunt park forum. You guys talk about 2017 vs 2018 opening like it's life or death or something...

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I just don't see why everybody has to be so deadly secretive and serious around here is all.


While I can't speak for TPR, it seems pretty straightforward to me so allow me to chime in on that...


1) The rules of the site are the rules of the site and the fact that you don't understand or like the rules doesn't mean you're not obligated to be respectful and follow them. Let's get that out of the way first...


2) But if you really want an explanation, look at it this way... Cedar Point is pretty good to TPR. Tony is a member of the forums, Club TPR has access to their coaster club events, they send TPR footage to share / press releases to post and send them invitations to media days and similar events. This is mutually beneficial to both parties of course, but if the website and the park / chain have a good relationship and the park asks for a small favor regarding Mean Streak then it makes perfect sense that Theme Park Review would respect their wishes. Not only is it good for business, but more importantly it's just a nice thing to do as decent human beings.

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But if you really want an explanation, look at it this way... Cedar Point is pretty good to TPR. Tony is a member of the forums, Club TPR has access to their coaster club events, they send TPR footage to share / press releases to post and send them invitations to media days and similar events. This is mutually beneficial to both parties of course, but if the website and the park / chain have a good relationship and the park asks for a small favor regarding Mean Streak then it makes perfect sense that Theme Park Review would respect their wishes. Not only is it good for business, but more importantly it's just a nice thing to do as decent human beings.

Stop it, Bill, you're making too much sense here.

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I just don't see why everybody has to be so deadly secretive and serious around here is all.


While I can't speak for TPR, it seems pretty straightforward to me so allow me to chime in on that...


1) The rules of the site are the rules of the site and the fact that you don't understand or like the rules doesn't mean you're not obligated to be respectful and follow them. Let's get that out of the way first...


2) But if you really want an explanation, look at it this way... Cedar Point is pretty good to TPR. Tony is a member of the forums, Club TPR has access to their coaster club events, they send TPR footage to share / press releases to post and send them invitations to media days and similar events. This is mutually beneficial to both parties of course, but if the website and the park / chain have a good relationship and the park asks for a small favor regarding Mean Streak then it makes perfect sense that Theme Park Review would respect their wishes. Not only is it good for business, but more importantly it's just a nice thing to do as decent human beings.

I see that Bill passed P.R. & Marketing 101... Or he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Either/or.

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While I can't speak for TPR, it seems pretty straightforward to me so allow me to chime in on that...


1) The rules of the site are the rules of the site and the fact that you don't understand or like the rules doesn't mean you're not obligated to be respectful and follow them. Let's get that out of the way first...


2) But if you really want an explanation, look at it this way... Cedar Point is pretty good to TPR. Tony is a member of the forums, Club TPR has access to their coaster club events, they send TPR footage to share / press releases to post and send them invitations to media days and similar events. This is mutually beneficial to both parties of course, but if the website and the park / chain have a good relationship and the park asks for a small favor regarding Mean Streak then it makes perfect sense that Theme Park Review would respect their wishes. Not only is it good for business, but more importantly it's just a nice thing to do as decent human beings.



I really don't get why this concept is so hard for some people to understand.

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I see that Bill passed P.R. & Marketing 101... Or he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Either/or.


Was that suppose to be an insult??? Because if so, it sucked.


Bill is right, and it doesn't take "P.R. and Marketing 101" to know why TPR is respecting the parks request to be secretive about the new coaster.

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Was that suppose to be an insult???


I couldn't tell if it was an insult, if he was agreeing with me or if it was something in between so I just let it go. I didn't really read it as an insult.


You don't have to be a marketing major (though I actually do have 2 marketing degrees) to understand the concept of not being a dick though.

Edited by coasterbill
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^^ Ummm, I can't speak for the OP, but I'm pretty sure it was a joke.....and the Holiday Inn Express part made me chuckle. I don't think anyone who's sane would argue the very valid point that Bill pointed out (but shouldn't need to).


Good grief, the offseason makes some people around here tense as hell.....I know it wasn't another lame "boat" reference, but it's okay to lighten up and laugh a little!

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Was that suppose to be an insult???


I couldn't tell if it was an insult, if he was agreeing with me or if it was something in between so I just let it go. I didn't really read it as an insult.


You don't have to be a marketing major (though I actually do have 2 marketing degrees) to understand the concept of not being a dick though.

No insult intended. I agree 100% with what you posted...


Just really amazed that people are having such a hard time grasping what is going on at CP. It's not life or death.

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Did anyone on this forum ever get to ride Maverick with the in-line twist after the launch (Yes, I know it was removed before it was open to the public)? Do you think that inversion would have improved the already amazing ride or do you think it wouldn't have made a difference?

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