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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I remember about 5 years ago, some guy got escorted out and banned for lighting fireworks off in line for raptor. I also remember security escorting a guy out of line (raptor once again) for smoking a bowl in line and trying to pass it around to random people.
I'm sure this guy is banned from Cedar Point.


And probably this guy.


And likely a few of these jerks.


Raise a glass, drink it, repeat as desired.

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During my five years at the park, we'd average one or two trespassings a year for guests who brought in their own liquor and were obviously plastered and actin a fool. Trespassed for public intoxication. I think it was only for a year, though. Not a total ban.

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Probably about 15 years ago, a friend of mine got banned and had her season pass revoked for streaming TP on Magnum.


I've re-read this 3 times and still can't decide if you're talking about toilet paper or doing something on the internet.




Edited by boldikus
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^^ Like, while riding?? That's actually pretty dangerous. Given the old photo eye system that ride uses for blocks it does not take much to obstruct them and cause a setup. Your friend is an idiot and I'm glad they got caught.

How come it wouldn't just timeout? If there is an obstruction too early, too late, or for too long, I would think that even an older ride like Magnum would have some sort of timing feature to stop the train at the pre- or proceeding block.


Dangerous and stupid? Yes. Accident-prone? Likely not.

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So wait. We are talking about toilet paper? How is this even possible? How do you even get a roll on the train with you?


Claim you have the runs??


"Yes hello roller coaster ride op. Yes I must carry a loose article that is a roll of toilet paper onto this roller coaster because I have the runs and might have to wipe my ass while still on the train immediately after I sh*t all over your roller coaster. I heart CP."

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So wait. We are talking about toilet paper? How is this even possible? How do you even get a roll on the train with you?


Claim you have the runs??


"Yes hello roller coaster ride op. Yes I must carry a loose article that is a roll of toilet paper onto this roller coaster because I have the runs and might have to wipe my A$$ while still on the train immediately after I sh*t all over your roller coaster. I heart CP."


I damn near fell over reading this.

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So wait. We are talking about toilet paper? How is this even possible? How do you even get a roll on the train with you?


Claim you have the runs??


"Yes hello roller coaster ride op. Yes I must carry a loose article that is a roll of toilet paper onto this roller coaster because I have the runs and might have to wipe my A$$ while still on the train immediately after I sh*t all over your roller coaster. I heart CP."


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So wait. We are talking about toilet paper? How is this even possible? How do you even get a roll on the train with you?


Claim you have the runs??


"Yes hello roller coaster ride op. Yes I must carry a loose article that is a roll of toilet paper onto this roller coaster because I have the runs and might have to wipe my A$$ while still on the train immediately after I sh*t all over your roller coaster. I heart CP."


Best. Post. Ever!

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So wait. We are talking about toilet paper? How is this even possible? How do you even get a roll on the train with you?


Claim you have the runs??


"Yes hello roller coaster ride op. Yes I must carry a loose article that is a roll of toilet paper onto this roller coaster because I have the runs and might have to wipe my A$$ while still on the train immediately after I sh*t all over your roller coaster. I heart CP."



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Probably about 15 years ago, a friend of mine got banned and had her season pass revoked for streaming TP on Magnum.


I would have appreciated the arcing motion the whole thing would have made from the top of the first drop, but I'm fairly certain that 5 seconds of entertainment wouldn't have been worth a ban.

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Probably about 15 years ago, a friend of mine got banned and had her season pass revoked for streaming TP on Magnum.


I would have appreciated the arcing motion the whole thing would have made from the top of the first drop, but I'm fairly certain that 5 seconds of entertainment wouldn't have been worth a ban.


I don't know if it was the whole ride, but I do know it was in the on-ride photo. So I'm guessing it was a misguided attempt to create a unique photo.

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Probably about 15 years ago, a friend of mine got banned and had her season pass revoked for streaming TP on Magnum.


I would have appreciated the arcing motion the whole thing would have made from the top of the first drop, but I'm fairly certain that 5 seconds of entertainment wouldn't have been worth a ban.


I don't know if it was the whole ride, but I do know it was in the on-ride photo. So I'm guessing it was a misguided attempt to create a unique photo.


Well that's sh!tty. . . All that work for nothing.

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See in my warped brain I was imagining homegirl like sat in the back, somehow tied the end of the paper to the lift or something and then held the roll for the remainder of the ride so the entire length of track had a giant long strip of TP hanging off of it. Yes I know this isn't likely possible but its fun to imagine, isn't it?

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Saturday's the day! (and quite warm to!) Anyone else going to Chill Out at 10 AM? You can count on seeing me there!

8:30 yo. We delayed buying our tickets for like one day and all the non-buttcrack of dawn times were taken. (Hey, I'm just glad we got a ticket!)


Carry on with your a$$-wiping, TP-stringing conversation, it's making me on an otherwise unexciting day.

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