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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I don't know what to think yet about this announcement. So far we know 1 thing, mean streak is closing, and we do not know for sure what will replace it. At my park CW they removed skyrider and we all thought something was going to be replacing it for next year, didn't happen and the year after that didn't happen either. Skyrider I did ENJOY but I would rather have pretty much anything else new there.


Now if I apply this to mean streak, if they remove it and just leave it for 1 year, I will be sad because the coaster is FINE, and I had a great experience at 10PM when it was pitch dark and raining like crazy and the ride OPS let us keep riding without getting back in line (only a couple people in the station).


But if mean streak is replaced by an RMC or GCI, I will still "miss" mean streak because I had great memories on it, but I will be overall extremley happy and will have to make it back to Cedar Point to ride it.


So I hope they choose the right thing to do, but with this big teaser video I doubt they are just leaving the space empty. And since they are removing it still in the middle or near the end of the season, and not when the park closes, tells me that they need to do it earlier to start making something for next year.

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The graphic makes me wonder if (assuming that an RMC conversion would happen) the new name will be related to Boneville in some way, like a Ghostrider-esque theme.


That graphic illustrates death. You guys are totally over-analyzing it.

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  Duff said:
The graphic makes me wonder if (assuming that an RMC conversion would happen) the new name will be related to Boneville in some way, like a Ghostrider-esque theme.


That graphic illustrates death. You guys are totally over-analyzing it.


It's a TPR forum. It's what we do.

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It will be interesting to see how this goes. I personally think there will be a chop and retracking by RMC. Mean Streak has a fun layout already. Imagine twisting and diving through that big wooden structure.

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  tykunkel1031 said:
. . . I think it'll be something totally weird and unpredictable (and unpronounceable). . .



So true. Between Rougarou and Valravn I can only imagine what Cedar Point comes up with next. My votes go to one of these:



Abe Sapien



Beisht Kione






Michael Phelps




Yeah. . . Now that you mention it some of those sound like something Cedar Point would go with.

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In case anyone's wondering what it's going to be called, I've found a list of potential leaks for the name:


Leak #1

Leak #2

Leak #3


These do make sense and will continue Cedar Point's naming trends in recent years. Please consider my information as Tony Clark is my grandfather's third cousin twice removed's stepson's ex-girlfriend's former roommate and has told me everything about the Mean Streak rehab but has urged me not to tell anyone.

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  G Force said:
The graphics illustrates Holloweekends, there is litterally a prop they use that looks exactly like that. Plus, how the hell does anyone get Iron Horse out of it? Like, what?

I've never been to CP during Halloweekends so I didn't know. All I saw was a dark forboding graphic that looked like it had a Boneville animatronic in it. When we enter speculation mode anything goes LOL.

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  LiftThrill said:
In case anyone's wondering what it's going to be called, I've found a list of potential leaks for the name:


Leak #1

Leak #2

Leak #3


These do make sense and will continue Cedar Point's naming trends in recent years. Please consider my information as Tony Clark is my grandfather's third cousin twice removed's stepson's ex-girlfriend's former roommate and has told me everything about the Mean Streak rehab but has urged me not to tell anyone.


I love the name Minotaur

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  Superbatboy said:
  LiftThrill said:
In case anyone's wondering what it's going to be called, I've found a list of potential leaks for the name:


Leak #1

Leak #2

Leak #3


These do make sense and will continue Cedar Point's naming trends in recent years. Please consider my information as Tony Clark is my grandfather's third cousin twice removed's stepson's ex-girlfriend's former roommate and has told me everything about the Mean Streak rehab but has urged me not to tell anyone.


I love the name Minotaur

Leak #3 is truly epic

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