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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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  TyRush said:
  rcjp said:
Are the restrains on B&M wing coasters hydraulic? I didn't know that. What I did notice was how the ones on some intamin coasters like kingda ka and furius baco will considerably tighten down during the ride and by the end they will be crushing your legs. I guess that's the inconvenient with the hydraulic system.

Still, really looking forward to gatekeeper.

That was the problem on Skyrush. The lapbars would lower if you pushed on it during the ride, or in this case, from the forces. I think on a b&m it would work fine


That's what I supposed when I heard about the complaints about skyrush's restrains. I think it really is more from the G forces the ride pulls rather than the pressure we put on them as never hold on to my restrains and, in those cases, they still lowered. there was one time while riding furius baco that I decided I would push the restrains upwards so that they wouldn't get to tight during the ride but, after a few seconds I couldn't resist the temptation and raised my hands almost automatically.

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I'm going to be honest here. I usually don't get very excited when I see a park building a new B&M. Gatekeeper however sure does look like and all. Even if it doesn't ride so well (which I'm sure it will be a great coaster) it still looks amazing.


As for my input on the tightening restraint issue. I have never ridden a wing coaster, but I've seen some discussion with the intamin restraints and how they tighten in a similar fashion. The only time I've had an intamin restraint tighten on me was once on Maverick. I've ridden it dozens and dozens of times and it only happened once. Much like what others have said, I only noticed when I was sitting on the break run.


Either way, this will be a great addition to Cedar Point's coaster lineup and it will for sure be a hit with the GP. Now, if we could only get them to give Mean Streak the RMC treatment, then CP would be "perfect".

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  CpBluestreakCp said:
Where exactly is this all going to be located at? I'm unsure by looking at the pictures, anyone know?


On the last photo, you can see Wicked Twister on the upper left corner.

Edited by XYZ
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  XYZ said:
  CpBluestreakCp said:
Where exactly is this all going to be located at? I'm unsure by looking at the pictures, anyone know?


On the last photo, you can see Wicked Twister on the upper LEFT corner.


Also the first picture, the center of that awning thing is where Space Spiral was.

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  coasterlover420 said:
  XYZ said:
  CpBluestreakCp said:
Where exactly is this all going to be located at? I'm unsure by looking at the pictures, anyone know?


On the last photo, you can see Wicked Twister on the upper LEFT corner.


Also the first picture, the center of that awning thing is where Space Spiral was.


Darn typos. I fixed it.

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As a landscape architecture student wanting to do designs just like this in the future, I am absolutely in love with this project between the massive front gate renovations and the large GateKeeper entrance plaza. I'm closely following this project and I'm definitely looking more forward to the new surrounding area rather than the ride! I love the direction Cedar Fair is heading in with their new capital investments (GateKeeper @ CP, Boardwalk @ Knott's, ect.).

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It's a minor nitpick, but there appears to be a new building behind the Troika, which is hard to see since the sketches are separate. I'm sure the whole area exists as a sketch, even if it isn't in public domain.


Back to the building, does anyone have any guesses on what it will be? There does appear to be a photo booth for Gatekeeper under construction on the webcam, visible in the sketch here. This looks like it will look great when it is finished!

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^ From the looks of it, it appears there will just be a lookout which is totally fine since there is an entrance to the beach on the opposite side of Wicked Twister/WindSeeker.


And yes, I also love the look of this plaza. Cedar Fair has done a nice job in recent years with the surrounding areas of new attractions, especially coasters.

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Yes, very cool.

Unnecessary I know but this is the stuff that pulls CP (and cedar fair in general) ahead of Six Flags. Sure all we need are rides, but CP at least attempts to keep the feel of a park, and IMO has done so despite being one of the largest parks on Earth.

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  Philrad71 said:
^^I have never ridden a Wingrider and this kinda worries me a bit...


My BF is 69 years old with mild COPD and constricting on his chest by a restraint is probably not going to wow him. Trying the restraint and test seat probably won't help him if the restriction gets worse as the ride progresses. We all want to have fun and are all very excited to ride this coaster, but I don't want it to be a bummer or day-ender for my partner to ride it.


Perhaps we will wait and read some reviews on here before we head out to ride this one. Most likely, we won't be going out till the 2nd or 3rd week of June anyway, so I'm sure we'll see plenty of comments on here by then!


Im thinking maybe he shouldn't ride roller coasters no matter what kind of restraints it has.

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