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Oldest Coaster You've Ridden

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Almost 2 weeks ago i've rode the Rutschebanen in Tivoli Gardens and in Bakken.

The one in Tivoli is open since 1914.

The other one in Bakken is open since 1932.


By the way, both coasters are really nice for that age. For me, they are better than de Vekoma woodie's Weerwolf and Robin Hood in Walibi Belgium/World.

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It's hard for me to really say which is the "oldest" as like someone mentioned Thunderhawk has been pretty much rebuilt, that's kind of my take on Leap The Dips. Sure it might be the "oldest" in the sense that it's still in the same location as the original (I think), but didn't they basically rebuild that ride from the ground up? I sort of look at it as a 1902 coaster rebuilt in 1999.


I've been on Leap The Dips, Seabreeze's Jack Rabbit, Zippin Pippin, Wild One, Tivoli's Scenic Railway...so I guess it would have to be one of those!



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Not too sure of dates but Leap The Dips, Comet(HP), all three woodies at Kennywood, Thunderhawk (DP), Blue streak(CP), Big Dipper (GL). How does Wild One qualify as old, it was totally moved and rebuilt in a new/old configuration and been modified since??

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The oldest continulously-operating, original-condition ride that I have been on is Lake Winnie's Cannonball. A lot the the old Schmeck rides (like the Phoenix, Hershey's Comet, The Lake's Wildcat, Thunderhawk etc etc) have been altered over the years.


So yeah, my "oldest" coaster is only three years older than Robb


- Joe

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Here are some of the oldest coasters I've been on



1915 Rutschebanen - Tivoli Gardens

1920 Scenic Railway - Dreamland

1923 Big Dipper - Blackpool Pleasure Beach

1925 Big Dipper - Geauga Lake

1925 Giant Dipper - Belmont Park

1927 Cyclone - Astroland

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How does Wild One qualify as old, it was totally moved and rebuilt in a new/old configuration and been modified since??


So you're saying any really old coaster that's been rebuilt or modified shouldn't count as an old roller coaster anymore? I thought the layout for Wild One was pretty much the same except for the helix that was added at the end. I don't think it had a Steel Phantom-type reprofiling.

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