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Worst/Longest/Slowest Line you ever waited in!

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Rattler, opening day. They used the freaking opening day of operation as their media day. The train would come in, they would spend five minutes taking the camera mount off the front car, then the next crew would spend ten minutes putting THEIR camera mount on the front car, then the talking-head would have to sit down, adjust her hair, do a take or two of "Here I am on the tallest wooden coaster in the world", then the ride would go.

Even though I was right there when the park opened and went right to the Rattler, it took well over three hours to get on it. I heard the line was more than six hours long later that day. Luckily, it was a REALLY good coaster back then!


The worst one, though, was when a friend from out of state wanted to ride Ultra Twister at Astroworld. He had been on the other stuff there before, and the primary reason for his trip to the park was UTwist. We got in line, which was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay out of the queue house (it was new that year). An hour into it, the ride broke down for 30 minutes. Once fixed, it ran for about 30 minutes, then broke again, this time for over an hour. I tried to tell my friend that the ride was OK, but not worth the wait we had already endured, and we were only halfway through the queue. He insisted. They finally got it running again. We got within three cars of getting on it, and it broke again. It was down for another hour, then they ran test cars for nearly 20 minutes. Finally, it opened and we were seated. Locked and loaded, we moved backward about three feet and it broke down again. The mechanics came and got us out of the car and announced that it would close for the rest of the day.


I think it was like 5 hours or something that we waited, and never got to finish the ride.

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I can remember 3 of my worst lines:


3 1/2 hours Millenium Force- the most disappointing ride I have ever been on.


3 Hours X- The ride had just re-opened from is 2 month rehab after the incidents with the old train pickle forks.


2 1/2 hours Superman The Escape- Day the ride opened to the public in 97. They had both sides running, the left side broke down. They took the front of the left side line, walked it all the way around out the emergency exit, and had us enter back through the cave to get behind the people already waiting for the right side.

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My ex-wife claims to have waited about 5-6 hours for Goliath (Magic Mountain) on the ride's opening weekend. At 1am, when the ride broke down, everyone still in line was sent home.


The next time she went with me, we waited 2+ hours. She said the ride was good, but certainly not worth waiting in line for 8 hours.

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I waited in line for Incredible Hulk Coaster 3 hours it was a hour and 45 minutes but the rain was coming in for the day an it was bad thunderstorms the hulk operators suggested that we stay inside the wait turned into 3 hours inside then 45 extra minutes because of testing that day was horrible dueling dragons had a Evac the ice train was stuck on the lift hill

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  bspellx5 said:

I have no idea at all as to how the Comet gets such a huge line, and it never seems to gets smaller. I mean its a good ride but theres alot better coasters at Hersheypark IMO.Anyone got any ideas about that? I'd really like to know.


It's one of the coasters they run for the hotel ERT before the park opens everyday so it is already crowded at opening, it's the first coaster people see when they enter the park and it has low capacity (the park's site says 830 an hour optimal capacity).


Plus it has a low height requirement so it's popular with families.

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  nannerdw said:
The line for Firehawk at King's Island was terrible. It was crowded and hot, providing minimal shade for the entire 1 1/2 hours that I had to wait for what I ranked as my least favorite ride of all time.


Yeah, that's one of those rides you go to first thing and get on like the 3rd train of the day, then you never ride again the rest of the day.

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It was probably for my very first ride on the Dueling Dragons. It was not the fault with the park as the ride was shut down for around 90 minutes due to crazy weather. Overall we waited 2 hours for our first ride. At least we stayed nice and dry in the loading area.

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I waited for almost 3 hours for a ride on Riddlers Revenge, I think that's the longest I've spent in a line.


^The ride was broke down twice for 15-20 minutes or so at a time, which is what made the wait so long.

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About 3 hours for Millennium Force. We waited about two hours and were 3 trains away when a nasty storm hit. Most people left the line but we decided to wait it out in the station. The storm finally lets up, we get our ride and head for the gate. Right as we get to the car it starts pouring again. I couldn't stop laughing at the thought of all those people who had left the line, and came running back when it stopped raining just to be rained out again.

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3 hours and 30 minutes for Air in its opening year at Alton Towers. Breakdown after breakdown.

Sounds like X has won the most people for longest queue, maybe we should turn this into a poll.

Crazily, I rode Colossus at Thorpe Park on its opening day and there was NO queue. Strange, considering on a fairly quiet day now it can manage to rack up 45 minutes.

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Thunder Mountain in Paris - it wasn't really a long wait, about 45 mins, but the group in front of us continually lit up cigarettes and in the tight queue lines it was hard to avoid the smoke.


It reinforces the fact that Disneyland should be smoke free or at least have designated smoking areas.

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^Yes, I remember this problem too in Paris. But the French are known for being chain smokers! They love their ciggs, wine and cheese! But I definitely think they need to reinforce this law especially if there are children in the queue!

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OMG!!! It was at SFOT and it was La Vibora. It's the same roller coaster as the Screamin Delta Demon that was at Opryland. We waited for 2 hours! The only reason I stayed in line was because I haven't rode that ride in years since Opryland closed so it was a must ride lol. It was so horrible though, because it was ridiculously hot!

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Maverick. The ride had broken down earlier so I had to wait I think about an hour before it began operating again. Then I had to wait another additional hour in the slow moving line that had spilled onto the midway. Did I mention it was HOT that day?

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