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Worst/Longest/Slowest Line you ever waited in!

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Yeah, for some reason, S:UF always has stupid lines and/or delays. (See my trip report coming soon, maybe even tonite). I think this has to be the worst line I have waited on which is about 1.5 hours.


However, I think that Men In Black in US takes the cake for me! Always a two hour wait easy...and it is not even a coaster!


I have been very lucky. I see lots of long waits for my home park, and I never even waited close to that for them! For KK, my daughter waited maybe an hour tops the longest the first year it was open.

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Well the longest I waited was for TTD which was a little more then 2 hours in about 90 degree weather, and because it broke down we were just standing there for about an hour in direct sunlight... for a 17 second ride


Another awful one was waiting an hour and a half for BTR at Six Flags Mexico, with one train and slow dispatches waiting for a crap ass SLC, not to mention it was very hot out and Mexico City doesn't have the best Air quality.... talk about SMOG CITY!

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The longest I've waited was about 2 hours for New Texas Giant, starting at around 1:00 on its official opening day. Thankfully, the wait seemed quicker than that (glad I didn't go alone), and I was still able to credit run the rest of the park in good time. My next wait for it was less than an hour, and on a subsequent visit lines were significantly shorter.

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Worst line I waited in was during the first week Finding Nemo Submarines had opened at Disneyland Resort. As soon as the rope dropped, we went straight through Tomorrowland and the line was already long. It was stretching around the Matterhorn, and as we continued to search for the start of the line, we noticed it completely wrapped around Matterhorn and began at the Castle's draw-bridge. I ended up waiting three and a half hours for it.

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Longest line I ever waited in was Top Thrill Dragster back in 2004. Line was about 4.5 hours. There were spiders in the queue and breakdowns occurring all the time, but I still managed to enjoy the ride!


Worse line would have to be Goliath at SFOG. They really messed up building the tents of the queue houses... The sun made that place a incubation hell for people.

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2 hours for Fahrenheit. No mist . If you know what Fahrenheit's queue looks like, picture it full and out of the gate on a very hot day with no mist. Hell!


My uncle went to Great Adventure for Kingda Ka's opening day. 11 hrs.

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I don't think I've ever waited over 2.5 hours. I know I rode Tower of Terror the week it opened and we might have waited around 3 hours, but I just don't remember since I was a kid. The rides I've waited 2.5 hours for are Volcano during its opening week and Maverick on its opening day. I went to CP in July 2003 and waited about an hour in line for TTD, the line moved maybe 20 feet as it went through numerous rollbacks and breakdowns, so we just left the line. I had a friend go up and ride it a few weeks later, he waited 6 hours.

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I remember waiting for X in 2006 before it got turned into X2 and we waited for about an hour even though we were where you get separated to either side of the station. That was my only ride on the original X. Then during the first month X2 opened, I waited about 2.5 hours. We got in line at 9:30 and didn't get on till about midnight. So worth it though. And that was with the line coming out of the entrance onto Baja Bridge. X2 has definetley improved in dispatches/downtime significantly than X.


I also remember waiting 2 hours for Terminator at SFMM when it first opened.


Needless to say, thank god for WCB.


Also at SFDK during fright fest in 2010, I waited 1.5 hours for V2 and 1.5 hours for Roar, which are the longest lines I have ever seen there, which is my home park.

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Psyclone at SFMM - Line started between the entrance and exit for Roaring Rapids. Full queue (where Deja Vu is now), took a little over 3 hours.

Wow! When was that?

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Poseidon - Europa Park: 3.5 hours

Colossos - Heidepark: 2.5 hours



G Force - Drayton Manor: 90min for crap!

Saw - 90min on my own.

Goudurix - Parc Asterix: 70min again for crap!


And the worst ever....... Bob - Efteling.... 90min at 10pm after a 12 hour park and a back injury, in JANURARY (-10 degrees) where the zip of my jacket was broke. With the pain in my back and the temperature it was by mile the worst theme park experience I've ever had!

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The longest I have waited is I think 2 hours for Goliath though. It was so worth it though. The time felt shorter, but It was my first time at SFMM and I was 8. Goliath was so awesome and that was probably the scariest moment on a roller coaster in my life. It was also at night, which was scary. I remember talking about all next day at school.


I have also waited 1.5 hours for Log Jammer at Knott's. Not worth it for that crappy drop.

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Worst line was for X in 2003, hot weather and the line was painfully slow.


The longest line was 3 and a half hours for TTD the summer it opened - drove to OH from Boston to ride it and it kept breaking down all day both days we were there. Rode once in the daytime but my dad and I were determined to ride it again the night before we headed home. We waited those 3 and a half hours through multiple breakdowns and "technical issues" and finally made it on close to midnight. Totally worth it!

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I am kind of lucky with this problem. I normally go at off times to parks so I don't deal with excessive lines. My longest was 90 minutes for Toy Story Mania at DHS. Fastpasses were out at about 12:15. The line seemed like it could not have had more than 800 people in it so I was very frustrated by the poor capacity. At least it was well themed and the employees were trying their best to keep the line moving.

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Psyclone at SFMM - Line started between the entrance and exit for Roaring Rapids. Full queue (where Deja Vu is now), took a little over 3 hours.

Wow! When was that?


This was during spring break either the year it opened, or the year after. I recall that I had never ridden it up to that point, so if it was open for spring break on its premier year, it must have been then. Sorry, I don't know the exact year, I was mega young.


Let's also remember that this was before the Northridge Earthquake, and it was really an awesome coaster then!

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