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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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  singemfrc said:
  vedved82491 said:
I'm still going for the decade-old hope for a giant frisbee one day.

I'm going for the decades-old hope for new Revolution trains without OTSRs and a coat of paint for Tatsu. Perhaps even splurge on rehabbing Sky Tower assuming they aren't already planning on replacing it. SFMM loves to add something every year, but Twisted Colossus is the best ride they've added in such a long time I agree that it can hold it's own for at least 2 years, so I think there's never been a better time to make needed improvements to existing rides.


I agree 100% with the new trains for Revolution. I rode SooperDooperLooper (another old Schwarzkopf) at Hersheypark recently and the difference was incredible. Hershey got new Gerstlauer trains for SDL a few years ago and they only had lapbars, no OTSRs! The new trains rode great and made the ride feel brand new, which is pretty good for a coaster that's almost 40 years old. I hadn't ridden Revolution for a while and had told myself that it wasn't that bad. Well, I rode it again a few weeks ago and it really is that bad. It has so much jerking and headbanging that you really can't enjoy it at all. Revolution is a piece of history, so I'd love to see SFMM give it the much needed TLC and new trains that it deserves.

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Never would happen 75 miles south.

  jtaudioacc said:
i wouldn't mind if they got a pressure washer to clean up the walkways and stations. oh, and some trash cans.


I agree the trash cans at Six Flags should never look like this and no excuse.

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I don't think any park is immune to an occasional full trash can outside of Tokyo. The problem with SFMM is that EVERY single time I go I see the same ones (the beat up disgusting ones in the parking lot) full. In the park the ride queue lines are still neglected, but the midway ones seems better taken care of.

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At the park now. Goliath just opened and twisted colossus line is just under the sign. The bad part is that it's 5 million degrees outside.

EDIT:Just got off Goliath, first drop ( and the airtime hill) was nothing compared to TC. Made it feel bland and forceless positives were still great though.

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  stejorin said:
EDIT:Just got off Goliath, first drop ( and the airtime hill) was nothing compared to TC. Made it feel bland and forceless positives were still great though.


Goliath is no longer the best rollercoaster on the right side of the park, yay. 15 year run, wasn't it?


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Not much testing before opening huh...


They should already order replacement chains for TC and have them here in storage, not oiled up of course. If one chain goes the whole ride is done. At least we can safely assume RMC isn't going bankrupt anytime soon.

Edited by Freestyle23
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Its not a big deal on case-to-case basis. Giovanolia went bankrupt and I believe this new chain is from somewhere international. I can also only imagine how long it takes to create this massive chain too.


RMC is prospering nearby. Plus this coaster is brand new and the chain hasn't seem any long term stress yet / wont for a long time.

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To the enthusiast, Goliath is all but a bunch of wasted space.


To the GP, Goliath is taller, therefore better.


Really no reason for me to ride boring Goliath ever again unless it's practically walk on with Twisted Colossus right around the corner.


Funny thing about lift chains...once they're installed, run a cycle a couple times, they're pretty much ready to go. If the trains and everything else are up to snuff, which since nothing else really happened for the coaster to break down, the ride is ready to operate. I'm really interested to know if the "lifthill not up to spec" comments from the park were all a bunch of delay hooplah, and they were really just waiting for the chain.


It also makes little sense to me that if a lift chain breaks, they can't just repair what broke and go from there. Waiting for a whole new chain seems silly.

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^ Great - less wait time for me on "Big G." I can't wait to get back to the mountain... I really missed this ride. I too like TC (rode it 29x on media day), but Goliath is my true love there. I can do more reps on it.

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  DoubleDown said:
Really no reason for me to ride boring Goliath ever again unless it's practically walk on with Twisted Colossus right around the corner.


It's always nice to have variety, while Goliath is one of the most forceless hypers ever minus some of the Morgans and I guess excluding the helix, it's still fun and I'm glad it's open.

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  RollerManic said:
I know some places who can help get rid of Goliath for you. They'll say thank you.


It's funny... As much as MiA could use a ride like Goliath, I'm not sure I'd be too excited about it moving there! Of course, if it actually happened, I suspect that feeling would change, and the ride would suddenly seem a lot better!

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  DoubleDown said:
To the enthusiast, Goliath is all but a bunch of wasted space.


To the GP, Goliath is taller, therefore better.


Really no reason for me to ride boring Goliath ever again unless it's practically walk on with Twisted Colossus right around the corner.


Funny thing about lift chains...once they're installed, run a cycle a couple times, they're pretty much ready to go. If the trains and everything else are up to snuff, which since nothing else really happened for the coaster to break down, the ride is ready to operate. I'm really interested to know if the "lifthill not up to spec" comments from the park were all a bunch of delay hooplah, and they were really just waiting for the chain.


It also makes little sense to me that if a lift chain breaks, they can't just repair what broke and go from there. Waiting for a whole new chain seems silly.


If one link breaks, you can't just put that one link back and consider it done. Assuming all other links in the chain are fine, the whole chain has to be re-threaded (for lack of a better way to explain it). But before the chain can be re-installed, the remaining links have to be inspected as well---which might explain the delay if they found more issues.

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I would also think that there's the possibility that the channels and guides in which the chain run could have been been damaged when the chain failed, or could have been worn / damaged and contributed to the failure of the chain. The chain itself is part of a system. All the parts of that system have to be in proper working order or you could risk a premature failure of the new chain. Not that I know for certain that was the case, but it certainly seems reasonable.


Although that may not account for the amount of time the ride was down, I would rather have it repaired completely so that the new parts have a fighting chance of lasting for their designed service life.

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  Superbatboy said:
Interesting comments on Goliath, I think it's one of the better rides in the park. I'd rather ride Goliath than get banged around on rides like Scream, Apocalypse, Viper, and Revolution.


My problem with Goliath is that it's just so boring. It's fun, don't get me wrong, but there's no real oomph to the ride outside of the helix o' doom that's been tamed. The first drop is pretty bad, though the tunnel at the bottom is great. The high turn is cool but not thrilling. The "airtime" hill provides zero airtime. The MCBR, at least the past few times I've ridden, have brought the train to a complete stop. After the MCBR it's just random turns and the helix o' doom which, as I mentioned before, has been tamed to be nowhere near as forceful as it used to be.


It has some good ideas but just poor, boring execution.

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