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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I am Planning on visiting Las Vegas at the beginning of October planning on driving here for a couple of days I have looked online and its only open at weekends is that correct it says from 10am till 1 am friday and saturdays. what are the crowds like in October any tips and advise


Just want to know as much as possible before i book my holiday

Beginning of October can be very nice and dead, once you get farther into fright fest it starts getting very busy, getting busier as it gets closer to Halloween. Saturdays are almost always the busiest day of the week.

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I thought the park's fireworks show was excellent! I'm hardly a fireworks connoisseur, so I won't venture to say it was the best show in the history of pyrotechnics, but it was much better than what I would have expected from Magic Mountain. It was a full-length (15 minute) display with a number of finale-esque moments that was just as good as many other amusement park and city fireworks displays I've seen. The lasers were a unique touch.


Fireworks aside, the park wasn't too packed on Sunday evening. I arrived a little after 6pm and was able to ride X2 (twice), Viper, Tatsu, Goldrusher, Twisted Colossus, and Scream.


A few thoughts:


-Have they done work on X2's trains? It's been a while since I've ridden it, but I was pleasantly surprise at how smooth the ride was! Other than some moderate rocking in the final raven turn (which is an upgrade from the violent rocking it has been in the past), I thought the ride was exceptionally smooth and comfortable. Plus, most of the onboard audio seemed to be working perfectly.


-I really enjoy Viper and think it's the most underrated coaster in the park. I'll be disappointed if / when that ride gets the ax.


-Tatsu's operations were terribly slow. I don't see a good excuse for not running three trains during the peak summer season.


-Why does Twisted Colossus still have neither a test seat nor lockers?! Without both of those things being added, I fail to see how this ride will duel at all going forward. Way too much loading time is wasted on riders who can't fit (and I feel bad for people who wait in line all that time only to be turned away). And I have never seen people take so much stuff (i.e. loose articles) onto a loading platform. For a company that has been historically strict with its no loose articles policy, I can't understand why they won't enforce such a policy here where it would actually help.


-Does Twisted Colossus feel slightly slower to anyone else? For some reason, my ride didn't feel quite as crazy as I remember from opening day. Granted, I rode at night when it was cooler outside. And regardless, the ride is still incredible.

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Does anyone know if it is possible to do all rides in one day without a flashpass? I'm going at the beginning of August.
It's unlikely in the summer when the park is busier and lines are longer, but you may be able to pull it off if you use discover or gold pass early entry, hit rides like X2 and YOLO when their lines are short, and take advantage of single rider lines on Twisted Colossus, Viper, Revolution, Lex Luthor, Green Lantern, and Riddlers, then you may be able to pull it off. It will be much more difficult on Saturdays than other days of the week.
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I can usually do all the rides in August if I go on a tues, wed, or thurs. Any other day and forget it, it's just too busy. This is usually good enough to get there early, do a bunch of rides and maybe leave for a lunch break for an hour or two, then come back and do the rest with repeats of some sometimes. At this point I like to stay until closing time. So a typical day for me here is about 10 or 11am to closing with a lunch break.

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It is quite difficult on a summer weekend unless you get to the park early and hit the headliners first. If you're curious, click the link in my signature for some actual wait-time data. Pay particular attention to "line-rot day": this was when I waited in line on purpose, during a busy non-summer weekend.

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Well SFMM just pissed me off. (Probably will not be the last time.) Changed the ERT on Friday to Green Lantern and Batman two rides which I wouldn't mind bypassing. Starting to think about getting Gold Flash Pass to to maximize ride count now. Thoughts? (Still two and rather not split.) $70 for Gold or $40 for regular.

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-I really enjoy Viper and think it's the most underrated coaster in the park. I'll be disappointed if / when that ride gets the ax.



Thank you for that! I completely agree- it's a hidden gem in the park's lineup. I also love it because it's one of the only (if not THE only) coasters that constantly runs two trains without stacking! Some people say I'm crazy for loving this ride, but I will defend it any day- it's one of my favorites at SFMM!

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I never thought Viper was a bad ride; it's the best of those old Arrow multi-loopers. I'm not saying it's a "great" ride, but at least it's not painful.

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I never thought Viper was a bad ride; it's the best of those old Arrow multi-loopers. I'm not saying it's a "great" ride, but at least it's not painful.


It's funny how rides bother people differently. I think Drachen Fire wasn't so bad, but won't ever ride Viper again. You thought Drachen Fire was really rough, but don't think Viper is painful.

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I never thought Viper was a bad ride; it's the best of those old Arrow multi-loopers. I'm not saying it's a "great" ride, but at least it's not painful.


It's super painful for tall people like me but that's mainly due to the restraint design placing major force on the collarbones, rather than the ride itself. Although some of the track transitions are just shocking, particularly into the first cork screw... It's gotten to the point where I can't ride it anymore which is a shame cos I loved it in the 90s.

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I never thought Viper was a bad ride; it's the best of those old Arrow multi-loopers. I'm not saying it's a "great" ride, but at least it's not painful.


It's super painful for tall people like me but that's mainly due to the restraint design placing major force on the collarbones, rather than the ride itself. Although some of the track transitions are just shocking, particularly into the first cork screw... It's gotten to the point where I can't ride it anymore which is a shame cos I loved it in the 90s.


Exactly, I have a long torso and the restraints are real painful on my collarbones. And the the collarbone is connected to the neck bone. So, I suffer neck pain in addition.

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i used to love viper. i used to marathon viper on those days when MM was still open weekly during september. i gave it a go the other day in the front. no wait, so figured wth, i like the wind in my face. wasn't nearly as bad as the last time i rode in the back, which was my favorite seat, but it felt to me like it was time for it to go.

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So Superman finally has both sides running again. It was supposed to be running both sides for the beginning of the summer crowds, but well... At least the left side is up again...


Was there a reason for it being down?

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Yeah, off season maintenance on the track. There were days in the dead of the off season where they had a crane removing sections of the middle track piece and replacing it.


That's odd. You'd think the new cars would be lighter and put less stress on the track. Guess not.

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