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Everything posted by rba13

  1. I am thinking Six Flag Discovery Kingdom take on a rebrand of California's Great America once the original closes. Also taking on some of the rides and attractions such as the Double Carousel and Snoopy theming. Great America has a better name brand than Discovery Kingdom in my opinion.
  2. I was thinking it would be great if SFMM built a man made lake and put on water skiing shows. Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
  3. I found an architect plan in a cylinder tube in one of the canoes. It looks like it is a plan to expand the park. Anyone know if someone is missing it?
  4. Any chance of a late opening? The weather looks to be perfectly fine now and is looking to be fine for the rest of the day. Doubt they would open up after putting on their website they are closed today.
  5. You have to enter your season pass into the app in order to see wait times. Even then, you can't see the wait times unless you're in the park, and they're not always accurate. Photo was pulled via Twitter from KCBS LA. thanks
  6. Just went to Knotts on Tuesday. We rode Ghostrider first. It's a much smoother since I last rode it. I guess the retracking has worked. But, the Calico Mine Train ride still is having problems with miners setting off explosions while the train is in the mine. They should seriously try to reinforce the mine as it is held up by rotting wood. The track should also be upgraded. I can't believe MSHA, Mine Safety and Health Administration has not shut that mine down yet. Too many close calls with explosions.
  7. New coaster idea? Two words: Chucky Doll Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  8. How about free tshirt day as a promotion? Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  9. Does SFMM have a helicopter landing pad? Asking for a friend. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  10. Dining Pass? I call it Premature Heart Disease Pass. Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
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