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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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for the most part, they get it right in the emails with each park. i'm subscribed to a few six flags parks email lists. the only reason i see they used that photo was because of the colors and the 4th of july event.


but others, like the games or other things to do in the park, are always some random shot from another park. well, i'm sure it's from one of the parks, so they'll get it right once. lol


they should have used this one, that was in one of the emails.



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Finally I got to ride TC today for my bday. Park was really busy with Coke Promo and with the Honda blue crew giving free parking to any Honda event. Arrived at 845 for friend ticket and the line for purchase horrible. Their needs to be a better system. If you are running these promo's you better have the crew to run it properly.


Got to Twisted entrance and had 45 min with the early Coke promo. TC is awesome my partner who is not much of a coaster guy was amazed how awesome it was. We didn't duel do to fatties trying to fit in and holding the trains up, we seen 4 walk of shames. Sad but should be wake up call to them.


SFMM needs to lay the law down on loose articles because the general public is dumb. If it says NO CAMERAS, PHONES ETC ETC, THEN DAMIT DON'T DO IT! I give props to the 2 girls working the line from 930 on, they took no shit from anybody and checked a bunch of people.


Sad that Goliath is still down and Ninja was one train op. Come on MM get your shit together. Here is a pic of the pile up trying to park.....


Car entry pile up.....

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Sad that Goliath is still down and Ninja was one train op. Come on MM get your poo-poo together.

I think that's doing pretty well. All of their coasters were running 2 trains (3 in TC's case) except for one coaster being down and one running one train.

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This thread is the gift that keeps on giving. Magic Mountain just got one of the best coasters in the world and you're already talking about a giga?

A giga has been talked about in this thread before TC so let's not pull the ungrateful card

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Wow..park is really busy today. All three main lots full, first overflow lot full, now parking people in a second overflow lot. If I got to the park and saw that, I'd just turn around and leave. That's no fun at all.

Wow so that means tomorrow will be insane

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This thread is the gift that keeps on giving. Magic Mountain just got one of the best coasters in the world and you're already talking about a giga?

A giga has been talked about in this thread before TC so let's not pull the ungrateful card


A giga has been discussed along with an improvement in park cleanliness/general upkeep, giga Aqua-Trax that launches you through 2 rings of fire, and improving park operations efficiency. None of the above will happen.

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What sort of crowds should I expect next Friday July 10th?


Funny enough because that is the day I'm going. I've been told it could be variable. From experience from my park (the one I work at) and going to others, it isn't the best but not the most terrible day to go. Anyone on a weekend vacation will not usually show up that day and it is the end of the week so people tend to stay home. My prediction is it will not be too bad.

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Wow..park is really busy today. All three main lots full, first overflow lot full, now parking people in a second overflow lot. If I got to the park and saw that, I'd just turn around and leave. That's no fun at all.


Jeez...with those sorts of crowds, I really hope people have a way to stay hydrated and out of the sun. It's been pretty darn hot - 90s and 100s - and humid by CA standards around here lately.

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Went to the park tonight for the fireworks. I was impressed. The show was long with a TON of fireworks. Multiple finales as the guests would scream and applaud thinking it was over and the show would keep going. Best place to watch is in Full Throttle plaza where you can see the loop as they're shooting them off between the loop and Superman Plaza. They also had a ton of Lazers covering full throttle plaza and six flags plaza. Shows are at 9:15 tonight, Saturday and Sunday although the show was 10 minutes late tonight.

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I wonder if it will come with the bonus brush fire that their fireworks shows usually cause? They've caught that hillside on fire a few times...


They do provide a good fireworks show though. I watched from Skytower when I worked there...had to take the stairs too!

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Just saw the advert that the ferris wheel was for on Korean TV. Was flicking channels on mute and spotted Twisted Colossus lit up at night and 5 Hyundai's driving past it in the parking lot (or Kia's as I said I was flicking but it seemed to be a Korean manufacturer) They then parked up and you could see a lit up ferris wheel behind them.

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What sort of crowds should I expect next Friday July 10th?


Funny enough because that is the day I'm going. I've been told it could be variable. From experience from my park (the one I work at) and going to others, it isn't the best but not the most terrible day to go. Anyone on a weekend vacation will not usually show up that day and it is the end of the week so people tend to stay home. My prediction is it will not be too bad.


Ok, thanks! Fingers crossed, I haven't been in about 5 years and have two days planned over the course of my time in California so I want to make the most of it!

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Just saw the advert that the ferris wheel was for on Korean TV. Was flicking channels on mute and spotted Twisted Colossus lit up at night and 5 Hyundai's driving past it in the parking lot (or Kia's as I said I was flicking but it seemed to be a Korean manufacturer) They then parked up and you could see a lit up ferris wheel behind them.


I think it's Kia, Six Flags has some kind of deal with them. I remember last year when I visited Gradv, there were Kia Souls all over the park. Cute little cars lol. No giants hamsters though sadly

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VERY VERY good fireworks show last night July 3rd at Six Flags Magic Mountain.


They pulled out the budget on this one with nothing left behind.


Best viewing area is in front of Loaded Dogs or just outside Looney Toons gift shop facing FT loop as all fireworks are shot over the top of the loop. There were no ground fireworks so WYSIWYG.


Another great spot would be outside the main gates in the bus service turnaround area for the parking lot.


Bottom line if you can see top of FT loop this


This is the last 7 minutes of the show unedited of the 14 minute show ... Again a very very good pyro show!!!

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