coasterlvr Posted July 12, 2015 Share Posted July 12, 2015 Just rode 10 minutes ago and dueled both laps. Has been consistently dueling all day. i still am looking for the dual, duel after like 25 GP rides. i've actually only had a 4-5 good duels out of those rides. btw, i count a duel as one where the trains drop off the lift together in less than a second. anymore than that, and one train is just chasing the other with practically no interaction. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dylanreich Posted July 13, 2015 Share Posted July 13, 2015 At the park. First cycle I saw was racing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ALT2870 Posted July 13, 2015 Share Posted July 13, 2015 Well we finally made it to the Magic Mountain. Definitely the hype was building up as we flew down from Oakland to Burbank that morning. Failed to secure the Honda so we decided on Denny's for breakfast. Coming up into the park it feels more isolated then in pictures. Parking was already open and we could see the crowds coming in. Sad there was no preferred parking as the $5 is always worth it. Still parked a little close but then the walk, not as bad as Discovery Kingdom, but still. Coming into the park detectors only took a minute then straight for the gates. The line to get in? Horrendous. Luckily I asked security about gold pass entrance and they pointed me to the far side where there was no line. As per advice went straight to Full Throttle. With probably only 100 people in the park if that, was about five minutes to get on. (They had fired up almost all the rides and boarding before the gates opened.) Just before we got off they released the flood and I was eager to move on, however my dad liked it so much he wanted to go again so I bowed in and another quick wait. A very solid coaster overall, some great airtime and hang time. 5/5 Hoping the lines weren't to long for Colossus we head that way. But by then it was way out past the entrance so we headed around for the summit. Past DC Universe the park was completely empty. Walked on Gold Rusher to get that out of the way. Afterwards the push to the summit commenced. Reaching the first point yet another walk on with Superman. My first 100+ coaster I considered riding it again but I just didn't feel it. Left side was running only at that time. (Right side would join later.) 3/5 We made bid for the summit and Ninja. This was my first anticipated coaster of the day. Strangely enough the shortest wait was for the front. Here we encountered the only one train op of the day. The main op was even kind enough to apologize for it. The line quickly built behind us, I think it was a max 15 minute wait for us. It's sad more of these don't exists as they are a fun coaster. Swinging by the trees and the near misses caps it off. Some rough spots in there but not bad. Oh ya, did I mention this is #50 for me? Excited it was this one. There were no trains on the transfer tracks... 5/5 Next we decided to head down the opposite way to Tatsu. At first we thought the line was minimal but of course it was a hold back. Que was full and since I'm not the most fan of flying coasters so it was a skip. So we decided to head down to Apocalypse. A near empty station as we headed for the back row, and then it happened, the power outage. At that time we thought it was just Apocalypse as the op stated that it was down and they said it was a minor delay. Not know what was going on we decided after 10 minutes to head to Jet Stream. Well as you know and we figured out, it was the whole park. The strange thing was that right after it happened and while we waited for the next 15 minutes is that they were able to run stuff. Of course it ended and we got on Jet Stream, nothing exciting though the run out is nice. Then back to Apocalypse. This time a wait of 10 minutes as we finally encountered the terrible ops. Nice thickly padded seats. Good thing was the ride was rough in more then a few places. I can overlook most of that as it was very relentless until the final turn into the break run. Hey, even the fire effect was working. The station fly-though is a nice effect for those in the station. 4/5 We decided to take the long hike to Baja Ridge which turned into a big mistake. Coming in we saw Revolution down. First up here was Viper. My dad was wearing down and starting to get hungry so I advise him to sit this one out due to all the inversions. Taking advantage of the single rider line was able to get right on the first train in, very car. I was not expecting the ride to be intense, turned out very wrong of course. (The end of the double loops I almost blacked out, not expecting that.) My personal opinion is the ride was smooth expect for a few points. Mid of the first drop, batwing, and the trims into the corkscrews. Oh my, the trims into the corkscrews, they slam the train into a crawl along with your head. I honestly though we weren't going to make it. We did thankfully. Those pesky trims is the reason it is getting: 4/5 Passing X2 (still long line as I saw from Viper) we tried to find a map for food. Cyber Cafe was closed and the nearest food was far away. So we decided to take Orient Express back up for the restaurant across from Tatsu. Quick backstory, we saw the power company entering near it and Revolution. Turns out the train arriving was the last one as they had entered the ride area. (Never saw them though.) So now began the walk back up the hill, not happy. Here we encountered the only rude employee of the day. She was guarding the entrance for Revolution. She of course told me it was closed (thanks) and then I asked if there was a shortcut up to the summit. She said no and I pointed out the sign pointing this way for Superman and Tatsu. She in the kindest way possible (not) said that I was lying. I couldn't be bothered and I had the last word as I walked away. Tsk Tsk Anyway finally got back up and ate. Coming back down finally took on X2, the second anticipation coaster of the day. The line from starting to on ended up about shy of an hour. Fire and audio did not work during the ride. (Oh well.) I got off wondering what just happened (and still trying). No wonder this ride is the most popular. Good job Arrow, also pretty smooth. Did I mention three train ops? A ride that I would of loved to ride again but time was running short. Also I found the first coaster my dad refused to ride. 5/5 With just over an hour to go, it was time to head back across the park for Colossus. By this time Revolution was open. I used single rider but it was in vein as there was no line anyway. It was going up the lift hill I realized this was going to be painful ride. Whoever designed those OTSR should ride it all day. The layout? Solid. The speed? Perfect. But darn, it was painful. I can see why people call it a shell of its former self. Looked like three train ops. I'll be nice this time and forgo the restraints for a 5/5. With an hour to go it was time for the final anticipation coaster of the day, Colossus. The line was a few people out of the station with a sign saying an hour wait, perfect. It was not too long in we realized it was going to be much shorter. By the time we were at the gates, it was 30 minutes. Three train ops with an incredible crew. Two working from the back and two working from the front. While in line we saw it duel a few times and I could see the point at which it would be impossible if the train wasn't dispatched. The crew was trying everything to get trains to duel. They rushed people to get out and opened gates as soon as the train stopped. The biggest issue was people who just didn't have a sense of urgency. They took their time getting settled in despite the persistence of the crew. Most people literally ran to drop their items in the bins and head back. Sometimes though the crew must of fallen asleep as the board op was yelling to check these seats and it would take them a bit to realize. With such a short line I hopped in the single rider for a second go around. Sadly non of the times we dueled though at the start of the second ride we were very close. As some have been saying front is airtime city and I agree. (Also rode back.) 5/5 Not a bad day at the park without Flash Passes. This was exactly the crowds I was expecting on a Friday. I was glad to exit the park without having a ride I wish I rode. To top it off, we made it to LAX in 50 minutes! There were no five minute dispatch times and everyone seemed to be on top of it going was fast as they could minus Apocalypse. Tatsu was running both station and as mentioned only Ninja was running one train. Again, kudos to the Colossus crew who never had a dispatch over 2 minutes. I also liked that at least the newer rides had que's that were wider then normal. I'm planning on coming back possibly this Fall. At Burbank, here we come! Viper is very photogenic. Obligatory shot. And of course this one. Park does seem smaller then in pictures. And though you probably can't see it, there is a duel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
willh51 Posted July 13, 2015 Share Posted July 13, 2015 Sounds like fun. X2 was running three trains? I didn't know that was possible. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ALT2870 Posted July 13, 2015 Share Posted July 13, 2015 And they actually have four trains believe it or not. Basically one train in the station, and then one behind it in what appeared to be an unloading station (not used), other is on the track. The arrival brakes are also under shade so if the train gets double stacked. (That happened a couple of times.) Of course you are going to get stacked once. However when I was on, we waited about 15 seconds before coming in. As I said, greats ops that day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SFMMGeek27 Posted July 13, 2015 Share Posted July 13, 2015 No way it was running 3 trains on Friday. Today the third train was on the maintenance track with no headrests and have the restraints missing. It has been sitting that way for almost a year! But that is alright. That is train #3, which is by far the roughest of the 3. For some reason, train 2 is the smoothest by far. Train 1 (which I rode today) is just okay. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freestyle23 Posted July 13, 2015 Share Posted July 13, 2015 Tatsu running both stations? Nice to hear. Always surprised when I hear that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KBrylczyk Posted July 13, 2015 Share Posted July 13, 2015 Tatsu running both stations? Nice to hear. Always surprised when I hear that. Ha, no. That wasn't the case at all. They just managed to dispatch train on time for once. Also, it's impossible for X2 tor run four trains. They only have three, two of which are (barely) operable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted July 13, 2015 Author Share Posted July 13, 2015 (edited) As per advice went straight to Full Throttle Hoping the lines weren't to long for Colossus we head that way. But by then it was way out past the entrance so we headed around for the summit. With an hour to go it was time for the final anticipation coaster of the day, Colossus. While I'm glad you got on everything and things worked out for you in the park, I have to question why you would leave the "brand new highly anticipated ride" until the very last hour of they day??? That just seems so risky to me as new rides always tend to have issues, especially in their opening year. I can't tell you how many times we've been to a park with our group where we say "MAKE SURE YOU GET ON THE NEW RIDE FIRST...JUST IN CASE!" only to have something happen to it later which closes it for the rest of the day. Like I said, I'm glad you got on everything, and luck was on your side, but whoever advised you NOT to go to Colossus first gave you really poor advice. Edited July 13, 2015 by robbalvey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SFMMGeek27 Posted July 13, 2015 Share Posted July 13, 2015 Yesterday, Tatsu was running two stations all day. Superman was running both sides for 3 or 4 hours. TC was running 3 trains all day. Oh, and I should mention about Apocalypse. The new train win the black restraints is much rougher than the old train with orange restraints. I didn't enjoy it as much in the black train and then it seriously hauled in the orange train. Waits in the Screamounk District decline a LOT in the afternoon. Around 11:30, the line for TC was out the entrance, down to Scream, and back to the entrance. And Scream's line was barely poking out the entrance. By 4:00, TC's line was inside the entrance and Scream was only a station wait! Rides like Tatsu and X2 had long waits around then. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gmaster562 Posted July 13, 2015 Share Posted July 13, 2015 Never realized they repainted Tornado at HH. Sure is a lot of blue and orange. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MagicMountainMan Posted July 14, 2015 Share Posted July 14, 2015 Never realized they repainted Tornado at HH. Sure is a lot of blue and orange. They quite literally took the left over paint from Scream and painted just the outside of Tornado. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
awclark Posted July 14, 2015 Share Posted July 14, 2015 Decided to request today off work for some 26th birthday coaster fun! Single rider line at Twisted Colossus is the BEST!!! Was able to get 8 rides in a row within a short span of time and about to head back over there for some more runs The only downside was that it didn't race once. In fact, even on the times I was close to racing, we'd be heading up the green lift, yet our train wouldn't slow its climb so the other train on the blue lift could catch up. When I rode opening weekend, I was able to race each time cause he green lift would slow whenever a train dispatched the station. Kinda disappointing, but it's still a kick-a$$ ride. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
edgeboy Posted July 16, 2015 Share Posted July 16, 2015 Going back to older topics, the parks with the worst operations I have ever experienced are Elitch Gardens and SFA. Way, way worse than SFMM at their worst. And while I'm happy Swashbuckler is open again... we waited over a year for a Yo Yo that still doesn't tilt? Why is it so difficult for SFMM to get a Yo Yo to operate fully? I can only imagine this was an intentional decision, but I have no idea why. It used to tilt for years. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
singemfrc Posted July 16, 2015 Share Posted July 16, 2015 Evidently the reports that Goliath's chain was previously installed were completely false. Just saw a photo taken today that clearly shows what is obviously the new chain being installed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
robbalvey Posted July 16, 2015 Author Share Posted July 16, 2015 In case you missed it, West Coast Bash tickets are now on sale: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MagicMountainMan Posted July 16, 2015 Share Posted July 16, 2015 There is a crane at Goliath so good news! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
singemfrc Posted July 16, 2015 Share Posted July 16, 2015 There is a crane at Goliath so good news! That's what was in the photo I referred to two posts earlier, a crane with the chain hanging from it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guy T. Koepp Posted July 16, 2015 Share Posted July 16, 2015 A crane, with the chain, as the rain, in Spain, falls gently on the plain. I love that movie. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dylanreich Posted July 16, 2015 Share Posted July 16, 2015 Went to the park yesterday - Wednesdays seem like good days to go during this busy summer season - pretty much 2 train operation on everything and both sides running on Superman. Finally got the mythical duel-duel on Twisted Colossus! I saw more duels yesterday since any other day - hopefully that's a sign of things to come. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PeoplemoverMatt Posted July 16, 2015 Share Posted July 16, 2015 Went to the park yesterday - Wednesdays seem like good days to go during this busy summer season - pretty much 2 train operation on everything and both sides running on Superman. Finally got the mythical duel-duel on Twisted Colossus! I saw more duels yesterday since any other day - hopefully that's a sign of things to come. I would say it's more like a sign that the TC ride staff currently handles smaller crowds better than larger ones. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scottiemon Posted July 16, 2015 Share Posted July 16, 2015 Which is weird....what difference would it make....X number of people enter through the gates, regardless of how many are waiting in line.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
skaunit Posted July 16, 2015 Share Posted July 16, 2015 Which is weird....what difference would it make....X number of people enter through the gates, regardless of how many are waiting in line.... Maybe less time focused on filling each train? *shrug* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mark549 Posted July 16, 2015 Share Posted July 16, 2015 A crane, with the chain, as the rain, in Spain, falls gently on the plain. I love that movie. Complain. (in keeping with the theme of this thread) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MagicMountainMan Posted July 16, 2015 Share Posted July 16, 2015 There is a crane at Goliath so good news! That's what was in the photo I referred to two posts earlier, a crane with the chain hanging from it. Whoops! Can't see certain photos on Tapatalk, sorry! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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