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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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  robbalvey said:
  coasterdude5 said:
Ugh. This weekday technical rehearsal routine is frustrating to say the least. Fingers crossed for this weekend, but I'm not holding my breath.

I don't understand why you NEED to rush out and try to ride it ASAP. You live a few hours away by car so you can go anytime, why not just go down and ride it when you hear it's up and running and reliable rather than waste that time to go when it might not be open?


We are waiting until late July!

I don't need to ride it, but I do want to ride it for the same reason comic book fans want to see new superhero movies at midnight, Apple fans want to wait in line for hours to get the newest iPhone, etc., etc. That's part of the fun of being a fan of anything that has a debut, opening or release -- to be one of the first to experience it. Of course it's ridiculous and trivial in the grand scheme of things, but I find it hard to believe that anyone hasn't had that desire with something in their life.


It would be different if, like you, I lived 10+ hours away. Making a weekend trip isn't nearly as feasible, so I would be fine waiting for a planned trip later in the summer. It would also be different if I lived close enough to the park to visit on a whim, after work or in the middle of the day. But I'm in the twilight zone of being close enough to the park to make a day trip but not close enough to go at the drop of the hat. That's frustrating, especially when the coaster only "rehearses" during the week. And sure, it's totally possible that the coaster could break down or not operate at all when I go, and that would suck.


Perhaps I won't ride Lightning Rod until July when you do. And if so, I'll survive.

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  Shavethewhales said:
^They half-assed it from the get-go. Compare SDC's version to it, and its obvious they went with the cheapest props available. It needs to be completely redone. Heck, a lot of that area needs some help to feel as special as the rest of the park. The "outdoor adventure" theme shouldn't be an excuse to be as plain and unoriginal as possible. They did a good job on Firechaser at least.


If we're talking about the future already, I have a feeling DW will get something similar to Fireman's Landing at SDC soon. Something involving a big indoor play area with some rides around it. Maybe they'll use the fireworks factory theme they keep trying to find a place for at SDC.


WOW SDC River Blast looks GREAT, but I rode River Battle this past weekend and was TOTALLY soaked - more than River Rampage. Without the targets or interactive elements your just a slow moving target yourself getting wet. Its getting on 10 years old at this point and doesn't look like its getting any love anymore. Maybe this should be moved over to Splash Country where it could REALLY soak people then use that pad for the fireworks factory idea - You already have Crazy Charlies to tie into, and it would look good next to Mystery Mine - like a more "manufacturing South". It would be great to have an indoor play area as an option in the fall/winter when the fire themed water play area is closed. That would also be a nice tie into the more "logging industrial" look of Timber Canyon - which while were on it - is looking rough as well. Timer Tower pad is...well....there and the Otter Landing or Beaver Pit or whatever it was has had the sluices removed and hastily concreted over - all water elements turned off and the playground looks like it needs a good refurb. Something tells me this whole side of the park is next on the list now that the right side has gotten its major upgrade. Interesting to see.

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  coasterdude5 said:
  robbalvey said:
  coasterdude5 said:
Ugh. This weekday technical rehearsal routine is frustrating to say the least. Fingers crossed for this weekend, but I'm not holding my breath.

I don't understand why you NEED to rush out and try to ride it ASAP. You live a few hours away by car so you can go anytime, why not just go down and ride it when you hear it's up and running and reliable rather than waste that time to go when it might not be open?


We are waiting until late July!

I don't need to ride it, but I do want to ride it for the same reason comic book fans want to see new superhero movies at midnight, Apple fans want to wait in line for hours to get the newest iPhone, etc., etc. That's part of the fun of being a fan of anything that has a debut, opening or release -- to be one of the first to experience it.

See, this is where I guess I just disagree and shake my head at some of those things...


Why would you....


1. Drive out to a roller coaster that might be closed?

2. Stand in line for a new phone that might sell out?

3. Go see a movie at midnight with an obnoxious crowd where it's hard to enjoy the movie?


I personally choose to:


1. Wait until I know a ride is open and running reliably to plan a visit.

2. Order my phone online and wait for it to arrive at my door.

3. Go see the movie on a Tuesday morning while school is in and people are working so I can be one of 6 other people in the theater.


So if that makes me less of a fan because i like to enjoy my fandom of certain things with less annoyance and frustration, I'm more than happy to be not as big of a fan as the person who chooses to make poor decisions to do the exact same thing I'm going to do, just a few days later.


Last time I checked there was no bonus points awarded for riding a roller coaster "first" - No sexual favors paid by any hot girls - No money being thrown at you, and certainly no f**ks given by most people.


So what is the point of rushing out to *maybe* operating ride just to say you did it first? Insecurities maybe? I dunno. But hey, if that's what you choose to do, knock yourself out.


DISCLAIMER: I'm not saying not to go out and try to ride something early, like for example if a ride opens and it's reliably operating, like Valravn. But would I go there when it may or may not be running when I can plan a visit on another day? No of course not. That's stupid, IMO.

Edited by robbalvey
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  Wily J said:
^ I think you're forgetting all the extra blowjobs you get by being first Robb,



You automatically get 42 of them by 72 virgins by being first... Yup, I totally forgot! lol


Seriously though guys - I'm not saying don't go ride something. I'm just saying that when something isn't quite working, why go out of your way??? I mean, if I hear Mako is running reliably, damn right I'll drive the 4 miles down the road early in the morning on the first weekday after it opens and go ride it. Will I go if I hear it's on again/off again? No. Will I go on a busy Saturday and wait 2 1/2 hours or more? No.


But I'll gladly go down on the Monday or Tuesday following it's opening, get there right as the park opens and try to be one of the first in line so I can ride with little to no wait.


Like Mark Cuban always says: Work smart, don't work hard.

Edited by robbalvey
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  robbalvey said:

Why would you....


3. Go see a movie at midnight with an obnoxious crowd where it's hard to enjoy the movie?


Gotta disagree with you on this one, Robb, at least from my personal experience! I don't find the crowds to be too obnoxious usually, and I love the vibe, and ambiance that goes with a "first showing" of a movie! I definitely prefer those viewing experiences to the "normal" ones, from the perspective of being a part of something big and exciting! Having said that, I do also get reserved seating in advance for said shows, so a lot of the stress, and potentially obnoxious people while waiting in a ridiculous line of years past is no longer present. Still, I love my (used to be) Midnight (now is 7:00 or 7:30 the previous day) showings!


Different strokes for different folks, I guess... Now, back to your regularly scheduled play by play of Lightning Rod's every waking (or sleeping) moment!

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^I've done one midnight showing in my life and that was Simpsons Movie because.... we were in the area and thought it'd be interesting. It came out one daily earlier than the USA and there were seriously die-hard American fans who were posing with tickets and ringing up friends. They were dissecting whether it would match "old-school" Simpsons level of funny and discussing favorite seasons and episodes, what they'd heard in interviews, who they thought the secret celebrity voice was etc. Back then there was no option for reserved seating at all and we were there 25 mins before opening behind them. With all their discussions I felt like i'd seen the movie before we even went in. That and then the mad scramble some of the super fans had once doors opened to get perfect seats.... Never again.

Edited by Garet
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Everyone enjoys things in different ways. I don't think he was saying you're not a fan if you don't show up first thing (or less of a fan) he is just saying that's something he enjoys doing as a fan. Whether someone shows up first thing or waits for the craze to die out doesn't matter to me as people have different priorities and in the end they get to enjoy what they like doing.


After missing out on the opportunity to do I305 when it first opened I tend to fall closer to wanting to be at a new ride first chance as i don't want to risk not getting to ride the original version of a ride.

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I agree about planning correctly, if you are going to Dollywood for the sole purpose of riding Lighting Rod...I'd wait. I'm dying to get back to the park since the last time I visited was 2010 but I'm waiting till the coaster is more reliable. The people who are complaining about a new ride (First of it's kind at that) not being open on time must not be huge coaster fans, because that happens a lot of time.


I can't wait to get back there and will plan it when it's more reliable. Even so when I went in 2010, Mystery Mine Ride was closed both days I was there but luckily before we left it was open and we were able to ride it on the 3rd day.


BTW ride looks AMAZING!!!

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In my case it's not a matter of riding it first, but a matter of logistics. I'm from Brazil, so I'm not exactly close to Dollywood. Last March I had a trip planned to Orlando, Wild Adventures and Carowinds. Since LR was still scheduled to open by mid March when I booked the trip (back in January), I decided to add a 3 day trip to Pigeon Forge so I wouldn't have to go back later this year.


Now I'm going to the US back again in July. I'll land in Texas and depart from Ohio. The original plan was to do the parks in Dallas/Oklahoma area then fly to Ohio and to the parks there. Then Lightning Rod soft openened. So I figured I could drive instead of flying and stop once again in Pigeon Forge, since this might be my last chance of riding LR this year (or maybe ever).


I guess what I'm trying to say is that everyone has their reasons for trying to ride the coaster as soon as it opens and the moment the park says the coaster will open/is about to open (and it doesn't) we can't be held accountable for our failed travel plans.

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  Mrenata said:
I guess what I'm trying to say is that everyone has their reasons for trying to ride the coaster as soon as it opens and the moment the park says the coaster will open/is about to open (and it doesn't) we can't be held accountable for our failed travel plans.


This is a completely different scenario than the one Robb was addressing though. You have plans from a long time ago coming from far away, nothing wrong with that. Robb was merely suggesting that someone who lives a few hours away by car wait until the ride is up and running reliably before visiting.

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I'm at Dollywood in a little under 3 weeks. I expected a few months to be enough buffer for this new ride, but hey if it doesn't open, shit happens.

I still get to hit an amazing park so I'll hold on to that and if LR opens that's a bonus.

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  DILinator said:
  robbalvey said:

Why would you....


3. Go see a movie at midnight with an obnoxious crowd where it's hard to enjoy the movie?


Gotta disagree with you on this one, Robb, at least from my personal experience! I don't find the crowds to be too obnoxious usually, and I love the vibe, and ambiance that goes with a "first showing" of a movie! I definitely prefer those viewing experiences to the "normal" ones, from the perspective of being a part of something big and exciting!

See, I just happen to really hate people, being around lots of people, and having to interact with people. Which is strange considering the job I've found myself in over the past few years!


But, when it comes to parks, this is why I don't go on crowded days, always get front of the line passes so I don't have to wait in long lines, and why I don't show up to openings when I know the wait for a new ride could be hours long. Or, if I have to do any of those, I usually just stand back, away from the crowd, and laugh my ass off.


No other movie quote can describe me better!

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My one experience was with riding something on opening day was Curse of DarKastle at BGW. Massive crowds + technical problems = three-and-a-half-hour wait. At least the park was handing out free water bottles to those waiting in the blazing sun. So, I rode, and it had some sound issues. By the time I got off, the line went all the way to Alpengeist.


I went back two weeks later. The line was more manageable, the sound problems had been fixed, and the ride was much better.


Lesson learned.


I'm looking forward to riding Lightning Rod when its kinks are worked out.

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I've never lived this close to a coaster of Lightning Rod's caliber. Yes, I'm nerding out. I want to ride it as soon as possible. Some people don't. That's fine. I’m sure when I’m in my 30s or 40s that desire will subside a bit (or maybe it won’t!).


But I wouldn’t assume that people who are in those "midnight lines" are doing so only to be “first.” I bought my tickets for The Dark Knight Rises a month in advance and waited in lines just to get into the theater not because I wanted to be “first,” but because I legitimately wanted to know how the story of Christopher Nolan’s Batman would end. Call it impatience. And Lightning Rod is similar -- I am legitimately excited to ride this coaster that I’ve been following for the past nine or so months. I’m not doing it for a reward, just personal satisfaction.


I’m sure an academic somewhere has written their dissertation on this dichotomy of now vs. later.

Edited by coasterdude5
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Just adding my 2 cents. For some reason I have never been to DW. Always wanted to and was going to go last year but when I heard of LR, I decided to wait until this year. With the delays in opening, I'll just wait a little while longer. I've managed to somehow continue living this long , what's another month or two ?

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I've been to a few opening days over the years (Wild Eagle, Diamondback, Goliath at SFOG) and I have to admit there is a certain level of energy and excitement that exists on an opening day that is pretty fun to be a part of, but honestly with Lightning Rod from day one for anyone who has been reading this forum should have know that there were issues with the ride opening and that their chances of getting on it before it is "officially" open were slim. If I lived near a park and visited several times throughout the year sure I'd try on opening day, if I'm making a trip to a new park I'm gonna wait until I know a ride has been open for a little while. And being upset because a ride is down or closed on a day you visit is understandable but get over it, things happen, especially with new technology.

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  robbalvey said:
See, I just happen to really hate people, being around lots of people, and having to interact with people. Which is strange considering the job I've found myself in over the past few years!


But, when it comes to parks, this is why I don't go on crowded days, always get front of the line passes so I don't have to wait in long lines, and why I don't show up to openings when I know the wait for a new ride could be hours long.


Actually, I totally get this! The older I get, the less and less I like being around large groups of people! I go to Movie Premiere's less frequently now, and I am pretty much a May, and late August/early September Cedar Point attender, because I simply can't stand the mobs of people Summer Amusement Park-ing attracts.


I think, as much as I sold my interest in the "spectacle" of the movie premiere's in my last post, this more accurately reflects why I go to them now...


  coasterdude5 said:
But I wouldn’t assume that people who are in midnight lines are doing so solely to be “first.” I bought my tickets for The Dark Knight Rises a month in advance and waited in lines just to get into the theater not because I wanted to be “first,” but because I legitimately wanted to know how the story of Christopher Nolan’s Batman would end. Call it impatience. And Lightning Rod is similar -- I am legitimately excited to ride this coaster that I’ve been following for the past nine or so months. I’m not doing it for a reward, just personal satisfaction.


If a movie just really interests me, I want to watch it as soon as possible! Same with coasters that look awesome! But you got to be smart about it, and I'm just thankful that my early season plans to go to Dollywood were not set in stone, and I can wait until it's open, and reliable. Also, I'll be going whenever Thrills in the Hills is finally rescheduled, so I'm going to be able to ride without the lengthy waits that a normal operating day trip would have (presumably, at least...)

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Well since i will be at Dollywood in about 2 weeks time, i just hope we will be able to get a ride of more rides on Lightning Rod!


I will be a little sad if i can't ride the rides that 'made' me plan a big trip in the first place, but otherwise it will be a good reason to go to Dollywood again.


And since we didn't get to ride the Texas RMC's in 2013 while on tour(wich i totally understand), i will enjoy those to on this trip...

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I live only 2.5 hours from Dollywood, if I really wanted to I could ride down this weekend and take a chance on it being open or not. Yea I would have a good time regardless BUT I would rather wait til around mid to late June when we have a family trip planned and go and ride it with my family hopefully if it's open by then. I've went to Dollywood when all the coasters were up and down all day. What did I do? Enjoyed a show or got a bite to eat. Something funny that happens to me, usually every time I go, even when it's not on the radar, LIGHTNING pops up somewhere and the coasters close down. So I either ride Blazing Fury or relax for a bit. Basically I'm saying, yes the coaster is running today (up and running again) but don't bank a full trip on that. Yesterday a guy I know was one of the last to get on even though they had people in line at 6pm, they shut the coaster down for the day. He did say though it's probably one of the craziest wooden coasters he's ever ridden. Said his shirt came up over his head during the outward bank and it's entirely pedal to the metal "oh $h*t" moments. He rode closer towards the back, so avoid the front if you want a better ride.

Edited by Dollywoodlover20
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It's a personal thing for me to ride a coaster on opening day, like being a part of a piece of history. Same with seeing a movie opening weekend... both things will be around for a long time and it's cool to say "yes, I was there!" The memories I have are more important than anything I could get from anyone else.


That being said, I pretty much limit both scenarios to coasters and movies I really, really care about. A big part of it is not having "spoilers" and getting to experience it from my own initial reactions before people start throwing in their opinions. I have no regrets with going to the past two big coaster openings at SFDK, a park I've been going to since childhood.


I probably wouldn't go super out of my way knowing the disappointment I would feel if I got hyped and made big plans only to find it closed. Also, when it started having issues this weekend, I cancelled my return plans. There comes a point where it's just too much and not worth it, like you said, when I know I will be back on days when there is no line at all.

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OK, just stop. We get it. Some of you like waiting 6 hours for one ride on opening day. Others prefer wait out the rush for multiple rides later on. No one cares about your personal preference. Let's talk Dollywood.

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Looks like I'll be heading up to Dollywood again tomorrow. My nephew and I had plans to hit Blue Hawk opening day, I thought the opening ceremony would be cool. Since it's not opening we've decided to go up and hang out at Dollywood for the day. Here's hoping it's still testing.

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