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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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It's a USA today article, I would take it with a grain of salt and wait until the park speaks.

Well we haven't heard anything from them for so long, so that's where everyone's frustration is coming from

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I'm really hoping they're speakers that play actual 50's songs with reving sounds. So it'll be like the train has the radio blasting on the local station as you get ready to take an evening "cruise"


I feel like less of a man for just reading this.

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Of course the evening cruise was a sarcastic part, and I would like to hear actual 50's songs because most of the time Dollywoods produced songs for rides always seem to be "Disney-tized" with the dreamy sounds. (Mystery Mine, Wild Eagle, FCE) I just want music to be a big impact on this coaster. Anyway, I watched the video and counted 4 workers on the launch along with the crane. So hopefully they're getting it all fixed and all the kinks worked out. If they have to take all LSM's off and then install new ones, tweak those, then start the test cycle it will not be open by the end of April so let's not hope for that.

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The article in today's USA today paper says the park hopes to have it open by late April.



This is big news, and I'm surprised its not getting more traffic. USA Today isn't some rag or blog, its USA Today, a national publication. If someone from the park (I assume someone high in the pecking order) is saying late April, this should be taken seriously.


Very good news. And if its not true, I would suspect someone from Dollywood would shoot this down very quickly (like today).

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I'm really hoping they're speakers that play actual 50's songs with reving sounds. So it'll be like the train has the radio blasting on the local station as you get ready to take an evening "cruise"


I feel like less of a man for just reading this.

No you don't.

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Well, I gave Dollywood a shot on March 26th and LR was not ready. So now, it's time for a second chance. I'll be at the park May 14th...*crosses fingers and prays to every god there is even though I don't believe in praying*...PLEASE BE READY THIS TIME LR! I WANT TO RIDE!!

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We usually take a trip down to Dollywood late June/ early July (after the 4th) because that gives everything time to get kinks out, we hope Lightning Rod is up by then, if not I mean I'm 2.5 hours away I can always make a weekend trip down but you know some aren't that close. I do see them trying a Labor Day event for it because that's another extremely busy time in Pigeon Forge that we tend to avoid. If they had it up and going this week it would be absolutely PERFECT. Why you ask? Spring Rod Run, one of the most crowded times for the area besides Fall Rod Run, and plus it would fit the attraction.

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Wife and I are here in Pigeon Forge. Planned coming here back in December when the opening was supposed to be March so I booked this for April for a "buffer". Never been before and a bit let down but what can ya do?


Anywho.....we're gonna be hanging around tomorrow before doing the park at 3. We'd like to do a couple Alpine coasters or something along that line. Recommendations please?! Cheers

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Wife and I are here in Pigeon Forge. Planned coming here back in December when the opening was supposed to be March so I booked this for April for a "buffer". Never been before and a bit let down but what can ya do?


Anywho.....we're gonna be hanging around tomorrow before doing the park at 3. We'd like to do a couple Alpine coasters or something along that line. Recommendations please?! Cheers


The two best alpine coasters are right there in town (Smoky Mt and Goats on the Roof)

The one in Gatlinburg (while the fastest) is the shortest and the one up in Ober Gatlinburg is really rough.

The Skyway chair lift in Gatlinburg is quite fun.

The best Mexican restaurant in the area is Emiliano's on Community Center Drive. Don't waste your time at No Way Jose's

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^Why don't you just wait until they announce an official opening date before you book anything and risk it still being closed? If it were myself it would save me a lot of stress and potentially a sad trip. That's just me though.

Or you could go anyway and enjoy the park regardless if Lightning Rod is open or not.

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Wife and I are here in Pigeon Forge. Planned coming here back in December when the opening was supposed to be March so I booked this for April for a "buffer". Never been before and a bit let down but what can ya do?


Anywho.....we're gonna be hanging around tomorrow before doing the park at 3. We'd like to do a couple Alpine coasters or something along that line. Recommendations please?! Cheers


The two best alpine coasters are right there in town (Smoky Mt and Goats on the Roof)

The one in Gatlinburg (while the fastest) is the shortest and the one up in Ober Gatlinburg is really rough.

The Skyway chair lift in Gatlinburg is quite fun.

The best Mexican restaurant in the area is Emiliano's on Community Center Drive. Don't waste your time at No Way Jose's



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We usually take a trip down to Dollywood late June/ early July (after the 4th) because that gives everything time to get kinks out, we hope Lightning Rod is up by then, if not I mean I'm 2.5 hours away I can always make a weekend trip down but you know some aren't that close. I do see them trying a Labor Day event for it because that's another extremely busy time in Pigeon Forge that we tend to avoid. If they had it up and going this week it would be absolutely PERFECT. Why you ask? Spring Rod Run, one of the most crowded times for the area besides Fall Rod Run, and plus it would fit the attraction.

Ok so I'm just now learning about this car show. Apparently Pigeon Forge is slammed during the show which makes me a bit nervous. I plan on driving in on the 12th and leaving on the 14th, which is the day the show starts. How crowded would it be on the days prior to the actual show? I imagine it could get pretty bad but hopefully not gridlock.

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Just came across this screen shot from Lightning Rod's new night time POV!!!



OMG!! The coaster looks amazing!! Can't wait to try it out!!


(Really though... the coaster does look amazing! Can't wait for it to be open!)

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^Why don't you just wait until they announce an official opening date before you book anything and risk it still being closed? If it were myself it would save me a lot of stress and potentially a sad trip. That's just me though.

Or you could go anyway and enjoy the park regardless if Lightning Rod is open or not.


I only live 4 hours from Dollywood. So, it's not a big deal to go. I can literally just drive there and back in a day without bothering with a hotel. If LR isn't open, I'll just stay home.

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We usually take a trip down to Dollywood late June/ early July (after the 4th) because that gives everything time to get kinks out, we hope Lightning Rod is up by then, if not I mean I'm 2.5 hours away I can always make a weekend trip down but you know some aren't that close. I do see them trying a Labor Day event for it because that's another extremely busy time in Pigeon Forge that we tend to avoid. If they had it up and going this week it would be absolutely PERFECT. Why you ask? Spring Rod Run, one of the most crowded times for the area besides Fall Rod Run, and plus it would fit the attraction.

Ok so I'm just now learning about this car show. Apparently Pigeon Forge is slammed during the show which makes me a bit nervous. I plan on driving in on the 12th and leaving on the 14th, which is the day the show starts. How crowded would it be on the days prior to the actual show? I imagine it could get pretty bad but hopefully not gridlock.

Pigeon Forge is most definitely slammed during this time. Hotels are getting booked for the late week so make reservations. I'm down here right now and people are already down to spend the entire week and it's at a moderate crowd. So I would say be ready for long traffic stops and waits in traffic. We've been to many Rod Runs (both fall and spring) and usually the hotels go first because they're on the strip where the show happens. So we get a cabin, park the car and walk.

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Hotel was booked a month ago so I've got that covered. It's 15 minutes from the park without traffic, so I'm not worried about sitting in traffic for too long, but it is right on the strip so we'll see. I may try leaving my hotel around 8:30 or so. I would change my place of stay to a cabin, but I can't afford anything over $100 a night right now. As long as the traffic is moving, I won't care.

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Just drove out to the park and took these and got looks from hell from the guys on the launch (and I can understand why lol) anyway there were like maybe 6 guys on it working on both sides. So I would give it the end of April for opening, early May? They've placed theming around the launch (signs, tow truck and a car)





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