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What type of turn on a wooden coaster

Do you prefer Banking on fast turns?  

127 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you prefer Banking on fast turns?

    • Flat Turn (not banked/high laterafluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo)
    • Slight bank (most CCIs)
    • High Banking (most GCIs)

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Most enthusiasts I know (especially the older ones) like Flat (not banked) turns on wooden coasters but I prefer High banked turns (I Love GCIs )

Most CCI coasters have slight banking that has alot of laterals but I usually find them uncomfortable (especially with G trains).


Question is geared more towards fast turns and not slow turns


What is your general preference on a wooden coaster?



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You may have either inward, none or outward lateral forces on any slightly or heavily banked turns (flat turns with outward lats only, of course...) . It will all depend on speed & radii. You also forgot to include attack & decay behaviour of these laterals which do contribute a lot on how these forces will be experienced.


IMHO this is yet another one of these inaccurate, diffuse and ambivalent polls, like there have been (way too many) lately. Reminds me of that "Best/worst Schwarzkopf" poll in a way...


Just my 2 lateral Gs per second,



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  • 1 month later...

I like high banked like on Balder or Hades. For me, the flat turns just hurt and are pointless. It's like Thunderbolt and Kennywood, I never understood that stupid ride and it's 'kill the person on one side of the train' turns.

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I prefer turns with lateral G-forces as long as the trains are comfortable. Thundercoaster @ Tusenfryd was insane in the rain last weekend with loads of lateral G-forces. I like coasters that feels like they are trying to throw you off. For me, the turns on Balder were too smooth and slow which made them rather dull.

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I'm an "older enthusiast" (I only say older because I've been coastering for 30 of my 33 years) who prefers high-banked turns, contrary to popular belief . There are plenty of great wooden coasters that have flat turns (Hersheypark's Comet comes to mind), but high banks just make for a much more comfortable ride. If I want extra laterals, I'll hit a wild mouse.

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  • 3 years later...

I prefer flat turns...Although I do enjoy those swooping high banked turns on Hades! -- They just add to the chaos of the ride!



Like the ones on Viper at SFGAm! My friends get mad when my elbows bash them in the face.




Look at them sexy flat turns!


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The low banking on certain CCI's (*cough*Legend*cough*) has always annoyed me. They had the potential to be much better (smoother) coasters if they utilized higher banking...

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You may have either inward, none or outward lateral forces on any slightly or heavily banked turns (flat turns with outward lats only, of course...) . It will all depend on speed & radii. You also forgot to include attack & decay behaviour of these laterals which do contribute a lot on how these forces will be experienced.


IMHO this is yet another one of these inaccurate, diffuse and ambivalent polls, like there have been (way too many) lately. Reminds me of that "Best/worst Schwarzkopf" poll in a way...


Just my 2 lateral Gs per second,




W T F ?

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