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Walt Disney World Disney's Animal Kingdom Discussion Thread

p. 74: Tropical Americas land announced!

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I'm really dying to learn more about the Yeti though, and see its moves in action. What he was exactly supposed to do, and how so? I read things like it was more powerful than an aircraft reactor at some point, or something along those lines...!


By the way, the bird on a stick is the best animatronic Disney has ever produced. Don't know why people are talking about the Yeti that much LOL.

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By the way, the bird on a stick is the best animatronic Disney has ever produced. Don't know why people are talking about the Yeti that much LOL.


Exactly! We should be focusing on how exciting it is that he's back!!!!

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Yesterday I had the chance to visit Disney's Animal Kingdom Park to check out the newest addition, or rather re-introduction of one of the park's most popular shows. The opening of the Harambe Theatre and the relocation of Festival of the Lion King is a major part of the park's expansion efforts. Let's take a look and see just how much was done to move the show from its previous home to Harambe!


Time for another great day in the park!


Such a nice, new area!


I love the detail that went into integrating this new venue into Harambe!


Rumor has it a dragon lives in this cave!


Certificate of Authenticity!


Lots of extended queue space for this very popular show...


Festival of the Lion King has returned with some slightly modified choreography along with new lighting and fog effects...


But it is the same show that guests have known and loved for years!


The new fog effects are awesome!


Are you ready?


Time for some photos for those of you that have never seen the show!


Here's the path to the former Camp Minnie-Mickey, soon to be home to Pandora: The World of Avatar (title not confirmed).


In case you were wondering, these were parade floats before they were ever used in the show at Animal Kingdom.


The show is seriously an overload of awesome!


Simba plays a large part in the show as well!


May I introduce to you, the Tumble Monkeys!


More fog!




Festival of the Lion King moved from the lower portion of the park to the left of the Oasis to a brand new theater in the back of Africa.


This is new!


Let's head over!


Rather than disassembling the old theater and moving it to Harambe, Disney built a brand new theater for the Festival of the Lion King and blended it beautifully into the existing Harambe area.


The backside of the Tusker House is beautiful!


This corner of the park used to only be seen from the Discovery River Boats that ran during the park's first year.


Almost ready to head in...


So awesome!


Never get tired of seeing this!


There's an aerial acrobatic section of the show set to the tune of "Can You Feel The Love Tonight."


Fun stuff!


An elephant for the elephant section!


So much going on, it is great!


So much fun!


I really do love this show!


And the finale!


The new Harambe Theatre is an incredible additional to an already amazing park. It is great to see this fantastic show returning to the park after a brief hiatus in a brand new, beautifully themed theater with new effects and lighting. If this is a sign of things to come for this park, there's a lot to be excited about!

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How long will it be before the broken track is back in place? I am going to be at the Animal Kingdom on the 11th.



2 Words. Disco Yeti

I really wish people would stop complaining about the yeti. It's really stupid. In fact, I feel that most people who complain about the yeti have never actually seen the original version of it!


IMO the Yeti is not really "broken." What is "broken" about the yeti is that it shouldn't have been a giant, expensive-as-hell AA in the first place since you see if for a total of 1.5 seconds as you fly by it at 30 MPH. It's not like the Lava Monster in Journey where the ride stops, you can look at the character do it's "show" and then you move on.


Even when it worked you wouldn't believe how many people totally missed it. It was one of those "If you blink you miss it" situations. Like I said, I think the real mistake wasn't about if it's working or not working, but the overall design and placement of that scene in the ride. And because of that, I don't think we will ever see the yeti get "fixed."


IMO, the "really awesome expensive yeti animatronic" should have gone in the scene where the yeti rips up the track is. Then you'd REALLY be able to see how awesome that figure is! Realistically, it was just a huge waste of money.


I was fortunate enough to stumble into the soft open for Expedition Everest in Feb 2006 while on my HS senior trip, and I can honestly say I don't remember the original Yeti. All I remember is that it was a ridiculously awesome ride experience like nothing I had ever ridden before. It's impeccably themed, and a fantastic ride to boot. While I would love to experience the original Yeti again, I have no problem with Disco Yeti.


My only wish was that such an expensive AA wasn't being functionally wasted. I agree that it would have been better in the show area. Maybe they'll re-do it all in 10 years when it comes time to do major renovations. Who knows.

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The Yeti used to howl and reach at the train with his big, hairy hand. "Disco Yeti" does, at least, give the illusion of movement, thanks to the strobe-light effects.

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The Yeti used to howl and reach at the train with his big, hairy hand. "Disco Yeti" does, at least, give the illusion of movement, thanks to the strobe-light effects.


And fans... lots and lots of fans... Disco yeti is not the correct name... 80s hair band yeti is probably better...

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Absolutely amazing, a huge improvement over the old building and a much better fit in Africa than the old camp Minnie Mickey. In my opinion Africa is the best themed area/land in any US Disney park and one of the best in the entire park system, such great details.

Is the seating basically the same as the old theater with four large bleachers with one on each side and the open corners for the floats? I also wonder if they will eventually attach Africa to Pandora with a new Bridge like from the Everest area to dinoland, it would only make sense to.

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This really in fantastic looking - and quite frankly, it FEELS right that it's in this theater, in Harambe... where it should have been from Day 1, if they hadn't thrown together Camp Minnie Mickey out of budgetary purposes.


Of course, I can't discount the fact that the show itself wouldn't be there without being thrown together out of used parade floats if not for budgetary purposes, so I guess all's well that ends well?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I had hear that limited motion was restored last year. I hear that he doesn't swoop but his arm moves again.


As of June 12th, the missing track piece has once been restored and the yeti does have limited mobility as well as the disco effect. Or at least from what I could tell as I was speeding by...

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How long will it be before the broken track is back in place? I am going to be at the Animal Kingdom on the 11th.



2 Words. Disco Yeti

I really wish people would stop complaining about the yeti. It's really stupid. In fact, I feel that most people who complain about the yeti have never actually seen the original version of it!


IMO the Yeti is not really "broken." What is "broken" about the yeti is that it shouldn't have been a giant, expensive-as-hell AA in the first place since you see if for a total of 1.5 seconds as you fly by it at 30 MPH. It's not like the Lava Monster in Journey where the ride stops, you can look at the character do it's "show" and then you move on.


Even when it worked you wouldn't believe how many people totally missed it. It was one of those "If you blink you miss it" situations. Like I said, I think the real mistake wasn't about if it's working or not working, but the overall design and placement of that scene in the ride. And because of that, I don't think we will ever see the yeti get "fixed."


IMO, the "really awesome expensive yeti animatronic" should have gone in the scene where the yeti rips up the track is. Then you'd REALLY be able to see how awesome that figure is! Realistically, it was just a huge waste of money.


100% agree with this. Broken or working, you have no time to appreciate it where it is.

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I had hear that limited motion was restored last year. I hear that he doesn't swoop but his arm moves again.


As of June 12th, the missing track piece has once been restored and the yeti does have limited mobility as well as the disco effect. Or at least from what I could tell as I was speeding by...


The Yeti hasn't been modified. The fan on his fur and the strobe light gives off an effect like he is moving slightly but he has not actually moved in quite a while.

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I had hear that limited motion was restored last year. I hear that he doesn't swoop but his arm moves again.


As of June 12th, the missing track piece has once been restored and the yeti does have limited mobility as well as the disco effect. Or at least from what I could tell as I was speeding by...


The Yeti hasn't been modified. The fan on his fur and the strobe light gives off an effect like he is moving slightly but he has not actually moved in quite a while.


It's super unfortunate that headway hasn't been made to fix the structures. However, the fact that each structure relies on the others would mean that the downtime just to fix the Yeti would be significant.

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Got to ride Expedition Everest for the first time in eight years. It's a great ride! Its my favorite Disney coaster. I was able to ride it seven times during my stay at WDW.I noticed that there was a bee hive on top of the mountain. I could see bed circling the top. I reported it in so Im sure its been taken care of now.


As for the yeti, its unfortunate that they can fix it. Even with a simple strobe light and wind I could clearly tell it was a still figure even with the three seconds I was able to see it.


By the way, the broken piece of track has returned.

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How long will it be before the broken track is back in place? I am going to be at the Animal Kingdom on the 11th.



2 Words. Disco Yeti

I really wish people would stop complaining about the yeti. It's really stupid. In fact, I feel that most people who complain about the yeti have never actually seen the original version of it!


IMO the Yeti is not really "broken." What is "broken" about the yeti is that it shouldn't have been a giant, expensive-as-hell AA in the first place since you see if for a total of 1.5 seconds as you fly by it at 30 MPH. It's not like the Lava Monster in Journey where the ride stops, you can look at the character do it's "show" and then you move on.


Even when it worked you wouldn't believe how many people totally missed it. It was one of those "If you blink you miss it" situations. Like I said, I think the real mistake wasn't about if it's working or not working, but the overall design and placement of that scene in the ride. And because of that, I don't think we will ever see the yeti get "fixed."


IMO, the "really awesome expensive yeti animatronic" should have gone in the scene where the yeti rips up the track is. Then you'd REALLY be able to see how awesome that figure is! Realistically, it was just a huge waste of money.


100% agree with this. Broken or working, you have no time to appreciate it where it is.


It does seem a little silly for those that have never seen the Yeti perform to complain. It's present state, motionless in a corner, with strobe lights, does make it difficult to see. For those of us that have seen the true performance though, I can say it was REALLY impressive and I don't see how anyone could miss him. His hair blowing in the wind as he reached way down at the coaster, was almost impossible too miss. I rode multiple times, too marvel at his aggression, as it looked so real. There is a good documentary, (found on YouTube) of the building of Everest, that shows how massive the Yeti is and it's full motion for those who have never seen it.

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  • 1 month later...


-3D Soarin' ride through Pandora on a Dragon

-Plant Life/Animatronics/possible drops Boat Ride that was rumored to be off but is now probably on again

-Floating Mountains

-Probably food and shopping

-Rivers of Life water show on the other side of the park and other night time entertainment.

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