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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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7 hours ago, VegasBaby said:

I would assume most people purchase the free refill drink cup or get it for free with their membership.  I haven't paid for soft drinks at a SF in years.

This. I don't have a dinning plan since it's 2.5 hours to SFOG, but between my free membership drinks and 50% off food my lunch there when I went a couple of weeks ago was $6.88 for a pork sandwich, fries, and a Coke Zero. My friend got something similar, but they just have the super cheap season pass and their meal was $21 and change.

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12 hours ago, CoasterGuy06 said:

This. I don't have a dinning plan since it's 2.5 hours to SFOG, but between my free membership drinks and 50% off food my lunch there when I went a couple of weeks ago was $6.88 for a pork sandwich, fries, and a Coke Zero. My friend got something similar, but they just have the super cheap season pass and their meal was $21 and change.

One HUGE advantage with the membership/dining pass combo is that your membership discount applies to the dining pass! We still don’t get the top level dining pass, since we don’t visit other parks enough to make it worth it, but at as much as 50% off, it makes a single park dining pass a great bargain! And the sports bottle comes with the membership, so done and done!

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the dining plan is totally worth it. . especially if you can get it on a sale.


we do basic "Snack" and "Lunch". . but since so many of the larger meals are now considered snacks at our home park, it's more than enough food.

if you can get it during a sale?  two meals and you've paid for it.

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4 hours ago, bossstl said:

To be fair, you are partially correct.

Yeah if you consult my photos a few pages back the slides are the same, the rest of the structure was torn down.

The important bits will be new.


I guess we get a ride in 2021 after all :p

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Adventure Cove will be a new complex! From batman you can tell they completely tore out the old play structure. All they left are the slides. From sky screamer you can see they put the old bucket in the graveyard.

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Hmmmm, that's interesting because as far as I know the ride ops have not been told anything about this, will have my son check his email when he gets home. Seeing that employees have to buy their own uniforms and already have spent the money on the regular stuff I hope they aren't expecting them to buy all new uniforms.

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1 hour ago, teacherkim said:

Seeing that employees have to buy their own uniforms and already have spent the money on the regular stuff I hope they aren't expecting them to buy all new uniforms.

Fat the Whuck? When I worked for Cedar Fair, the uniform itself was free, but accessories (hats, jackets, etc.) we had to pay for.

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Yep you are required to purchase the shirt, sweatshirt, windbreaker, heavier coat from the park. The prices are reasonable but you can only buy those items from the park. My son did without the windbreaker but you end up needing the other stuff. Pants/shorts you can provide your own but they must be khaki, with no cargo pockets. Shoes you provide your own but they must be all black or all white. There are also rules about what color your socks can be and that you must wear a belt. For the most part I am fine with the dress code, it's a good learning experience for a first job. But I do think it would be nice if they provided at least one shirt.

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40 minutes ago, teacherkim said:

Yep you are required to purchase the shirt, sweatshirt, windbreaker, heavier coat from the park. The prices are reasonable but you can only buy those items from the park. My son did without the windbreaker but you end up needing the other stuff. Pants/shorts you can provide your own but they must be khaki, with no cargo pockets. Shoes you provide your own but they must be all black or all white. There are also rules about what color your socks can be and that you must wear a belt. For the most part I am fine with the dress code, it's a good learning experience for a first job. But I do think it would be nice if they provided at least one shirt.

I cant even imagine how many workers show up for a day or 2 then quit. I do not blame Six Flags for not providing shirts 

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1 hour ago, teacherkim said:

Yep you are required to purchase the shirt, sweatshirt, windbreaker, heavier coat from the park. The prices are reasonable but you can only buy those items from the park. My son did without the windbreaker but you end up needing the other stuff. Pants/shorts you can provide your own but they must be khaki, with no cargo pockets. Shoes you provide your own but they must be all black or all white. There are also rules about what color your socks can be and that you must wear a belt. For the most part I am fine with the dress code, it's a good learning experience for a first job. But I do think it would be nice if they provided at least one shirt.

I actually love the jackets, they have always been a great value.

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Good point on the turnover rate, It does happen and I would never expect them to provide most of the uniform, just always thought one shirt would be a nice gesture.

The higher pay rate is noticeable and thankfully now that it is his 3rd year he already has most of the stuff

The jackets are the best made of the bunch and pretty warm

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26 minutes ago, grsupercity said:

I cant even imagine how many workers show up for a day or 2 then quit. I do not blame Six Flags for not providing shirts 

When I worked at SF Great Adventure in the late 90s, early 2000s, uniforms were provided for every employee - shirts, pants, jackets, hats...everything except shoes, socks, and underwear.  There was a giant warehouse of uniforms in a variety of sizes; it's not like they're custom tailored.  You had a choice...you could either wash them at home, in which case you were issued 3 sets and one jacket and one hat, or you could have Wardrobe do your cleaning, where you'd turn in your uniform at the end of the day and be issued a new, clean one upon exchange (they were open almost 24/7).  Some departments, like Security, got 5 sets to take home and wash themselves without the option for the uniform-exchange system.

I just kinda figured every major park operated like that LOL.

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14 minutes ago, Mike240SX said:

When I worked at SF Great Adventure in the late 90s, early 2000s, uniforms were provided for every employee - shirts, pants, jackets, hats...everything except shoes, socks, and underwear.  There was a giant warehouse of uniforms in a variety of sizes; it's not like they're custom tailored.  You had a choice...you could either wash them at home, in which case you were issued 3 sets and one jacket and one hat, or you could have Wardrobe do your cleaning, where you'd turn in your uniform at the end of the day and be issued a new, clean one upon exchange (they were open almost 24/7).  Some departments, like Security, got 5 sets to take home and wash themselves without the option for the uniform-exchange system.

I just kinda figured every major park operated like that LOL.

LOL I remember the uniform warehouse, too. I worked there for the 2001 and 2002 seasons, but at the McDonald's inside the park, so I technically was not a direct employee of the park. As a result, we had our own uniforms and didn't / couldn't use the services of the uniform warehouse. I remember being a bit jealous of it at the time, but that's probably just grass-is-greener stuff seen through the eyes of a teenager.

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My first stint at SFSTL was in the mid to late 90's... those were the days. This was when they still had the "themed" uniforms. I worked in Britannia, so I wore the oversized baggy Robin Hood shirt. We were issued 2 shirts, 2 pairs of shorts and or pants. Anything besides that you had to buy. There may have been a refundable deposit on coats, but not fore sure. Anyway, that's when we had an entire wardrobe department, complete with locker rooms and showers. The locker rooms are underneath wardrobe. Here too you had the option to wash your own uniform or turn in dirty to get new/ fresh.

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