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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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Who the F*** cares???! I didn't know that so many of us would be traveling to Disney next Holiday season. With this train of thought, let's be honest guys: Our park is a sh** hole compared to Europa Park, so we should just stop trying.


Although I was bummed out that this wasn't the rumor about our upcoming hypercoaster, I still thought this was pretty neat news. HELL, even I might go! (but don't count on it)


Wow, I think someone hijacked Prozac's account.


I've always wondered how many on here came from sfstl.net. I'm all in for a mule drop, but it would be hard to compete with a Mule-go-Round reverse blast. I bet people would come from overseas to ride those.

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According to Screamscape, there is a rumor that SFStL could be the next park in the chain to have a HITP event. Thoughts?





There's no way they can compete with SDC

What would make you think they would be competing with SDC? I would think that a winter event like this would attract more local people than people from within other parts of the state. I don't know many people who vacation in November/December and if they do they go somewhere warm on the water.


^Lets be honest though. The shows are good for a Six Flags park but pale in comparison to HFEC and Disney.

Who the F*** cares???! I didn't know that so many of us would be traveling to Disney next Holiday season. With this train of thought, let's be honest guys: Our park is a sh** hole compared to Europa Park, so we should just stop trying.


Although I was bummed out that this wasn't the rumor about our upcoming hypercoaster, I still thought this was pretty neat news. HELL, even I might go! (but don't count on it)


Pretty obvious you have never been to Branson in the Winter months as PLENTY people vacation (or more correctly "holiday") down there - and lots from the metro area. If you honestly think that HITP at SFSTL wouldn't be compared to SDC's OTC then you are delusional.


As far as your other hyperbole - yes SFSTL is a sh**hole park compared to Europa Park - it's a sh**hole park compared to parks a lot closer to home, including the other two in the state. Should they stop trying? No. Should they actually put in the effort to have a quality attraction? Yes. For starters they could at least try to model their events after the two proven events in the state. Mainly HAUNT at WOF and OTC at SDC.

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I don't care about the show and stuff. I need more rides and less off-season


Which is fine and dandy - but considering that your age demographic doesn't usually have a lot of in park purchases, forgive me for realizing that if they want to have a successful event they are going to have to offer activities for families who would actually spend money in the park.

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...I'm all in for a mule drop, but it would be hard to compete with a Mule-go-Round reverse blast. I bet people would come from overseas to ride those.


How about a pig drop, like a park in China, does?


And I am being totally sarcastic with this. I saw this on the TPR 2012 China Tour, and really

felt sorry for the animals forced into this, for the enjoyment of the locals who went to the park.


Rant over.


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I've always wondered how many on here came from sfstl.net.


I lurked on the sfstl.net board for over a year, then joined, then it went dark a few months later. Found my way over here, saw a quite a few of the old sfstl.net members were here, and joined. I don't post a lot, only when looking for information, commenting on something relevant to me and my family, or to appreciate others' posts (mostly those of Josh, and Zach when he is lobbying to turn the trains back around on Mr. Freeze). I do appreciate the input, information and insight from the members of this board/thread.



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Who the F*** cares???! I didn't know that so many of us would be traveling to Disney next Holiday season. With this train of thought, let's be honest guys: Our park is a sh** hole compared to Europa Park, so we should just stop trying.


Although I was bummed out that this wasn't the rumor about our upcoming hypercoaster, I still thought this was pretty neat news. HELL, even I might go! (but don't count on it)


Wow, I think someone hijacked Prozac's account.


I've always wondered how many on here came from sfstl.net. I'm all in for a mule drop, but it would be hard to compete with a Mule-go-Round reverse blast. I bet people would come from overseas to ride those.


I came over from the old site, but don't remember the mule drop stuff.

HITP at SFSTL is a cheaper, closer, event than SDC


This is exactly why HITP could do well, and why Six Flags-SL stays busy. Cheaper and closer to home.

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Doesn't Six Flags close parts of the park for HITP?


I would assume due to weather conditions,everything past the train tracks near the mine train(including Skyscreamer, Superman, and Screaming Eagle would be close), just due to the possibility of ice/snow of that hilly area, The Boss would obviously be closed and it needs to be at least 45 degrees or so for it to run. I would imagine most the rest of the park could be open.


BTW, sorry for the double post.

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For those of you worried about temperatures, they didn't care at all at Great Adventure. Even when it got into the 20's they ran the coasters (even Nitro). They never once closed a ride due to low temps. I'm not sure if these are chain wide policies but Six Flags pushed those coasters to the limits and they all ran great.


Also if they put those faster cold weather wheels on your Batman clone then get ready because that thing was running insane even in 30 degree temps with half empty trains at the end of the night.

Edited by coasterbill
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According to Screamscape, there is a rumor that SFStL could be the next park in the chain to have a HITP event. Thoughts?





There's no way they can compete with SDC

What would make you think they would be competing with SDC? I would think that a winter event like this would attract more local people than people from within other parts of the state. I don't know many people who vacation in November/December and if they do they go somewhere warm on the water.


^Lets be honest though. The shows are good for a Six Flags park but pale in comparison to HFEC and Disney.

Who the F*** cares???! I didn't know that so many of us would be traveling to Disney next Holiday season. With this train of thought, let's be honest guys: Our park is a sh** hole compared to Europa Park, so we should just stop trying.


Although I was bummed out that this wasn't the rumor about our upcoming hypercoaster, I still thought this was pretty neat news. HELL, even I might go! (but don't count on it)


Pretty obvious you have never been to Branson in the Winter months as PLENTY people vacation (or more correctly "holiday") down there - and lots from the metro area. If you honestly think that HITP at SFSTL wouldn't be compared to SDC's OTC then you are delusional.


As far as your other hyperbole - yes SFSTL is a sh**hole park compared to Europa Park - it's a sh**hole park compared to parks a lot closer to home, including the other two in the state. Should they stop trying? No. Should they actually put in the effort to have a quality attraction? Yes. For starters they could at least try to model their events after the two proven events in the state. Mainly HAUNT at WOF and OTC at SDC.

You realize you just literally made an argument against yourself, right? My comparison between SF/Europa Park was a sarcastic comment aimed at your comparison of SF to Disney.


Compared? Of course. Direct competition? SF doesn't have to try to compete as long as it brings in enough local people. I doubt their primary goal upon initiation of this project is to try to steal SDC'S market. You can't compare a long standing event at a more successful park to a park's proposed (rumored) first time event. There are more than enough people in this area who would visit this event, which is new and unique to SFSTL, who aren't wanting to spend time/money in the vacation off season to visit SDC or Branson.


Last weekend I went to a local Mexican restaurant, Riviera Maya, to eat dinner. I would have much rather had Mexican food from my STL favorite Mexican restaurant, Espinos in Chesterfield. However, it was much more cost effective and convenient to go to Riviera Maya instead of driving an hour to Espinos. Believe it or not, we still had a good time and Riviera Maya was satisfied with the volume of customers, despite a superior restaurant within driving distance.


If I can see Holiday in the Park as a good thing then anyone can. This is a good thing. I don't give two cares about what SDC has to offer in this case. Coffee with Bailey's Irish Cream and a splash of Jamison, bundled up with the Mrs., enjoying Christmas lights and Roller coasters without driving four hours? Sounds good, even to me.

Edited by prozach626
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They may adjust those numbers or not open those rides for HITP. Great Adventure gives zero f**ks. Most parks claim they can't start a coaster below 40 degrees but they didn't care one bit.


Then again those are all B&M's. Wood coasters are less forgiving. I know at Dollywood they claim it needs to be over 40 degrees to start Thunderhead.


Most parks do have temps where they'll shut the coasters down (36 degrees generally) but again, even when it was below freezing Nitro ran at a decent clip and Batman was running (pardon the pun) like a bat out of hell with those cold weather wheels.


Anyway guys now that this is essentially confirmed, congratulations. Holiday in the Park makes the park seem like an entirely different place. It brings in a better clientele and the contractor they bring in to do the lights is outstanding. I was blown away by Great Adventure's event and besides the shows I think it goes toe to toe with Dollywood's event. Enjoy it guys!

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This is a good read about how Six Flags is doing as a company. Also talks about new Six Flags President and CEO. It is confirmed in this conference call that HITP will be coming to SFSTL for 2016!



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