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Post Your Christmas Tree

Sean Menefee

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I'm curious who of you already has these kinds of trees and who still goes out to either buy a fresh cut tree, or cut one themself in one of those tree growing farms?


My family started using artificial trees when I was a kid. We traveled from GA to NC every year for the Holidays, usually for at least a week. It just wasn't safe to leave a real tree with lights. (My Dad was very early into the lights on a timer deal, so the lights would come on every day. Not a good plan if no one will be around to water a real tree.)


The only hazard my Dad then found himself in was that my Mother never throws anything away. So now he gets to set up multiple trees around the house for her different themes! We finally convinced her to lose a the original 70's/80's era trees just in the last five years or so!


After moving to NC, we usually had a live cedar tree cut for the front porch. I'm not doing one this year though. This is the first year without my Grandmother, and I'm trying to keep things similar yet different. Now they can make artificial trees that are so incredibly real and they stay pretty when the real ones start falling apart. We've also found it is much better for our allergies. I think we are all using artificial trees in my immediate family now. (It's late..I'm rambling again!)

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Well we finally put the entire tree up yesterday. With 3 of us working on it we finished it all within the day. Here are some photos of the process for the putting it together. We start with half a tree on the ground and then put on some lights and decorations before standing it up. Then it is filled in and decorated after being secured to the wall.


The final product.


Just a few more decorations to fill in the empty spots.


Half a tree up and ready to go.


The festivus pole. Who is ready for the airing of grievances?

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My 4 foot, 2 year old, white tree with the built-in lights. It even got a skirt this year. The Steak-Out delivery guy, being a Trek fan, got a kick out of the Star Trek and Star Wars ornaments.


Man, I hope I get the Future Enterprise, Space Snoopy and Beagle Scouts ornaments this year!


For the record:

Klingon Bird of Prey, Romulan Warbird, 2 Voyagers, Classic TV Show Enterprise, New Enterprise (after Generations), Rio Grande Shuttle Craft, Delta Flyer, Scorpion (?) Fighter, Defiant, Some other brown Trek ship with blue lights and a big ring in the middle


Annakin Ep3 Starfighter, Naboo Star Fighter, Ep1 Queen's Ship, Ep4 Vader Tie Fighter, Ep1 Naboo Squid Underwater Craft


NASA Space Shuttle


What can I say? I dig the detail and love the lights.


Was still wrapping gifts when I took the pic. Dad loves chocolate Twizzlers, that's one of his gifts.

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Here's our contribution to The Season.


And Best Wishes to all for now, and the coming New Year.


Bill - Nrthwnd


I always say, there's nothing like tinsel to cover up mistakes and *^%# on a tree, lol. Merry Ho Ho!

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  • 11 months later...
  • 11 months later...

Here's a few pics from my family's tree.

We get one ornament a year, usually having to do with something important that happened that year. A bride barbie for the year my mom and step-dad got married, a new home for the year we moved in, a cable car for the year we went to San Fransisco, etc etc.


The Dumbo is from the year my girlfriend and I went to WDW together.


A WDW ornament


Our 2008 ornament


This ornament actually moves...the Ferris wheel and the coaster both move with sound.


Yes, that is Tinkerbell on top


Full tree shot

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Love the coaster ornament. Lets start out on the outside lights.

Added a few more things and had to replace a few strands of lights.


Added a few deer and placed the old tree topper on the gutter.


Added a few spiral trees.


And added a few strands of lights on another bush that I had extra. Also, replace the gutter lights with a broken section with 3 blue/white ones.



Now the reason I did all this, was that the apt. complex has a decorating contest where the winner gets a 100 dollar gift card or something.


Now fro the other people in the complex


Next door neighbor. Don't think there will be a problem here.


Lights are not on, but there is lights on this apt.


Now for the potential winners that could cause problems with me winning.


Apt. 1.


Apt. 2


Tree still isn't finished, but here is what it looks like at the moment. 428 led lights.

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We have four trees up this year (though one is tiny). Here they are:


And finally the tiny tinsel tree in our room. It doesn't have lights or anything on it. I just stuck some poinsettias on it to dress it up a little. This one is only 2 ft.


Pink princess tree in our girls' room. There are Disney princess ornaments on it, as well as a Disney princess tree skirt. It's only 4 ft.


Tree #2 in our kitchen. It's 6 ft. We did this one in sort of a country Christmas theme. I strung about 30 ft. of popcorn for it!


The main tree in our living room. We got a new one this year (7.5 feet). And no, those glowing white things are not lights. They're ornaments that the flash reflected off.

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