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Ferrari World Discussion Thread

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I may be in the minority, in that I don't feel the need to compare every new Intamin with Skyrush or I305, but....I think Flying Aces looks like an incredibly fun ride. Great flow through a pretty interesting layout. Regardless of how "intense" it is, it looks like it delivers 100% in the fun department, and that's all that matters to me.

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  Rill said:
I don't wanna sound ehhhh but i just feel like the SFX coaster is much more interesting than flying aces, which doesn't really bring anything new to the table.

I mean, Flying Aces is the only coaster of its kind in the UAE. Laying aside the winged trains, there aren't any traditional mega coasters in that market.

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At the moment the SFX coaster is having a few issues it certainly won't be ready this year however the shuttle coaster is expected to be ready this year as is the new kids dark ride. The park a very cautious about the SFX coaster because it's such a new concept they can't commit to an opening time at the moment

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  dubaidave said:
At the moment the SFX coaster is having a few issues it certainly won't be ready this year however the shuttle coaster is expected to be ready this year as is the new kids dark ride. The park a very cautious about the SFX coaster because it's such a new concept they can't commit to an opening time at the moment



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I like the way the non inverting loop looks while riding but hate the way it looks in general. It looks so forced and out of place with the rest of the ride that seems to just flow so smoothly. With that being said if I was ver in Dubai I'd be first in line to ride this thing.

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  SteveStL said:
Looks so bland, needs some theming or a least a few Trees out there


The coaster is in one of the harshest environments in the world, and this guy wants trees.


In all seriousness, I agree anything other than a concrete slab out there would look nice, but it would be a nightmare to either keep alive or keep looking fresh hence both exterior coasters being painted white.

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Hey Dave, just wanted to say thanks again for shooting the footage of the ride. It's one that I probably won't get to ride any time soon, so I really appreciate you managing to get the POV and off-ride shots for us to pore over.

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  DoubleDown said:
Did anyone else notice how the magnetic brakes dropped down into the track at the end of the ride? Im guessing its to control the speed of the train on the brake run. Either way its a very cool idea, I have never seen that before.


Someone correct me if I am wrong, but don't almost all other Intamin coasters have brakes that drop down on the final brake run. Granted some of them are a different style of brake, but they still retract once the train has been slowed down to a specific speed.

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  DoinItForTheFame said:
  DoubleDown said:
Did anyone else notice how the magnetic brakes dropped down into the track at the end of the ride? Im guessing its to control the speed of the train on the brake run. Either way its a very cool idea, I have never seen that before.


Someone correct me if I am wrong, but don't almost all other Intamin coasters have brakes that drop down on the final brake run. Granted some of them are a different style of brake, but they still retract once the train has been slowed down to a specific speed.

You are correct. Most of Intamin's coasters use magnetic brakes to slow the trains down on a "trim" section before the block section. For example, here on Flying Aces the trim section is that first set of brakes that drop down on a sloped piece of track. The weight of the train alone carries it down and into the transporters that fed into the block portion. On Skyrush the trim section is above Comet's station, and then the train drops down into a two block section.

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