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Ferrari World Discussion Thread

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I got to ride it today and really enjoyed it. It is fairly unique and a different ride in the forward and rear facing seats. It's exactly what the park needs in that it looks impressive and is thrilling without being too over the top.



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Made the mistake of reading some of the FB comments about this ride...


The coherent opinions seemed to center around how "boring" the ride looked. I think people have played too much RCT and think every single ride needs to give near death experiences to every rider every time or it's not worth their time. What I saw at Ferrari World was not a record breaking launch coaster, but a very good middle ground kind of launched coaster. I wish this kind of ride was in more parks to provide a stepping stone to kids and those a bit more skiddish about riding coasters compared to insane coaster nerds. A broader appeal to the general population is a GOOD thing as it should grow the theme park attendance as a whole. Why do the complainers not understand this?

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I wish this kind of ride was in more parks to provide a stepping stone to kids and those a bit more skiddish about riding coasters compared to insane coaster nerds. A broader appeal to the general population is a GOOD thing as it should grow the theme park attendance as a whole. Why do the complainers not understand this?


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  • 1 month later...

I rode Formula Rossa and Turbo Track the other day and actually preferred Turbo Track.


Yes Formula Rossa is fast, but it's acceleration is not that powerful. It gets up to speed because the launch track is so long, then hitting brakes while still going up the first hill really put me off. I don't know if it was just over hyped and I expected more from it or what, but meh.


I expected nothing from Turbo Track and had fun on it, the only complaint was that it's too short. Watching the ride it doesn't seem all that great, but I enjoyed the on ride experience.


In fact the ride I liked most in Abu Dhabi/Dubai was Madagascar Mad Pursuit, Though haven't been on Flying Aces as it was closed.

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I can only find one source on-line as the parks website doesn't seem to list it yet but does Turbo Track really have a height restriction of 1.3 meters, the same as Flying aces?


I thought Ferrari World could do with a good thrilling family ride and thought this was it but at 1.3 meters it doesnt really fall into that category and seems a shame. The place doesn't have much thrilling to do for kids until they hit 1.3 meters.


I guess this place will cater more to thrill seekers where as Warner Bros will be more the family park.

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I can only find one source on-line as the parks website doesn't seem to list it yet but does Turbo Track really have a height restriction of 1.3 meters, the same as Flying aces?


I thought Ferrari World could do with a good thrilling family ride and thought this was it but at 1.3 meters it doesnt really fall into that category and seems a shame. The place doesn't have much thrilling to do for kids until they hit 1.3 meters.


I guess this place will cater more to thrill seekers where as Warner Bros will be more the family park.


1.3m is a tall height restriction?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Doesn't seem to be any news as of yet. I am keeping my eyes and ears to the ground



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If your eyes and ears are to the ground, you won't see or hear anything. And how can you do both at the same time. My eyes and ears are on different places on my head. When my eyes are to the ground, all I see is ground. If I put one ear to the ground then I can see one way or the other depending on which ear is to the ground, and my other ear is straight up facing the sky.


Sent from my Macbook Pro using a keyboard and a optical mouse.

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Sent from my Macbook Pro using a keyboard and a optical mouse.


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OMG, this is gold

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Sent from my Macbook Pro using a keyboard and a optical mouse.


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OMG, this is gold


I know right!



Sent from plastic squares which convert to ASCII

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Sent from my Macbook Pro using a keyboard and a optical mouse.


Sent from the primary motor cortex in my brain via electrical impulses to the muscles in my hands


OMG, this is gold

I had a good laugh over this. Guy, you can't miss!


Send from a rounded rectangle probably made by little slave kids.

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Sent from my Macbook Pro using a keyboard and a optical mouse.


Sent from the primary motor cortex in my brain via electrical impulses to the muscles in my hands


OMG, this is gold

I had a good laugh over this. Guy, you can't miss!


Send from a rounded rectangle probably made by little slave kids.


Comedy! It's the gift that keeps on giving.


Sent from rows of text covered squares via rapid tapping of my phalanges

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This video from Bloomberg TV has an interesting sequence showing the side-drop element of the SFX.

I was wondering how the special track piece would get back to position after the drop, and I'd guessed that there would be some kind of winch... Nada, it's actually launched back in place.

Jump at 1:36 in the video.

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