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Coolest Ride Vehicles

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Now, I dunno about anyone else, but recently I've been really interested in rides where the actually vehicles are just as special, if not more so, than the actually track or path they follow.


I think the most obvious examples of these would be the EMV vehicles used in rides like "Indiana Jones Adventure", "X"s flipping seat train or those shooting ride vehicles that drive themselves and don't actually have a track such as "Challenge of Tutankhamun".


I consider these sorts of developments the future of the industry. Where companies aim to un-tether the action and produce a ride experience that you can't just figure out beforehand by looking at the track.


So simply to fuel my fascination, has anyone come across any outstanding rides like this where the ride vehicle itself is half the experience?

Especially those that are really well themed, or have movements that are really fitting for the ride's overall theme.



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IOA did an impressive job with Dueling Dragons. There isn't much you can do to a B&M inverted frame. The OTSR's on the front cars are pink to represent the "tongue" of the dragons.


Gwazi at BGT: BGT considered standard woodie trains "boxy", so they took standard PTC trains and gave them a lively paint job.

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I liked the vehicles on some odd carnival ride I went on. It was a dark ride where the vehicles take you through the haunted house. It was very well themed and it was pretty scary but when you look at the cars it's like what the hell!? The 5 vehicles were pink and had butterflies and flowers on it. It don't make sense??? But that's only half the story. I decided to ride it with my friend and when the vehicle gets in it stops. It got stuck right next to a censor that makes a skeleton pop up. So we were stuck there for like 10 minutes with the damn skeleton popping up and down. I don't know how the ride op didn't notice a vehichle hasn't returened for 10 minutes on a 1 minute ride. A really messed up carnival if you ask me.

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Hah, some of those are plain weird. It's a shame the squirrel one isn't more technologically advanced. Having it walking the course, or banking around corners would be comedy gold.


On the topic of the EMVs, I don't suppose anyone here has been on the ride at Leofoo in Taiwan that uses the system?


I only have a few brochure images of what looks to be Indiana Jones Adventures long lost, lower budget cousin. Probably the only other installation of the ride system outside of a Disney park.

So some more information would be great!

I've attached a scanning of the photos for people to check out.


Apparently Intamin Ride Trade designed the EMV, not Disney as they so often claim!




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