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  1. Sorry for going back to the topic of Lo-Q bots, but are they actually worth it? I'll be going to the park this Sunday and I don't want to shell out $100+ if it's not worth it. Last time I was at the park was about 4 years ago (before Tatsu opened) and I want to make the best out of this trip. So how are the wait times on a weekend (specifically Sundays) these days during the summer? If it's crowded, would it be possible to get to the park before opening, and run straight to X2, ride it, then go to Terminator without a significant line? Also, how are the "wait times" on rides like Goliath, Batman, Deja Vu, and Riddler's on regular Flashpasses (as opposed to pretty much 'no wait' on Gold)?
  2. How much are they at SFMM? (My friend and I want to go on it sometime this summer, so it'd be for two people)
  3. Brilliant. Those shots of BraviSEAmo are breathtaking!
  4. Wait, just to confirm, there WERE guests in the monorail trains, right? It was one of the last monorail service for that day?
  5. Fantastic photos! I can't believe the Olympics was already like 5 months ago.
  6. Then you haven't been to TDR! But I'm loving the pictures!!
  7. Wow! That park really is beautiful! I love the brick paths.
  8. I'd pick Disney just for TDS. Brilliant. Perfect, I'd even say.
  9. That is definitely not true. Unlike Grand Floridian (or Grand Californian for that matter), this is truly a Disney hotel. The touches of Disney are everywhere, from all the hidden mickeys, Mickey's voice in the elevator, the wallpaper having different characters' designs, etc. This is probably the most "Disney" of all the upscale hotels.
  10. Ahh nice trip report!!! It's very interesting to see not just theme parks but those cultural things too!
  11. Wow, it was such a joy reading all of your photo TRs!!! They are certainly one of the funniest, comical, and entertaining reports I've ever seen/read! I just have to say that I loved every single installment, including the one that you just posted. I can't imagine how frustrated, annoyed, or even b*tchy I would be if I missed my flight or realized that I'd been standing in the line for the entrance for 5 minutes without a ticket. However, you told all these stories in a humorous way and really, I think that's what made these TRs so entertaining to read!! I sure loved them!
  12. Seriously? I thought Sweeney was definitely THE best movie I saw this year.
  13. Well.. on the bright side, I'll be looking forward to the Disney update! Haha!
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