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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My very short review...


I took my god son to UO and IOA for the first time. He's 6 but barely 44 inches tall so most the thrill rides were out for him. As far as the WWOHP he was blown away. He's only seen 1 movie (I think...i've only shown him the first one) and he seemed to reconize everything especially the candy store. He didnt like the actual hippogrif lol and he never gave a reason for not liking the "bird" as he called it. We didnt even look twice at the wand shop! I wonder if the people waiting in that line actually know what they are waiting for...


We walked thru both the forbidden journey and dragon challange ques since he wasnt tall enough for each one. I did manage to get 2 rides in on the forbidden journey and I have to say it was a solid ride. I personally, kinda like spidey more but the crowd seemed to think it was better than slice bread. As far as butter beer it was really REALLY good. We did the non frozen one first and it was very tasty. We later tried the frozen and that blew the regular out of the park! I even tried to give him regular after drinking a frozen one and he didnt like it lol. I tried pumpkin juice...it was alright but im not a fan of pumpkin. I did manage to get some pictures of him experiencing the worlds first harry potter themed park section.


what crowds???


His butterbeer stache...


He reconized the castle...


He loves spin rides...I dont.


I think this is my fav shot from the while trip...

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Why is it wrong for a user to use there cell phone on a ride? Esp if they are stuck?


Because someone with a life-threatening emergency could be trying to reach 911. It's always a dick move to call 911 for a non-emergency. And no, being stuck on a heavily-monitored ride that the park is more than capable of evacuating themselves is not an emergency.

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This is all awesome! Nice work, I can't wait for this years event.


Last year was my first time attending, but I have been trying for years to go, and I've been looking forward to this year ever since last year's event ended! I wish it would get here sooner! Can't wait to get some more clues!

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^I was the same with HHN in Hollywood last year (my first Halloween event), as soon as I got back I was following everything that was about this year's event. This year I'm doing HHN on both coasts and I can't wait.


They keep it so secret, a maze announcement seems so far away.

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Currently a friend and I are planning a trip to Orlando for HHN since neither of us have seen Florida's version though we are frequent annual Knott's Haunt & USH's HHN guests.


Thinking about going to HHN on 10/10, and perhaps 10/7 also with FF pass if we choose to. Is Express worth it on those non-Fri/Sat nights relatively early in October? What do you think we'd get more out of - going twice with FF no Express, or once just on 10/10 via Stay & Scream w/ Express?


I'm trying to figure out what would be the best way to go cost-wise since my friend has never been to Orlando and wants to check out IOA along with HHN. Right now I'm leaning towards 2-day Universal base ticket + 1 stay & scream on 10/10 (Sun) + Express, but thinking maybe there's merit in dropping Express for FF and going to HHN twice?

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While I'm trying not to listen to the hype, the truth is I'm getting really geeked for my first HHN. After being uber involved in the Haunt at VF (myself and a co-worker were in charge of makeup and costuming for the 3 years I was there), the Halloween culture has been pretty much ingrained in me. To me, this event and Knotts' are the models that other parks try to imitate, so I'm excited to finally be able to check it out in person.

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I'm not sure where it was mentioned, but I believe I saw a big/main announcement is the 26th? If so I'm very excited to get some more information, I keep scanning over the photos to try and see as much as I can. I was told some information of Bill and Ted's Excellent Halloween Adventure, and the theme of it. Not sure if it's true but I'm sure it will be awesome no matter what, I loved it last year.


Do you think I am getting my hopes up for another Rocky Horror Tribute Show? That was a huge highlight for me, yes I am a huge cult fan of that movie haha.


Also, anybody else from TPR going opening weekend? I'm not sure I'll be able to, I'll know by wednesday when my new class schedule comes out. If so, perhaps a small meet up is in order?

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Oh, thank you!


I'm not much for following industries or much of anything on Facebook, I guess I should get more used to that. I really loved the cast that were involved in Tribute to Rocky, I would love to see it again, but ah well. Sweet week, Cedar Points announcement tomorrow, and HHN's on Thursday!


Looks like I wont make opening night, I have Class 5pm-1am, but I think I'll be good on that Saturday. Can't wait!

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^ they seem to be putting more and more stuff up every day but it is all passive. I'm surprised there hasn't been more "solve the puzzle" type things with interactions with the web site, etc. I am curious to see if they link it back to the actual event... it would be awesome if there were things in the houses and scarezones that tied into the storyline.

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The event looks awesome as always and I cant wait! I personally like the custom created houses better than the movie themed ones (although the general public may not) so this event should be great. Anyone know if Rockit is going to be open during Horror Nights this year? Or what other attractions will be for that matter?


Really excited the Brian Brushwood Show is back this year, his show was a lot of fun 2 years ago and I think a second show really adds a lot to the event.

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