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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Really bummed that Cigarz is going away. You can always get a good real beer there or the 32 oz Crudweiser for a few bucks. It's also where the locals go to get away from the craziness that happens. I'm sure sandwiches will help the bottom line more than a local booze and smoke shop, thus why it's going. I blame Potterland. Potter and his evil powers!


The real question is, where can one get a real beer that's not one of the big three at Uni now? Before answering, do your homework to see how many so called "craft beers" really aren't as they're made by the big three under an umbrella name!

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Really bummed that Cigarz is going away. You can always get a good real beer there or the 32 oz Crudweiser for a few bucks. It's also where the locals go to get away from the craziness that happens. I'm sure sandwiches will help the bottom line more than a local booze and smoke shop, thus why it's going. I blame Potterland. Potter and his evil powers!


The real question is, where can one get a real beer that's not one of the big three at Uni now? Before answering, do your homework to see how many so called "craft beers" really aren't as they're made by the big three under an umbrella name!


I would also like to know the answer to that, but am also looking forward to trying my first Duff beer in Krustyland.


I will certainly be interested to read some reviews or TPR foodie reports on these new restaurants at CityWalk...especially the hot dog & pizza places. And the Cowfish burgers sounds very interesting!

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I saw a massive Starbucks and decided that I approve of the changes


Not included in the report is that they will also be serving the new tentdue 32 oz. coffee, and the sessantquattro 64 oz. refillable mug for just $24.99.


As a tame Brit I read this as trolling, but knowing that you have that crazy 30oz one in the States I'm inclined to believe it a little bit!

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I saw a massive Starbucks and decided that I approve of the changes


Not included in the report is that they will also be serving the new tentdue 32 oz. coffee, and the sessantquattro 64 oz. refillable mug for just $24.99.


As a tame Brit I read this as trolling, but knowing that you have that crazy 30oz one in the States I'm inclined to believe it a little bit!


Ahhhhh the refreshing taste of a trenta black tea lemonade, or two.

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Oh man, some awesome things are coming to Universal Orlando. I had no idea all these new restaurants were coming to the Citywalk. The Cowfish restaurant sounds like a unique place to eat. I hate to say this but thank you Comcast for sending all your money you earned by overcharging people for your non working cable to Universal to build awesome new things.

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Kinda bummed the Jekyll and Hyde thing didn't happen. That would be perfect for the "Themed atmosphere" of Orlando.



Agreed, however I am very happy with the new offerings that are coming. The hot dog place definitely sounds the most intriguing to me personally. Should be great changes ahead of City Walk.


The Potter stuff that was announced is also very good, though I guess as theme park nerds none of this felt really new or had a "wow" factor...yet. Once more details leak or are revealed about the Train and ride then we'll probably get the "holy crap you've done it again" look in our eyes.

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Kinda bummed the Jekyll and Hyde thing didn't happen. That would be perfect for the "Themed atmosphere" of Orlando.



Agreed, however I am very happy with the new offerings that are coming. The hot dog place definitely sounds the most intriguing to me personally. Should be great changes ahead of City Walk.


The Potter stuff that was announced is also very good, though I guess as theme park nerds none of this felt really new or had a "wow" factor...yet. Once more details leak or are revealed about the Train and ride then we'll probably get the "holy crap you've done it again" look in our eyes.



Agree, At least, Let's see the trains of the Gringott Bank Coaster

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Dodger Dogs in Orlando is always a good thing!


The real question is, where can one get a real beer that's not one of the big three at Uni now? Before answering, do your homework to see how many so called "craft beers" really aren't as they're made by the big three under an umbrella name!


Both the Hogs Head brew @ WWoHP and the Duff Beers are brewed by a local Florida microbrewery.

Edited by Jew
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