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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Engine looking great.


Lets see how the passenger cars will look like. A hard compromise between being true to the movie - having replicas of old coaches with 6-passenger compartments - or high capacity like at the Disney parks...


Also interesting if they will theme the outside of the railway. A ride around back- and parking-lots does not sound very "Harry Potter"-ish. EDIT: Wouldn't it be cool if the windows of the cars are in fact screens showing English landscape plus effects from the movies like dragons or something?

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Engine looking great.


Lets see how the passenger cars will look like. A hard compromise between being true to the movie - having replicas of old coaches with 6-passenger compartments - or high capacity like at the Disney parks...


Also interesting if they will theme the outside of the railway. A ride around back- and parking-lots does not sound very "Harry Potter"-ish. EDIT: Wouldn't it be cool if the windows of the cars are in fact screens showing English landscape plus effects from the movies like dragons or something?

I heard similar speculation and knowing how important it is, I could see them doing that. Maybe that 3D glass stuff I think they use in the Nintendo 3DS? It sounds like it would look realistic.

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I like how the train looks dirty and has the soot stains put along the top of the engine to make it look like it's done plenty of trips with "students" already, nice attention to detail for some reason I had just assumed that it'd be shiny looking and new as if it had just left the workshop.

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From everything I've read around the internet, it seems like the most realistic option plus the best way to disguise the fact that the trains are moving through a backstage area is having what are basically TV screens instead of real windows. That way, people only see what Universal wants them to see. Either way, it looks like I need to get back down to Florida in the near future to check out all the new HP options.

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I think it's quite an interesting power move, and really unprecedented. (or maybe I'm reading into it too much)


Unveiling a new e-ticket (maybe d-ticket?) that is only available to the upper tier ticket buyers? Seems bold. If the only way to experience this new attraction is to pony up for a more expensive ticket, I would expect anger and backlash.




I don't see it that way. I'm sure the experience will be fantastic but I'm not sure that many people will see it as a "ride". It's a convenient, fun and probably very technologically advanced way of getting between the two parks. I doubt people will get bent out of shape about not being able to ride it if they don't have a two park ticket because they will understand that the ride takes you to a different theme park, hence you need to pony up!


Either that or I'm overestimating the public again...

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I finished up my second trip to HHN this year last night. I went last Wednesday the 16th and last night the 24th. I have been wanting to go to HHN for years but lived in Tampa so always 'settled' for Howl-o-Scream. I have heard a lot about HHN for many years which probably hyped me up but I couldn't help but feel disappointed at first. Its only after I assessed my trips I realized the true differences between the two events. HHN has much more detailed houses based on actual movies/shows which are fantastic although they feel very short and really on a few true scares not startle scares. HOS seems to have longer, less detailed houses with more much more startle scares. I will admit I have not attended HOS this year but Thursdays at HOS in years past are extremely quite. Where as HHN Thursdays still rack up 140 minute waits through the night. Wednesdays are a bit quieter but it only opens to 12am which can really cut back on what you can experience. I have also given up on being scared in houses. I am not trying to prove how manly I am or any of that non sense as I truly would enjoy the adrenaline of getting scared but it just doesn't happen which is kind of disappointing for me and I hoped HHN would scare me due to all the hype surrounding it. I guess what I am trying to say is HOS and HHN are both very respectable events in my opinion with their own strengths and weaknesses but neither is 'better' than the other, IMO.


For those interested on how much I got done on each day. The Wednesday I managed to do 4 houses and all rides. Thursday I managed 7 houses and 3 rides. Both days without express passes.


Favorite houses this year;

1) American Werewolf in London- unanimous favorite among everyone in my groups

2) Evil Dead- Strictly for the sets and following the movie story line. Perfectly executed.

3) Llorona- I read up about the premise of this house on the forums and thoroughly enjoyed it.

4) Cabin in the Woods- Once again this house followed the story quite well with many noticeable scenes

5) Walking Dead- Mainly for the length of the house and the familiar props, however the walkers were not true to the show

6) Havoc 2- Having low expectations for this house definitely helped. Girls in my group got good scares throughout

7) After Life- I've never been a fan of 3D houses they all feel the same and every park has one...

8) Resident Evil- I'm not going to lie I have never played the games nor watched the movies. Felt lost in this one.



In regards to the Harry Potter expansion I have a friend who works at US and seems adamant that each 'train' has 500k in audio visuals. Take it for what its worth since he is only a ride op lol.


Also, does anyone have the drop height for RRR? I can't believe its 167 feet :/

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Optimus Prime is picking up where Harry Potter left off.


A new Transformers-themed thrill ride helped lift attendance and guest-spending at Universal Orlando this summer, the resort's parent company said Wednesday.


That in turn powered Comcast Corp.'s overall theme-park business to the strongest quarterly performance in its history, as operating cash flow — a measure of profitability — jumped 8.6 percent during the third quarter, from $316 million to $343 million.


Comcast said it was the largest quarterly operating cash flow ever produced by the NBCUniversal theme parks, which also include Universal Studios Hollywood in California and several international resorts. As recently as 2009 — the year before the opening of Universal Orlando's paradigm-shifting Wizarding World of Harry Potter — the business churned out about $400 million in operating cash flow for the entire year.


Jessica Reif Cohen, an analyst with Merrill Lynch, called the theme-park results "very impressive."


Though they were mostly an afterthought when Comcast acquired NBCUniversal from General Electric Co., the them parks have blossomed into a major profit center. Universal Parks & Resorts accounted for more than a quarter of NBCUniversal's total $1.3 billion operating cash flow for the quarter, making it the media company's second-most profitable business behind cable networks.


Philadelphia-based Comcast, the country's biggest cable provider, reported a companywide profit of just under $3 billion for the quarter, up 67 percent for the quarter. Total revenue was $16.5 billion, up about 2 percent.


Comcast executives were quick to point out that they expect even strong results next year, when they open a new Harry Potter land in Orlando. The second phase, dubbed "Diagon Alley," is being built in Universal Studios Florida and will be connected the original Wizarding World in Islands of Adventure by a train attraction. Comcast says it will open sometime in the spring.


Comcast Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Brian Roberts reminded analysts that next year will include opening the "much-anticipated Harry Potter II in Orlando."


Steve Burke, the NBCUniversal chief executive officer, told analysts that he was in Orlando last week to check on Potter's progress. He noted that the project has been timed to debut just after the first-quarter opening Universal's Cabana Bay Beach Resort, which will be the resort's fourth on-site hotel.


"We obviously have grown increasingly bullish about the theme-park business," Burke said.


Comcast has vowed to accelerate construction of new attractions in their theme parks, with a goal of opening new rides annually at both its East and West Coast resorts. The strategy was evident in the company's third-quarter financials, as NBCUniversal's total capital spending nearly quadrupled — from $75 million to $284 million — primarily because of theme-park projects.




Project Name: Garden Bridge at Universal Studios Orlando

Year: Current

Owner: Universal Studios

Location: Orland, FL, USA

Building Type: Commercial

Type: Intensive

System: Single Source Provider

Size: 3000 sq.ft.

Slope: 1%

Access: Accessible, Open to Public

Submitted by: Green Roof Service LLC


Designers/Manufacturers of Record:

Architect: Miles Architecture Group Inc.

Landscape Architect: Libra Design Group

Green Bridge Designer: Green Roof Service LLC

Drawings provided by Miles Architecture Group, Inc.


Modern green roof technology with comprehensive design and engineering solutions enables visitors to cross a busy four-lane highway without leaving the lush greening of a park. How cool is that?


The Garden Bridge at Universal Studios in Orlando is the first of its kind in Florida. Designed by Miles Architecture Group Inc., Libra Design Group and Green Roof Service LLC, the green bridge creates an innovative connection of Universal City developments. Selected ground covers, shrubs and trees escort pedestrians almost without notice that they are crossing over a busy highway. The distinctive landmark project is engineered with people in mind.


The Garden Bridge at Universal Studios Orlando project is approximately 3,000 sf (145' x between 18 and 25' wide). The bridge is designed to pond water in the granular drainage area to increase the water retention (a blue-green roof combination).


Unique projects require unique solutions. Keeping the costs for the structure low, the trees are located above the bridge's pillars. The walkway gently winds up to the bridge and over and is easy accessible for the handicapped or service carts.


This innovative green roof project is a mater piece of teamwork between architects, structural engineers, landscape architects and green roof professionals with an open mind and encouragement from the client for something different.


Construction will begin in early 2014. All drawings provided by Miles Architecture Group, Inc.





Coming off the heels of one of TNA’s highest-attended “Bound For Glory” Pay-Per-View events to date, TNA Wrestling announces a 24/7 cross-platform programming initiative, “Where Action Never Ends,” beginning today. Marking an evolution in the way fans experience professional wrestling, through this initiative, cameras will be rolling on the TNA superstars at live events, on the road and in their homes, giving viewers the chance to experience IMPACT Wrestling 24 hours a day/7 days a week.


How this will work: Fans will see compelling, “cameras everywhere” content infused into IMPACT Live on Spike TV every Thursday from 9-11 p.m. ET. For the remaining 166 hours of the week until the next show, they will also have the chance to see many of the wrestlers they love and storylines they follow unfold as this exclusive content filmed during the week will be presented online at www.impactwrestling.com, on social channels including YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, as well as a variety of new distribution channels in the coming months.


A longtime valued partner, Universal Studios in Orlando, Fla, will serve as the hub for TNA’s revolutionized programming strategy with shows primarily taping at their location, along with some IMPACT shows that will be filmed on the road from different markets. The first IMPACT show scheduled from Orlando will air live on November 21.


“The way that people view television has dramatically shifted, and it is incumbent upon us to deliver a modern, revolutionized way of watching professional wrestling to our fans,” said President Dixie Carter. “Our reality is that we only have 82 minutes of programming each week and a large roster of talented professionals that deserve more exposure. With our new ‘Where Action Never Ends’ creative direction, we will deliver just that for both them and the fans.”

Carter continued, “Bringing live events to our fans across the globe will remain a vital element of TNA’s business; however, our renewed focus, as it relates to our television programming, will shift from live event touring to 24/7 show content, so that fans can really get to know our talent. And, in making Orlando’s Universal Studios our programming hub, we have the powerful combination of state-of-the art production facilities and incredible soundstages that will make it easier for us to launch this new production-intensive initiative. We will also be working with Universal to develop new and creative ways for park guests and fans from around the world to experience a unique TNA attraction.”


“Universal Studios Florida Production Group is pleased to be TNA Wrestling’s partner as it launches its 24/7 cross-platform initiative ‘Where Action Never Ends’,” said Pamela Tuscany, Vice President and General Manager, Universal Studios Florida Production Group. “We look forward to the successful launch of ‘Where Action Never Ends’ giving viewers the chance to experience IMPACT Wrestling 24 hours a day/7 days a week.”


Along with a refreshed creative approach, several new characters will be announced in the coming months. In recent weeks, fans have already seen Ethan Carter III (EC3) and Lei’D Tapa, TNA’s newest Knockout. Universal Studios will also serve as the primary training facility for TNA talent moving forward, providing the opportunity to train and develop talent on an ongoing basis.


The strength and success of TNA’s programming worldwide is at an all-time high. TNA Wrestling ratings around the world are seeing significant increases particularly in important international television markets such as the UK and Germany where the show is the number one wrestling program on television. Additionally, TNA recently inked new deals with distribution partners in Portugal and New Zealand, renewed a multi-year deal in France, and recently-launched programming in India is performing beyond expectation.


“A decade ago, TNA started as a Pay-Per-View only company only and has grown into a global success. I am more excited than ever about our ‘Where Action Never Ends’ creative direction and what will become the next evolution of professional wrestling,” said Carter.

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It seems like each year since Comcast has taken over Universal Orlando has been making profit. I really like the look of the bridge they are going to build as well. I wonder how long the walk will be from the new resort to the parks.

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This is all good news. It seems like they really care about improving and expanding the park in ways that not only introduce fun new rides, but introduce small things that make the guest experience a little more enjoyable such as this new landscaped bridge. I'm excited to try out all the new stuff the next time I get back there. By then Harry Potter Diagon Alley will be open, I have yet to try out Transformers, Simpsons Land happened, and all these small improvements around both parks are happening. Exciting times.

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Finally getting around to my HHN review:


1. American Warewolf in London: Fantastic! The puppets were incredible, the sets were great (loved the scale of the tube station and city sets), and the performers were on point. Easily the winner of the night.


2. Resident Evil: I loved this one for the scale of the sets (was that the helicopter from Kong towards the end?) and that the scenes weren't all about scares. I personally enjoyed all the scenes with the RPD vs. zombies and you just being in the middle. The ending scene was fun too.


3. Evil Dead: Did a great job translating the movie. Performers were good. Only downside was the ending. Talk about raining blood, but then raining blood?!?


4. La Llorna: having seen this for two years in Hollywood, I understood the story and really enjoyed it. Great sets and scares. Basically took Hollywood's version and made it bigger.


5. Walking Dead: I haven't seen the show, so I can't fully appreciate all the scenes. Thought it was a solid maze, and really liked the part where you had to get lower to get through. Lost some points for me because unlike Hollywoods version (which could stand on its own as a zombie prison without the WD theme), I felt this one was too WD specific so I didn't fully understand everything.


6. Cabin in the Woods: Great sets. Too short. Touched on the key points of the movie and did great, but felt short and not enough scares. Could have been because we went through early.


7. Havoc: I actually liked the train theme. Made for some good tight space scares. Really liked that the performers had gun props that looked real. Just another one that felt short.


8. Afterlife: Seriously. WTF. Very loose theme of electrocution, but mostly weak 3D effects. Was disappointed.

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Just to echo 4 more votes for american werewolf in london .also loved the 3d maze had no idea were were. Seen Hogwarts express on track Thursday night as we came out of one of the mazes ,by Friday afternoon could see 4 carriages on track from dragons challenge.


Stu k

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I have recently been to Universal IOA and rode Hulk. I have recorded the acceleration using my phone. After a bit of data processing (normalizing the axes) I got this graph.


I have 10 different readings, this is just one of them. There are lots of error sources, including a few samples that are clipped (acceleration was over the sensor limit). I do have data for the blue track of the Dragon Challenge, Manta and Kraken, but I haven't looked at it yet.


A few observations:


Maximum total acceleration: about 3.5G

Maximum lateral acceleration: less than 1G

Maximum forward acceleration: a bit over 1.5G (at launch)

Actual ride length: about 45 seconds


I am wondering if this was done before


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Interesting. I assume that, given that there is forward acceleration throughout the ride, you didn't sit in the middle, right?


I don't see how forward acceleration can be influenced greatly by the seat on the ride.


There are 5 distinct changes in the forward acceleration:


1: the train leaves

2: ascending part (because the inclination changes the gravitational acceleration component is present on the movement direction)

3: launch

4: first stop

5: complete stop


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Looks like most of the ones we do with our accelerometers. Yours seems to have more noise reduction compared to ours, and we haven't really bothered with normalization as well, so ours still needs work before they look as good as the ones you posted.

Not sure how many logs we have at the moment, but I guess that we have logged 300-400 coasters so far.


Here is for instance SD2K

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Looks like most of the ones we do with our accelerometers. Yours seems to have more noise reduction compared to ours, and we haven't really bothered with normalization as well, so ours still needs work before they look as good as the ones you posted.

Here is for instance SD2K


I used https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lul.accelerometer&hl=en on my Nexus 4. Every point plotted is an average of 10 readings. One reading was taken every 20 ms. Graph was done using google docs.


Are your logs available anywhere? What accelerometer did you use? How is it connected to the ride?


I think normalization is pretty important, and is not hard to do.

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